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12 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Weddings should be filed with work events under Organised Fun.

In the same way I really cannot be bothered with New Year and the “forced fun” and expectation of having the time of your life, when it’s usually a long night in the house regurgitating the same Hogmanay format & chat you have every year with the same family folk, or you go out to the freezing cold to pay a fortune to see a few fireworks and shake hands with folk who’d happily walk past you any other time of the year.

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51 minutes ago, deegee said:

In the same way I really cannot be bothered with New Year and the “forced fun” and expectation of having the time of your life, when it’s usually a long night in the house regurgitating the same Hogmanay format & chat you have every year with the same family folk, or you go out to the freezing cold to pay a fortune to see a few fireworks and shake hands with folk who’d happily walk past you any other time of the year.

^^^My kind of guy.

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1 hour ago, deegee said:

In the same way I really cannot be bothered with New Year and the “forced fun” and expectation of having the time of your life, when it’s usually a long night in the house regurgitating the same Hogmanay format & chat you have every year with the same family folk, or you go out to the freezing cold to pay a fortune to see a few fireworks and shake hands with folk who’d happily walk past you any other time of the year.

I genuinely hate new year's eve. I'm generally quite a sociable person, but new year does my head in.

I hate the stupid p***ks who are out shouting happy new year at people or wanting to shake your hand or hug you for no reason. Away and get to absolute f**k.

For me it's filed alongside Halloween as a night for utter, utter cretins out doing what they think they should do, even though it's utter shite.

Fortunately, the missus feels the same about it, so we just get a good carry out in and ignore it.

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Just now, VincentGuerin said:

I genuinely hate new year's eve. I'm generally quite a sociable person, but new year does my head in.

I hate the stupid p***ks who are out shouting happy new year at people or wanting to shake your hand or hug you for no reason. Away and get to absolute f**k.

For me it's filed alongside Halloween as a night for utter, utter cretins out doing what they think they should do, even though it's utter shite.

Fortunately, the missus feels the same about it, so we just get a good carry out in and ignore it.

I used to love it. Growing up it was a party. Visiting neighbour's houses in the early hours, taking a bag of drink. It all died out in the 90s though. 

Now it is just a festival of rotten TV. 

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4 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:


If it takes a wedding for all of your mates to have a great time together then perhaps you're not such good mates after all.

I've had decent times at weddings, but generally better, more memorable times with mates outwith weddings. Wedding invitations are like drawing the Old Firm in the cup: exciting at first but eventually a rigmarole you can't really be fucked with almost identical to the previous time.

What a strange post, nobody has said anything like what you’ve insinuated in the first paragraph. Weddings are just another event that all your mates attend and are therefore good fun. You’re also allowed to have good nights out with mates separate to weddings.

Bizarre stuff.

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What a strange post, nobody has said anything like what you’ve insinuated in the first paragraph. Weddings are just another event that all your mates attend and are therefore good fun. You’re also allowed to have good nights out with mates separate to weddings.
Bizarre stuff.
But people have listed having all your mates around as the best part of it. You don't need a wedding to do that so I don't really see what they offer.
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5 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:
6 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:


But people have listed having all your mates around as the best part of it. You don't need a wedding to do that so I don't really see what they offer.

You pretty much do need a wedding for anyone with a real circle of friends, that therefore includes some folk who work/live elsewhere, some with kids and everyone with other social engagements - and work - to juggle as well. 

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There can be no doubt that Hogmanay has went massively downhill and is a shadow of its former self, but can anyone pinpoint how or why this happened? my memory is of it going downhill after the millennium which was always going to be hard to beat. but I wisny that auld then and I did enjoy a good few parties up until 9 or 10 year ago when it seemed to die a death completely. thoughts?

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3 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

There can be no doubt that Hogmanay has went massively downhill and is a shadow of its former self, but can anyone pinpoint how or why this happened? my memory is of it going downhill after the millennium which was always going to be hard to beat. but I wisny that auld then and I did enjoy a good few parties up until 9 or 10 year ago when it seemed to die a death completely. thoughts?

I think it died away in the 90s. Remember first footing in the early 90s when I was 12 or 13 with my parents and siblings. Folk we didn't see all year would come to us as well. Jive Bunny playing on the record player. By the late 90s it had stopped. 

As to why, I really don't know. I blame Jive Bunny. 

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This is a good question, when did Hogmanay stop being special?

I think that having a huge all night bevvy up used to be seen as something very special and out of the ordinary but the binge drinking culture of the 90s made it pretty normal.

I think commercialisation has also changed things. Hogmanay used to be considered more important a holiday in Scotland than Christmas - my grandparents didn’t have a full day off on Christmas Day and up until the mid 1970s a full football card was played on the 25th. Now Christmas is universally the most important holiday and that’s changed how people see Hogmanay.

Commercialisation has also changed the Hogmanay celebrations. The street party in Edinburgh used to be free and was a gathering of people to have a drink and celebrate. Now it’s a ticketed concert and really pushed towards tourism. Even things like the Loony Dook, which was a small local event in South Queensferry, is now a commercial, ticketed concern.

The move away from Hogmanay being something that people participate in with their family, friends and neighbours to being a commercial experience that you pay for and then expect to occur probably explains what it seems less special. That or we are all just getting old.

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16 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:
16 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
What a strange post, nobody has said anything like what you’ve insinuated in the first paragraph. Weddings are just another event that all your mates attend and are therefore good fun. You’re also allowed to have good nights out with mates separate to weddings.
Bizarre stuff.

But people have listed having all your mates around as the best part of it. You don't need a wedding to do that so I don't really see what they offer.

That’s a terrible argument that could be used for any event though. Nobody has argued that weddings are good because they are the only source of fun with your mates, so the above argument doesn’t really make sense as a way to suggest weddings aren’t good.

You can have fun with mates in loads of circumstances - a wedding being a prime example where everyone is brought together and in a great celebratory mood.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Alli said:

Mind when yi used to just wander the streets chappin' doors and goin in hooses whar yi didna ken anybuhdy but it wis new year an yiz ah just got oan?

Nah, me neither. Fucking weirdo behaviour.



I did that. Until I actually watched one guy in abject terror, trying to smile his way through a teenage invasion of his house, wondering when it would get trashed or vomited on.

There wasn't much joy involved and those with any sense stopped it.

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3 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

If being invited to and attending a wedding is not a joyful thing then what is? Weddings are a great do.

Unless it's a Chinese wedding - they call it the red bomb as it's expensive i.e. costs a bomb.  The couple hope to get enough money from the guests to cover the cost of the wedding.  In itself it's fine but they take it too far and make it clear it's expected that the "entrance fee" should be x amount.  I've only been to one as I rubbered the 2nd as I couldn't be arsed with it - despite not going one of my colleagues, a Chinese-Canadian told me not so discretely that I still had to pay under Chinese culture.  Thank f**k I'm not Chinese then was my reply. I had intended to give the money but this attitude hacked me off big time.

Here in the Philippines we've been to a few and they're pretty casual, no need to wear a suit etc.  The purvey can vary from OK to OK+ but usually it's a free bar so all in all a good do. 

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