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They are only smelly when they have shat themselves tbh. Adults have that, plus various other unpleasant odour potential. Id contend adults are much smellier than babies.
Tbf most adults don't shit themselves but I agree some smell horrific.
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14 hours ago, Aufc said:


Fair enough. This is only an example but he used the example of someone who is overweight. They are not overweight because they are depressed. They are depressed because they are overweight. The only person who can help them here is themselves. There is a very good chance that, once they lose weight, they will feel a lot better.


Please tell me you don't, on any level, believe this shite?

This isn't an unpopular opinion like "slow cookers are rubbish." This is an unpopular opinion like "fire doesn't hurt you."

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Please tell me you don't, on any level, believe this shite?
This isn't an unpopular opinion like "slow cookers are rubbish." This is an unpopular opinion like "fire doesn't hurt you."

His views are obviously rather extreme however I am a big advocate of exercise creating a healthy body and mind. Of course, it is not a one fit all solution, but if someone is feeling down because they are overweight then getting some structure in their life that will allow them to get some exercise to lose weight will, in my opinion, go a decent way to improving their mental health.
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1 hour ago, Aufc said:

His views are obviously rather extreme however I am a big advocate of exercise creating a healthy body and mind. Of course, it is not a one fit all solution, but if someone is feeling down because they are overweight then getting some structure in their life that will allow them to get some exercise to lose weight will, in my opinion, go a decent way to improving their mental health.


Add me to the list of posters calling bullshit on this. I also notice you’ve also moved the goalposts from depressed and needing medication to “feeling down”.
There’s a massive industry built on the premise that people are unhappy because they’re overweight when, as many others have pointed out, people are more likely to be overweight because they’re unhappy. 
Focusing solely on weight ignores the cause and is never going to be a solution. Losing any weight isn’t going to make them happier and they’ll also struggle to lose weight because the main cause of their unhappiness is still there. 
By all means, promote exercise as a means to improve mental health but not because it might help people feel happier through weight loss.

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Look, nobody is disagreeing with you that exercise is good and makes people feel better. That’s common knowledge and has been for years. 

What people here are taking exception to is your ignorant assertion that mental illness is nothing more than a character defect.  That we need to stop telling mentally ill people they don’t have a disease and start telling them it’s their own fault. That if they just worked by harder they’d feel better.

Or that they need to be told to start exercising. That’s as stupid as telling an anorexic they should start eating more. 

Would you tell someone in a wheelchair that if they just got up and ran about they’d feel better. No? Then don’t say it to someone suffering from depression. We KNOW it would be good for us but what you don’t understand is that some days, just getting out of bed takes everything we’ve got. 

The views you’re expressing aren’t simply “unpopular” or “obviously rather extreme”. They’re antiquated, ignorant and dangerous. 

And if, after everything you’ve been told, you still think depression is nothing more than “feeling down”, then I suggest you do some reading on the topic. 

You can start here:

 What is depression?

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His views are obviously rather extreme however I am a big advocate of exercise creating a healthy body and mind. Of course, it is not a one fit all solution, but if someone is feeling down because they are overweight then getting some structure in their life that will allow them to get some exercise to lose weight will, in my opinion, go a decent way to improving their mental health.
Normally we'd consider removing such ignorant, dangerous, views.

But the self policing by others so decisively shooting them down seems better to me.
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Comedian John Finnemore’s take on it…



Man: “Alright Sam. Haven’t seen you around for a bit, how’ve you been?”
Sam: “Yeah. Yeah ok not too bad.”
Man: “Ah as good as that?”
Sam: “Well... it’s alright, I’ve just been a bit depressed recently.”
Man: “Yeah I get sad sometimes.”
Sam: “It’s not- well I mean I’ve been suffering from depression.“
Man: “Yeah that’s what I get. Often what it turns out is I’m hungry.”
Sam: “Yeah?”
Man: “Yeah, yeah Denise will spot it. She’ll go ‘god you’ve got a face like a slapped arse have a banana’. And you know, she’s right, cheers me right up. Have you tried that?”
Sam: “Having a banana?”
Man: “Or whatever.”
Sam: “No.”
Man: “Give it a go. Oh and I’ll tell you the other thing, eh, go for a run.”
Sam: “You do that, do you?”
Man: “No I never get sad enough to bother. But you know I definitely heard it makes you happier. It’s like a known scientific thing. It’s got a name, it’s eh jogger’s eh, jogger’s, I want to say nipple.”
Sam: “Jogger’s high?”
Man: “That’s right yeah! Yeah releases the dolphins in the system or something.”
Sam: “Releases the dolphins?”
Man: “Yeah I think so. Don’t know why they call it that. I suppose it’s because dolphins are always smiling, aren’t they.”
Sam: “Yeah. Yeah they are. So your advice is next time I feel the depression sinking over me, go for a run to the chip shop.”
Man: “Yeah! Good thinking! Double whammy! You’ll cheer right up!”
(beep beep – beep beep)
Man: “Oh yeah well looks like that’s the end of the session so eh same time next week?”


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On 24/06/2021 at 10:03, Rugster said:

This is more nonsense. There will be plenty of people who are overweight because they are depressed. Depression can cause comfort/binge eating.

Nobody ever got obese from binge eating carrots or lettuce. The causation is all on one side of the relationship in this case. 

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18 hours ago, Shotgun said:


1. "We need to stop telling people it's a disease."
Mental illness IS a fucking disease. More people need to hear this, not less.

No, 'mental illness' is not a disease but rather an umbrella term for countless conditions. Schizophrenia, for example, is a specific, definable and (to some degree) treatable disease.

'Mental health/wellbeing' has also been thrown into the mix and used so often that significant psychiatric diseases are being conflated with 'cannae be arsed today' in public debate. 

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1 hour ago, Funky Nosejob said:

There’s a massive industry built on the premise that people are unhappy because they’re overweight when, as many others have pointed out, people are more likely to be overweight because they’re unhappy. 

Hence the sky-high obesity rates of the impoverished developing world. 

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17 hours ago, Empty It said:

Babies aren't cute, they're bald, noisy, smelly arseholes. Nobody wants to see your child on Facebook or anywhere else.

I have a brutal '5 consecutive kids photo posts and you're on the ignore but stay friends list'.  No exceptions.

My colleague sent me a WhatsApp photo of her new born the other day and it took every bit of will power not to reply with "very good".  Photo just reminded me of the baby in Trainspotting, but with a bit more colour.

One of the few great things about lockdown has been the ability to dodge the new parents with kids too young to be interesting (and all they do is talk about the kid anyway).

... and yes, I'm a terrible person.

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I have a brutal '5 consecutive kids photo posts and you're on the ignore but stay friends list'.  No exceptions.
My colleague sent me a WhatsApp photo of her new born the other day and it took every bit of will power not to reply with "very good".  Photo just reminded me of the baby in Trainspotting, but with a bit more colour.
One of the few great things about lockdown has been the ability to dodge the new parents with kids too young to be interesting (and all they do is talk about the kid anyway).
... and yes, I'm a terrible person.
Thankfully I don't use Facebook just the messenger and hadn't realised Facebook messenger stories is a thing until recently and it's just full of people posting pictures of their children.
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