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20 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Luvvies thread for this pish.

Back to the real stuff;

83-82: 128 Appearances

Patrick Cregg: dynamic terrier in midfield, neutered and chained by Yogi. 2005-2009. 8 goals.

Tony Parks: UEFA Cup winning keeper. Big personality with madcap japes aplenty, but decent goalie. I didn't rate him as highly as some did but he did fine for us. 1992-1996.

Remember a display by Paddy Gregg at Tannadice. He ran about like a blue touch paper looking for a light. He was up for a square go with every one of the United players on the park.

Was disappointed when he left !  hard as nails nearest in style to Jim Shirra. 

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4 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Remember a display by Paddy Gregg at Tannadice. He ran about like a blue touch paper looking for a light. He was up for a square go with every one of the United players on the park.

Was disappointed when he left !  hard as nails nearest in style to Jim Shirra. 

That analogy is giving me a tumour. One does not run about "like a blue touch paper"

One lights the blue touch paper, or one runs about like a blue arsed fly.

The two are never combined.

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2 hours ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Thanks for the compliment ! Would sound good from Sean Connery as well.

Anybody else got suggested actors that could pull it off ?

David Attenborough

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15 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

That analogy is giving me a tumour. One does not run about "like a blue touch paper"

One lights the blue touch paper, or one runs about like a blue arsed fly.

The two are never combined.

Good grief - That takes me back to Comely Park School !  shudder - hated the place apart from the 50 as side in the playground.

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Yep Celtic and Rangers and their sectarian baggage are worthy of derision and their poison that goes beyond football .
You see it's a personal thing between Aberdeen Football Club and me. As I left Brockville that night 34 years ago I made an oath to myself that I would despise them with a passion and cheer on any team that plays them.
I have stood by that oath for 34 years and have no intention of changing it now.
So lets close the hate fest however well deserved for now regarding the whinging cheats 11 and move on.

You go on hating them son your totally entitled to . I was at these games and although I also despised them at the time I would have to admit I loved it when yogi or Babtie or tiger were bullying other teams when the boot was on the other foot. Alex Ferguson sums up every that is good and bad in football. A total shit of a man , yet one who could galvanize a seize mentality to the extent he could get results that others couldn’t. The result is that by being such a shit he could make thousands of people happy. Football is a unique tribal like experience a lot of us need . If hating Aberdeen stops you kicking the dug then carry on but as much as I despise Ferguson I would have been one who would have loved to have him as a manager .
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2 hours ago, Stainrod said:

You go on hating them son your totally entitled to . I was at these games and although I also despised them at the time I would have to admit I loved it when yogi or Babtie or tiger were bullying other teams when the boot was on the other foot. Alex Ferguson sums up every that is good and bad in football. A total shit of a man , yet one who could galvanize a seize mentality to the extent he could get results that others couldn’t. The result is that by being such a shit he could make thousands of people happy. Football is a unique tribal like experience a lot of us need . If hating Aberdeen stops you kicking the dug then carry on but as much as I despise Ferguson I would have been one who would have loved to have him as a manager .

You make good points. Alex Ferguson was a bugger on the pitch as a Falkirk Player. You mention Yogi - Bapti - Tiger yes they could get stuck in and dish it out. But they were good players and could time a tackle and sort somebody out fairly therefore they had no need to resort to what that shower got up to. 

Going back to Fergie ! we had that chance to save his football soul at Falkirk. Promote Cunningham to the board. Move Ferguson up from assistant to manager. Cunningham would have been a good mentor and kept him honest and football pure.

But it was not to be.

It is my belief that if Falkirk players got up to that sort of nonsense , cheating and manipulation the crowd would have got on their backs and stopped it.

As for Ferguson galvanising and motivating a team. I read the excellent THE THREE KINGS  Busby Shankly Stein - The Makers of Modern Football by Leo Moynihan. He had the template there to do it Honest and Sporting and his teams would have more successful because of it. He chose the dark side and became a Scottish Don Revie !



