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3 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Fried eggs are shite.

Maybe not doing them right? They can be very bland and taste of nothing but oil but good ones, seasoned well, cooked in good oil (eg rapeseed) and then covered with butter once nearly cooked are ace. 

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1 hour ago, Highland Capital said:

There was a poster on here who had hundreds of posts almost solely in the Madeleine McCann thread.  They also only seem to reappear on this site when the story is back in the news.  Being interested in it as a news story is understandable but there seems to be people who've become absolutely obsessed with it.  Again almost all of them are those who've already decided what the outcome they want is and then make all the evidence fit that outcome.

Yeah that guy supports Hibs iirc but can’t remember his name. I got into a heated debate about the Mcann case with the Monster during lockdown which were followed by accusations that I was Gerry Mcann on here (which I strongly denied) and then I took it over to twitter where I was absolutely descended on by a group of around 30 individuals who literally spend every waking minute of their lives discussing the case and hounding anyone who doesn’t believe the parents were responsible. I would like to know what happened there obviously but having a case like that completely occupy your life is not healthy.

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20 minutes ago, Pato said:

Not sure you can separate the two things so neatly. Owning a dog means generating a lot of litter. I'd be surprised if the majority of owners wash and take the labels off every tin of pedigree chum, so inevitably some of that will get rejected at recycling plant sorting machines and end up in landfill. Then there's the 'irresponsible minority' that hang their bags of shite on every tree within 100 yards of the car park of every walk I've been on in the last year.

A cow emits about 2 tonnes of CO2 a year, and dogs and cats etc eat about 1/5 of all farmed meat.


If you micro-analyse every aspect of life to this degree you'd be as well going to live in a cave.

Just now, Shandon Par Decorator said:

Maybe not doing them right? They can be very bland and taste of nothing but oil but good ones, seasoned well, cooked in good oil (eg rapeseed) and then covered with butter once nearly cooked are ace. 

Oh no the taste was completely overpowering and ruined a good pair of rolls. Not for me.

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55 minutes ago, Shandon Par Decorator said:

Maybe not doing them right? They can be very bland and taste of nothing but oil but good ones, seasoned well, cooked in good oil (eg rapeseed) and then covered with butter once nearly cooked are ace. 

Use sesame oil for a bit of extra flavour.

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I dunno, it casts things in a new light when you read a bit about stuff like this. 100 years ago there were only 20 million people in the whole UK, it's triple that now. It was probably fine for everyone to have a dog if they wanted one then,  is it still reasonable now?
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1 hour ago, Pato said:

I dunno, it casts things in a new light when you read a bit about stuff like this. 100 years ago there were only 20 million people in the whole UK, it's triple that now. It was probably fine for everyone to have a dog if they wanted one then,  is it still reasonable now?

What do you think happened to the population of the rest of the world in that time?

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A fried egg is an essential part of a breakfast, but the worst type of egg otherwise.

Also, the world has gone to shit since Rum & Raisin and Peach Melba stopped being some of the universally-available ice cream flavours, and I feel there may be a connection.

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2 hours ago, Pato said:

I dunno, it casts things in a new light when you read a bit about stuff like this. 100 years ago there were only 20 million people in the whole UK, it's triple that now. It was probably fine for everyone to have a dog if they wanted one then,  is it still reasonable now?

I think dog ownership has rocketed proportionally too. When I was a youngster maybe about 1 in 10 families in my estate had a dog. Now it feels like closer to half. 

I take @mishtergrolsch's point about them not being as environmentally horrendous as humans, but they're still pretty bad. There's also the cruelty of breeding, and the aforementioned inconsiderate pish of leaving shite and dog detritus a'where.

So aye. Too many dags. 

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People thinking their love of a nations flag has any impact on their life are complete weapons who should be taken out the back and let go. The absolute puddle drinkers on social media that wrap themselves in the Union Jack, Saltire or EU flags are all people who should not be allowed to breed.

Thinking about this
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56 minutes ago, velo army said:

I think dog ownership has rocketed proportionally too. When I was a youngster maybe about 1 in 10 families in my estate had a dog. Now it feels like closer to half. 

I take @mishtergrolsch's point about them not being as environmentally horrendous as humans, but they're still pretty bad. There's also the cruelty of breeding, and the aforementioned inconsiderate pish of leaving shite and dog detritus a'where.

So aye. Too many dags. 

To be fair, there's a lot less dog shit on the pavements than in previous decades. In the 80s it was considered normal to leave dog shite on the pavement. In the 90s we were told to kerb our dogs, ie drag them over to the kerb so that they would curl one down into the gutter.

It's only since around 2000 that people have scooped up the turds.

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7 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

To be fair, there's a lot less dog shit on the pavements than in previous decades. In the 80s it was considered normal to leave dog shite on the pavement. In the 90s we were told to kerb our dogs, ie drag them over to the kerb so that they would curl one down into the gutter.

It's only since around 2000 that people have scooped up the turds.

It was also normal for humans to pish on the terraces and even at the bar in some of the least salubrious pubs until a few decades ago. 

Edited by vikingTON
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11 minutes ago, Pato said:

why would it matter?

You've stolen my next answer.

What's the point in worrying about the carbon emissions of a single dog relative to the population of Britain over the past century when the rest of the world has contained literally billions of people producing billions' worth of dogs over that time?

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5 minutes ago, Pato said:

Because we're a wealthy country where pet ownership has a substantial environmental impact, compared to your average street mutt in Lagos.

The other people and dogs didn't mean dogs literally. If I own a dog now, there's a lot more things going on in the rest of the world having a bigger impact on the environment than my dog. 

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There's also the cruelty of breeding 

That's not a dog problem, that's a human problem. There's a superfluity of dogs conceived without human coercion in Europe. No reason why people in Scotland can't have mongrels as pets.

The boom in dog ownership is driven by fashion. There'll be a correction once they cease to be en vogue. Environmental efforts are best aimed at enacting structural change with permanent benefits.
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