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36 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

No it’s mine. I’m suggesting the most important thing in any deal for a player is money. Mr Dust is suggesting things like the level they will be playing at come into consideration before money. 

I confess that I haven't read every word of your debate but what you say here is the gist that I got.

So, as far as I can make out, he's suggesting that the guy came back from China on less money to play at a better level, therefore, money was not his most important consideration. Apologies if I've misinterpreted. 

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Been following Falkirk for 10 years now and on One F or here for most of that. Every year, every single year there's been people saying they're not going to games in protest at this, that or the other. Some folk are really good at finding excuses for not being there.

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13 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

I confess that I haven't read every word of your debate but what you say here is the gist that I got.

So, as far as I can make out, he's suggesting that the guy came back from China on less money to play at a better level, therefore, money was not his most important consideration. Apologies if I've misinterpreted. 

Yes he has used that example to support the claim that money is not the most important factor. I guess in that particular case he is probably right but the only reason for being in China in the first place was money 🤷🏼‍♂️. If you want out of China then a pay cut is inevitable.

I think it’s fair to say a massive majority go where they are being paid the most money regardless of other factors. I also think it’s fair to say that money becomes more important when guys are being paid hundreds of pounds a week (and have bills to pay) as opposed to hundreds of thousands a week (and could buy a new house off every pay cheque). Yet even at the top level I am struggling to think of many examples where players aren’t motivated by money. 

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15 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

Been following Falkirk for 10 years now and on One F or here for most of that. Every year, every single year there's been people saying they're not going to games in protest at this, that or the other. Some folk are really good at finding excuses for not being there.

^^^ just wants two hours out the house every fortnight

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5 hours ago, JulioBairn said:


Money will always be the deciding factor in where players go.


13 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:


I think it’s fair to say a massive majority go where they are being paid the most money regardless of other factors. 

I will sign out now without nit picking other points you made and there is still google to see many players/coaches and managers who have chosen various factors than just money.

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1 hour ago, JulioBairn said:

Yes he has used that example to support the claim that money is not the most important factor. I guess in that particular case he is probably right but the only reason for being in China in the first place was money 🤷🏼‍♂️. If you want out of China then a pay cut is inevitable.

I think it’s fair to say a massive majority go where they are being paid the most money regardless of other factors. I also think it’s fair to say that money becomes more important when guys are being paid hundreds of pounds a week (and have bills to pay) as opposed to hundreds of thousands a week (and could buy a new house off every pay cheque). Yet even at the top level I am struggling to think of many examples where players aren’t motivated by money. 

Well, when broken down, I've got to say that I think you're actually agreeing with each other.

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2 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

Well, when broken down, I've got to say that I think you're actually agreeing with each other.

Of course money is the driving factor for a professional football player. Followed by playing at the highest level your skill set can be competitive at. Would think winning trophies, playing for the team you support and representing your country would be looked on as a bonus.

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11 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


It ain't "sanctimonious pish" if someone is accusing people of strengthening your opponents by only going to away games. People have made their choice this season. I respect people who chose to go and they should have the good grace to have respect the other way.

If we are in a league 1 next season it will be a lot more not renewing sadly.

Not sure where you are getting 15k from. 500 less at an average £190 is a lot more than that.


The AGM.  I was surprised at how low it was but given how busy the south stand is it seems about right.  Also not that many of us are paying at the cash gate.

Agree there will be a big drop off next season if we don't go up but that's only natural and won't be down to any sort of protest. 

FWIW, I'm absolutely scunnered with the club and honestly thought I'd seen it all before now - I just don't think staying away this Saturday will have any impact. 

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Like lots on here I’m pretty hacked off with the Board but the current BOD are just the current custodians of FFC and, hopefully, whilst Directors and shareholders come and go, FFC, the company will continue.

Therefore, to me, I can’t see the point in withholding support as things will change for the better, albeit it might take time.

Everyone to their own opinion but really, we need all the support we can get and, realistically a few dissenters makes no difference.

Ive had a meeting with Gary Deans and am impressed but, obviously, time will tell.

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29 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

realistically a few dissenters makes no difference.

You're right. And that's the issue. Because there are countless posters on here who profess to be desperate, absolutely choking to see the back of the MSG and their lackeys on the board. And then, in the very next sentence, go on to criticize those supporters who have taken the one course of action which might, if enough others had the balls to do it, result in some kind of tangible change they claim to desire so much. Park all this "real fan" bollocks. They are customers of a business whose owners openly, nakedly despise them. And they've exercised their right as a customer to stop funding that business. It's really not a difficult concept. And yet they are the ones whose credentials as a "real fan" are being called into question? If only there were more like them.

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