Edited by HopeStreetWalker
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4 hours ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Remember a display by Paddy Gregg at Tannadice. He ran about like a blue touch paper looking for a light. He was up for a square go with every one of the United players on the park.

Was disappointed when he left !  hard as nails nearest in style to Jim Shirra. 

Unfortunately he wasnt the same player when he left as the one that arrived. That's a few years under hughes tutelage unfortunately.

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After listening to the Chairman the other night, about wanting to start taking the club forward both on and off the park. Nobody knows when we will kick a ball again or what format the leagues will be, but we’ll all hopefully be around and get on with it.

To encourage a bit goodwill / positive feeling when we start getting back to normality and look forward to a new season, the club could do worse than look at a decent Pre Season long weekend in Northumberland, Yorkshire, Lancashire or the likes, that might give the fans the chance to get away for a few days and see the new season team and have something to look forward to after 3 years of trudged performances, and coming out of being cooped up for weeks. 

Where should we go and play ?

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2 hours ago, NUMBER 7 said:

After listening to the Chairman the other night, about wanting to start taking the club forward both on and off the park. Nobody knows when we will kick a ball again or what format the leagues will be, but we’ll all hopefully be around and get on with it.

To encourage a bit goodwill / positive feeling when we start getting back to normality and look forward to a new season, the club could do worse than look at a decent Pre Season long weekend in Northumberland, Yorkshire, Lancashire or the likes, that might give the fans the chance to get away for a few days and see the new season team and have something to look forward to after 3 years of trudged performances, and coming out of being cooped up for weeks. 

Where should we go and play ?

They were looking at pre-season just before the leagues shut down. Although nothing had been confirmed, Spain was the likely destination. I believe M&M were keen to get away whereas last year RM wasn't fussed, as long as the training took place on grass. Hence why we had a week at Stirling Uni.

What happens now will likely depend on whether league reconstruction happens, how much of our cash reserves we have left and when the next season can kick off.

As for fans getting away for a few days, that generally only happened when we played abroad. (ie Holland, Ceske & and Budapest)

I spent decades using up annual leave to travel all over the North of England & the Highlands for preseason games. Apart from a Saturday game in somewhere like Lossiemouth or Huntly there weren't many folk who made a holiday of it.

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4 hours ago, NUMBER 7 said:

After listening to the Chairman the other night, about wanting to start taking the club forward both on and off the park. Nobody knows when we will kick a ball again or what format the leagues will be, but we’ll all hopefully be around and get on with it.

To encourage a bit goodwill / positive feeling when we start getting back to normality and look forward to a new season, the club could do worse than look at a decent Pre Season long weekend in Northumberland, Yorkshire, Lancashire or the likes, that might give the fans the chance to get away for a few days and see the new season team and have something to look forward to after 3 years of trudged performances, and coming out of being cooped up for weeks. 

Where should we go and play ?

It should not be more than a 5 hour drive to the area we would have the games in. Money will be tight for many after this human tragedy. People will have to factor on Transport - Hotels/B/B - Entrance fee - Beer money oh and throw in some food now and again. The cheaper people can do that the more will make the trip.  Cumbria and Geordie Land would be perfect. Decent punters , New teams, grounds and towns. 

Ticks all the boxes.


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3 hours ago, Bantabairn said:

It would be great to get away as always timed the family summer holidays around the pre-season trip.  I would imagine that in the current circumstances the chances of any trips away are zero. Reading between the lines, can’t see any football before September and like every other fan, we need to ensure we still have a club to support. If the latest media reports are correct, or to be believed, we’ve had two SPL clubs approach the authorities about administration. 
On a positive note our chairman on his latest interview is already taking account of the headwinds ready to hit. 

Fair points raised ! My reply was relating to NUMBER7's post.

Have always though having a club in existence at the end of this is the main objective. Anything else is a bonus !


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34 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

30 minutes to go until kick off of the final fixture of the season, home to Raith Rovers.
Finally the league title decider......

(That never was....)

I still think Raith would have bottled it

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