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Just now, Margaret Thatcher said:

Is Hagrid a giant? I just thought he was a big human/wizard.

Half giant.

Wizard father and giant mother.

How the f**k can I remember the backstory of half the Harry Potter books but not any of the Spanish I spent three years learning?

Edited by AsimButtHitsASix
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Right lads, steady here. While I’m no massive Harry Potter fan Hagrid was a definite gid c**t. Boy used kept all the mad animals and had a heart of gold. Would given away his three headed dog to keep everyone safe.

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38 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

Right lads, steady here. While I’m no massive Harry Potter fan Hagrid was a definite gid c**t. Boy used kept all the mad animals and had a heart of gold. Would given away his three headed dog to keep everyone safe.

He also pumped Miss Jones from Rising Damp if I remember correctly.

Something Rigsby never managed.

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I read the first Potter. It was ok I suppose but I think Terry Pratchett has ten times the wit and intelligence of Potter.

And JK Rowling is a boot.


That's "boot" in the sense of highly skilled and professional author who has brought delight to millions of children. Hiya JK's lawyers, hiya pals!


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I read the first Potter. It was ok I suppose but I think Terry Pratchett has ten times the wit and intelligence of Potter.
And JK Rowling is a boot.
Spoiler That's "boot" in the sense of highly skilled and professional author who has brought delight to millions of children. Hiya JK's lawyers, hiya pals!
Aye I get the impression JK Rowling is a right snooty bitch.
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3 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:
3 hours ago, tamthebam said:
I read the first Potter. It was ok I suppose but I think Terry Pratchett has ten times the wit and intelligence of Potter.
And JK Rowling is a boot.
Spoiler That's "boot" in the sense of highly skilled and professional author who has brought delight to millions of children. Hiya JK's lawyers, hiya pals!

Aye I get the impression JK Rowling is a right snooty bitch and utter filth.


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Because it's the behaviour of racist morons? Just a hunch...

People should be free to be whichever colour they want to be, without the risk of closed-minded people screaming “racist” at them. Shame on them.

This is the next big issue now the gender thing is out there. Elephant in the room.
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Half giant.

Wizard father and giant mother.

How the f**k can I remember the backstory of half the Harry Potter books but not any of the Spanish I spent three years learning?

How do you pump a giant? The mechanics of that deserve to be the subject of another book. Working title can be Sausage up a Close.

What pick-up line did Hagrid’s dad use?
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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:


How do you pump a giant? The mechanics of that deserve to be the subject of another book. Working title can be Sausage up a Close.

What pick-up line did Hagrid’s dad use?


Crawl inside with a dirty mag?

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The writing is pretty basic stuff and the plot is a fairly boilerplate "Fantasy Most Important Person In the Universe Has a Mission" type trope. It's basically Star wars without the good bits, right down to how the characters fit into those roles:
Harry = Luke (Most Important Person in the Universe with a Destiny)
Ron = Han (Right hand man and general comic relief, gets the girl)
Hermione = Leia (Only significant female presence, actually smarter and more capable than the MIP)
Haggard = Chewie ( Big hairy b*****d with no discernable point beyond providing a non human - giant and Wookie - character)
Snape = Vader (Real baddie's right hand man, sinister c**t with a heart of gold with weird familial connection to our Most Important Person)
Voldermort = Palpatine (Real baddie. Pale skinned and barely in the story at all, both get dinged by their own Hubris)
Is exactly right.

On top of that, every plot device and piece of magic is stolen from something else. I remember reading them to my kids, thinking "oh that's from Greek mythology... that's the Eton wall game... that's from Clash of the bloody Titans."

The books are great for kids who've never come across all this stuff before, the writing is simple and readable and the characters are what these days they call relatable. They've done more to get kids reading proper books than any education initiative ever. But it's not for adults.

Anyone who wants to read this stuff done well should choose the Wizard of Earthsea series instead. The writing is sublime.
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