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The Falkirk FC Thread

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35 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I will have to offer up my apologies to the board lads. As a bored football fan offering the odd rambling muse on people who play for my team and the reasons why they may have been signed on, I got carried away and stepped outside my remit. 1

Nah you were just posting filler for no reason based on zero evidence.

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In the grand scheme of things it is not that bad. 
For me, it just seems part of this general lowering of standards in so many professions, and in particular, journalism. There is nothing wrong with being creative but there is a line between creativity and insulting your readership's intelligence.
Alternatively, I might be a greetin face auld shite. 

I agree the fall in professional standards is appalling with the exception of teachers labor and SNP councilors, doctors nurses and librarians ( basically any of my family) although I suspect the article was aimed at the fitba punters who don’t have sufficient intellect to insult .
Your not a greeting faced auld shite at all you just need to take such poor journalism with a pinch of salt it was never really intended as a serious piece it was just an observation that the league is relatively tight . Talking of the falling of standards though as somebody who can remember taking my rattle to the games how do you consider the general behavior of fans compares to yesteryear has it deteriorated or improved.
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21 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

I agree the fall in professional standards is appalling with the exception of teachers labor and SNP councilors, doctors nurses and librarians ( basically any of my family) although I suspect the article was aimed at the fitba punters who don’t have sufficient intellect to insult .
Your not a greeting faced auld shite at all you just need to take such poor journalism with a pinch of salt it was never really intended as a serious piece it was just an observation that the league is relatively tight . Talking of the falling of standards though as somebody who can remember taking my rattle to the games how do you consider the general behavior of fans compares to yesteryear has it deteriorated or improved.

It's a difficult thing to quantify, I can only comment on my experiences from the 70s  until now, but I would say the general behaviour has improved, most of the behaviors are still there, but they are not as common as they were in yesteryear, which I would say is largely due to the controls that have been put in place by many clubs (not all). and crowd dynamics.

Most clubs encourage that 'family' atmosphere (as do most pubs it seems) and you just have to compare the ratio of men/women/children of today with yesteryear to see how our crowds have changed, and that seems to have helped curb a lot of the extreme behaviours. For example, getting thrown out, or even a warning, for swearing would never have  happened in my youth, no one would even bat an eyelid, but I have witnessed on many occasions in the last few years of people being told by stewards to ' mind your language', invariably accompanied by 'there's wimmin n weans here'.

The alcohol ban has made a huge difference, and not allowing steaming drunk people into the ground helps too. No pishing against the Hope Street end wall is obviously down circumstances, would fans nowadays pish against a convenient wall if we had one, absolutely they would. 

It is so difficult to narrow to specific things. Like the dart throwing fad from way back, while that seems to have stopped, is it replaced by something equally stupid?

In general I would say behaviour has improved. 

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You will have noticed that, particularly in Scotland, journalists of any kind seldom ask the difficult questions. Andrew Neil got so much publicity during the election precisely because he did what the others fail to do week in week out.
Neil got caught out making shit up!
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