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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Anyone here into Strongman? Me and the laddie love it. Not long watched our very own Tom Stoltman tonight beat his own world record lifting a 296kg atlas stone over a bar. He reckons in about 12 weeks he'll be ready to do 300kg. Watched Hafthor few weeks ago in the deadlift now thoroughly enjoying the verbal spat with Eddie Hall. Whether it's all a bit pantomime who knows but entertaining none the less. 
The Stoltman brothers are both monsters. Luke Stoltman went for the log lift record last weekend and was incredibly unlucky not to lock it out.

The level of strongman competition in general at the moment is insane. Adam Bishop, who is a strong guy but has only made the finals of World's Strongest Man once, is going for a deadlift world record of 400kg for reps at some point soon. Just shows where these guys are at.
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52 minutes ago, stumigoo said:

Unfortunately, despite the best of intentions in the beginning, the lockdown and gym closures have resulted in me piling on the pounds. Now I am the heaviest I’ve ever been but more worryingly it is the least fit I have ever been. Not a complete mess but fear that it will take a monumental shift in mindset to get back on track.

Started slowly today, just went on a head clearing walk and will begin a series of different workouts that will hopefully kick-start my metabolism and motivation.

Have weights in the house and a bike (with plenty of cycle routes around). My main issue is definitely motivation and I am guilty of being someone who has to be in the ‘right’ environment to be in the zone for exercise. Pre-lockdown I was in spin classes, indoor football and multiple gym visits a week. Now that I lack those facilities I’ve seriously dipped in motivation.

My other worry is age and getting going. I’m 37 in a few weeks and worry that my body will take a huge break like this, and then subsequent kick-start, quite badly and that I might struggle to get back to where I was, and/or begin to suffer from injuries.

I’ve got a 2 year old who is my main motivator, so just need to keep him as a focus, rather than trying to get back to a fitness level that I maybe had ten years ago which is now possibly a bit unrealistic now.

I’m the same age as you and had the same worries when I started running again recently. I have found running against my old self being a bigger motivator than anything, especially following the birth of my first child 7 or so weeks ago. For me it was just a case of getting started and forcing myself through the first few weeks which were an absolute slog as far as running goes. Since then I can’t wait for the chance to get out again so I can try and better the last one, and the fact I am getting into reasonable shape to help look after the boy is the extra push I probably need. A bit of effort and you will be flying again!

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Your body will definitely change, I've found that I had to reduce my running and football in order to still enjoy it. I was able to replace it at the time with the gym and swimming, I started yoga recently too and really got something from that.

What if you set your class or session times up as being exercise time? Normally go to Spin at 6 on a Tuesday, then that's your cycling time.

The lack of routine is hugely unsettling, I didn't appreciate how busy our week nights were until they were suddenly empty.

Unfortunately, despite the best of intentions in the beginning, the lockdown and gym closures have resulted in me piling on the pounds. Now I am the heaviest I’ve ever been but more worryingly it is the least fit I have ever been. Not a complete mess but fear that it will take a monumental shift in mindset to get back on track.

Started slowly today, just went on a head clearing walk and will begin a series of different workouts that will hopefully kick-start my metabolism and motivation.

Have weights in the house and a bike (with plenty of cycle routes around). My main issue is definitely motivation and I am guilty of being someone who has to be in the ‘right’ environment to be in the zone for exercise. Pre-lockdown I was in spin classes, indoor football and multiple gym visits a week. Now that I lack those facilities I’ve seriously dipped in motivation.

My other worry is age and getting going. I’m 37 in a few weeks and worry that my body will take a huge break like this, and then subsequent kick-start, quite badly and that I might struggle to get back to where I was, and/or begin to suffer from injuries.

I’ve got a 2 year old who is my main motivator, so just need to keep him as a focus, rather than trying to get back to a fitness level that I maybe had ten years ago which is now possibly a bit unrealistic now.
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17 hours ago, Raithie said:

Anyone here into Strongman? Me and the laddie love it. Not long watched our very own Tom Stoltman tonight beat his own world record lifting a 296kg atlas stone over a bar. He reckons in about 12 weeks he'll be ready to do 300kg. Watched Hafthor few weeks ago in the deadlift now thoroughly enjoying the verbal spat with Eddie Hall. Whether it's all a bit pantomime who knows but entertaining none the less. 

Aye I enjoy it. I've been enjoying the Eddie Hall spat, he is absolutely seething about the whole thing but as you say probably a bit of an act. I watch his stuff on YouTube quite regularly, along with Alan Thrall and Brian Shaw.

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Cheers for the pep talk folks! The routine thing is massive, my week was so structured at work and then the exercise was built around that. Now? It is just a bit all over the place, but I do just need to get back into it and see what happens. I've resigned myself to things still being shut for another six weeks or so, but hopefully we can see some movement on the gym front by the middle of July, that would be ideal. 

