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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Just now, knee jerk reaction said:

Also someone who managed in the MLS far above the level we're at. You can argue whether Rennie should be kept on or not but in a week 91000 watched a women's game this patronising approach to the woman's game is just embarrassing.

I have no doubt that women’s football is developing, but with all due respect Notre Dame ladies college are hardly in the upper echelons of women’s football.

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6 minutes ago, BishopLenBrennan said:

Thoroughly enjoyed that lads. Same time next week?


Suppose when your actual rivals have completly dominated you for 140+ years you'll jump at any opportunity to laugh at somebody eh?


Crack on wee man.

Edited by latapythelegend
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6 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

I have no doubt that women’s football is developing, but with all due respect Notre Dame ladies college are hardly in the upper echelons of women’s football.

College football isn't really understood over here. This isn't as if we are talking about the Stirling University Ladies team equivalent over here. College football is  very important thing in the US.

Rennie's cv couldn't be ignored initially. It just hasn't worked out.

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7 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

Suppose when your actual rivals have complety dominated you for 140+ years you'll jump at any opportunity to laugh at somebody eh?


Crack on wee man.

Bless - though I suppose your derby bragging rights over *checks notes* Stenhousemuir is all you've got left to cling on to. 

Fun fact: Falkirk have now lost 19 of their last 38 league matches.

A 50% loss rate.

In the seaside leagues.

As a full-time, professional football club.


Edited by vikingTON
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14 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

But it will take money to empty the lot and there will be not a lot of it about next season. We may not be able to do that and fund many signings if any of the quality we require that if they would come.

The board must know what is going to happen so tell us now.

All this conjecture just erodes further the little goodwill that is left with the support

I know it will take money but there is no other option. It’s quite simple, the lot of them need to go

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1 minute ago, JulioBairn said:

Because it was only a matter of time before he was emptied. Apparently…

He was in a job. In a structure put together by the previous Board. You can’t exclude him even if you were planning to empty him as the club could get done for constructive dismissal and excluding him could go against you. 

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Just an observation here but is your full time status a bit of a hindrance just now? You've got a budget which would presumably allow you to acquire some of the best part time players out there (as Arbroath have done very successfully recently). On the other hand, your league position is what it is and it's not going to attract the best full time players out there. So you end up with mediocre full time players by paying a bit more than you would for pretty decent part time players - who may well be part time because their earning potential is much better than being full time in League 1. Is there not a decent argument for making the change and then going back to full time when you're back at a level where you can attract the level of player you actually need?

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13 minutes ago, virginton said:

Bless - though I suppose your derby bragging rights over *checks notes* Stenhousemuir is all you've got left to cling on to. 

Fun fact: Falkirk have now lost 19 of their last 38 league matches.

A 50% loss rate.

In the seaside leagues.

As a full-time club.


Ooft didn't take you long. 

We are just a club with ups and downs. Currently in the down position.

Your club just flatlines at mediocrity with absolutely nothing of note worth mentioning.

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7 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

Ooft didn't take you long. 

We are just a club with ups and downs. Currently in the down position.

Your club just flatlines at mediocrity with absolutely nothing of note worth mentioning.

That'll be why we've won more league titles than any club in the country, outside the ugly sisters. 

Thanks for playing anyway champ - enjoy your latest scudding by a bunch of brickies and geography teachers.


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That third goal went in and something happened I’ve not heard at a match before.  Everyone around me just laughed.  That’s where we are now - we know it’s coming, and just sit back and laugh at losing 3-0 to Montrose at home.

and it should have been 5 or 6.

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

That'll be why we've won more league titles than any club in the country, outside the ugly sisters. 

Thanks for playing anyway champ - enjoy your latest scudding by a bunch of brickies and geography teachers.


Let's pull this one out the VT textbook

*checks notes*

Your last honour of any credibility (I.e not a seaside league) was before the Berlin wall fell.

What a thing to cling on to. 

Night night wee man.


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12 minutes ago, kemlinbairn said:

Just watched that and its a joke. Now its all in the players minds 🙄 Really?

Well in my mind that was a shitshow. Nearly 50 years following the team and this is top 5 worst 

A 5 minute interview with this mogadon jokefest should have been more than enough to lead anyone sensible to a 'No thanks' conclusion before his appointment. 

Sounds clueless. Is clueless. Who exactly heard him and thought 'Well he seems motivational '

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49 minutes ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Also someone who managed in the MLS far above the level we're at. You can argue whether Rennie should be kept on or not but in a week 91000 watched a women's game this patronising approach to the woman's game is just embarrassing.

Calm down. It's great that women and girls around the world now have greater access to play the sport they love, but being the assistant coach of the Notre dame college team is pretty much the equivalent to coaching Grahamston u15's. 

I cant think of any male coach who has transitioned from womens football to mens with any success, there were red flags a plenty from the off.

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