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Paton is exactly the type we needed after signing all these young ballers. I'm not fussed that he is limited in ability so long as he puts a shift in across the front of our defence and breaks play up. Im confident he will do that well. We will have enough creativity elsewhere to do the rest.

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25 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

They will all be knackered.

Getting up at 3am every morning to milk cows, mend tractors and shovel shit is bound to take its toll.


We're talking St Johnstone here - they probably shovel cows, milk tractors and mend shit.

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2 hours ago, Russ said:


Tbf Houston would also have Willo Flood, Mark Durnan, Derek Lyle and Paul Quinn signed up as well.


He might be the only player we know so far but surely Dallison, Lewis, TOE and especially Sammut are all ‘better’ and more exciting signings.


Lyle always looked dangerous against us and I always felt less at ease when he was in the QOS team. I agree at 37 he would represent a very Houston signing, but against a backdrop of Tudor Jones etc - I don't think he would have been that bad a player to have in the team given that we really have no-one in there who has put ball in net in this division. Somebody mentioned the possibility of Reilly, right now i'd take that in a heartbeat if we aren't getting Jak or Nelson back.

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4 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

I think Hartley has signed Paton because he's got a specific job for him. Houston would have signed him because he was available.



Houston would have signed him then had him playing attacking mid or out wide. Hartley will have him sitting in front of the defence being a pain in the arse.

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5 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

I think Hartley has signed Paton because he's got a specific job for him. Houston would have signed him because he was available.

This. Our squad lacks experience, knowledge of the Scottish game, and grit in midfield. 

Why wouldn't you sign Paton? He will serve a purpose for us even just by getting into these young lads in training.

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He won't sign for Livi. He's not a beast. 
Edit. He is a beast, just not the Livi type of beast. 

Have checked and Jak isn’t a money launderer, isn’t on the sex offenders list, hasn’t done anyone with a baseball bat, hasn’t done six years for being part of a cocaine ring, and doesn’t have Livingston owner Neil Rankine’s phone number. (*takes a breath). Hasn’t done several charities out of money, hasn’t cleaned out a lottery winner, and hasn’t done lots of creditors out of something like twelve million.

Just not Livingston material.
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It depends on patons purpose,  Is the signing from chelsea not meant to be a combative midfielder?  He might be intended to shut down the midfield in certain games, and be on the bench for others.

Edited by MetalWolf
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St Johnstone sign Falkirk’s best player to warm our bench, Falkirk sign St Johnstone cast offs to captain their club.

Got a funny feeling that Paton will be a much better player next season. Tends to happen when you are surrounded in a team with higher quality players...
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