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4 hours ago, Ron Aldo said:

The Stoltman brothers are both monsters. Luke Stoltman went for the log lift record last weekend and was incredibly unlucky not to lock it out.

The level of strongman competition in general at the moment is insane. Adam Bishop, who is a strong guy but has only made the finals of World's Strongest Man once, is going for a deadlift world record of 400kg for reps at some point soon. Just shows where these guys are at.

We're big Tom fans in our house. Our laddie, who is 8, is Autistic and he's ridiculously obsessed with everything Strongman and to see what Tom's achieved is incredible with that condition. Didn't realise about Bish attempting that, will be good to watch. 

3 hours ago, Gaz said:

Aye I enjoy it. I've been enjoying the Eddie Hall spat, he is absolutely seething about the whole thing but as you say probably a bit of an act. I watch his stuff on YouTube quite regularly, along with Alan Thrall and Brian Shaw.

Aye I'm addicted to all their YouTube channels. Some very informative and hilarious content from them all. Really enjoyed the vids of Brian, Eddie, Robert and Nick all training together. Great banter but when they get down to training they are just monsters. Was hoping to go to Giants Live this year at the Hydro but guessing that'll be up in the air if it goes ahead. 

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7 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I’ve always fancied yoga but not sure where to start or go for it.

The only options I can see are hippy dippy places which I’m not really that into.

YouTube is a good source if you want to try it out without mixing with utter dweebs. However, having an instructor to sort out your posture is priceless.

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Anyone had issues with their thyroid or fatigue?

I've been reasonably fit since 2009 - overhauled the diet/exercise etc. I've ran since 2010 at least once a week , but of late, I'm really toiling with even light jogging and seem to have gained weight (whilst doing intermittent fasting 3/4 times a week) and I'm not going nuts when breaking the fasts by over-eating ; but feel bloated/gained weight in the chest and face is way more rounder than it should be - legs/arms are still skinny and going by Dr Google it points to this, Hashimotos? or even Cushings!

I feel a lot less motivated in general too - chores/previous things of interest are a slog/ and anxiety seems to have gone up - just cannot be fucked doing anything really but don't feel super unhappy, but lacking focus and slight depression (maybe should stick it in that thread) running is becoming a chore and strangely I am tiring/feeling the chest region just 15 minutes in and stop. I am running slow too. Strangely I've changed it to HIIT and hill sprints which I have no problem with - short fast sprints etc.

Anyhoos, I'm off to the doc tomorrow and see what he says ; but be interested to see if anyone's had something similar or symptoms?

Edited by Kejan
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On 27/05/2020 at 23:39, Kejan said:

Anyone had issues with their thyroid or fatigue?

I've been reasonably fit since 2009 - overhauled the diet/exercise etc. I've ran since 2010 at least once a week , but of late, I'm really toiling with even light jogging and seem to have gained weight (whilst doing intermittent fasting 3/4 times a week) and I'm not going nuts when breaking the fasts by over-eating ; but feel bloated/gained weight in the chest and face is way more rounder than it should be - legs/arms are still skinny and going by Dr Google it points to this, Hashimotos? or even Cushings!

I feel a lot less motivated in general too - chores/previous things of interest are a slog/ and anxiety seems to have gone up - just cannot be fucked doing anything really but don't feel super unhappy, but lacking focus and slight depression (maybe should stick it in that thread) running is becoming a chore and strangely I am tiring/feeling the chest region just 15 minutes in and stop. I am running slow too. Strangely I've changed it to HIIT and hill sprints which I have no problem with - short fast sprints etc.

Anyhoos, I'm off to the doc tomorrow and see what he says ; but be interested to see if anyone's had something similar or symptoms?

I'm guessing your problem would show up in a blood test. What did doc say?

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39 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Interesting article suggesting having too many vitamins could potentially limit the benefit of exercise:



I was running home from work the other night and had to stop and wolf and entire family sized bag of Skittles. Always try and have a Rice Kripsies bar on the go during sparring too. Sort of a lucky charm/superstition to ward off getting a pasting. 

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I was running home from work the other night and had to stop and wolf and entire family sized bag of Skittles. Always try and have a Rice Kripsies bar on the go during sparring too. Sort of a lucky charm/superstition to ward off getting a pasting. 

It’s no surprise you keep getting thumped if you’re trying to eat a Rice Krispies bar while sparring.
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4 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:


Surely Frosties would be better with 'eye of the tiger' on in the background? 

It's a good intimidation tactic to just sit and eat your piece in peace when others are all focused, stressed and sweaty. 

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My 5k is down to 21 mins but cant see me getting much lower than that. Only done one 10k and sitting at 46 mins. I find running boring as f**k.

Away to get my mates weights back on tuesday so can finally get some much better workouts

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