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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Not posted on his thread for ages but have been going mental with the regime. Gym three days a week and fives twice. Probably only had a drink twice on three months. Think ive finally broken through a barrier I hit and finally gaining muscle. Started off on thirty kilo on bench and up to eighty now after three months. Trying to push on even more after the new year. Buying a weight bench for the garage so might ask about routines using the equipment the best way in a few weeks. Really enjoy trying to do something almost every day.

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My knees and hips cant stand much exercise nowadays.

I'm trying to keep going in the swimming pool but I'm losing the will to live.

Even keeping a count of how many lengths I've completed is a chore.

Somebody invent a slim pill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After spending the last 3/4 weeks doing feck all, I've decided i want to do some cardio. It was putting me off for ages because of the weather and lack of daylight.

Questions is, What would you recommend? Going for a run early in the morning before work, or waiting until after work (around 6.30pm)

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After spending the last 3/4 weeks doing feck all, I've decided i want to do some cardio. It was putting me off for ages because of the weather and lack of daylight.

Questions is, What would you recommend? Going for a run early in the morning before work, or waiting until after work (around 6.30pm)

Early morning run after a carbless evening and you will be burning fat quick. I also suggest that you never cycle as you're a good poster and I wouldn't want you dead.

Edited by wingsoverperthshire
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Early morning run after a carbless evening and you will be burning fat quick.   I also suggest that you never cycle as you're a good poster and I wouldn't want you dead. 

I love a good cycle, but never on the road, cycle path only

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After spending the last 3/4 weeks doing feck all, I've decided i want to do some cardio. It was putting me off for ages because of the weather and lack of daylight.

Questions is, What would you recommend? Going for a run early in the morning before work, or waiting until after work (around 6.30pm)

Whatever time is more convenient and allows you to go full pelt.

If the weather is bothering you, do some circuits in the house instead (squats, burpess, star jumps, press ups etc..) :thumsup2

Edited by JogaBonito
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Early morning run after a carbless evening and you will be burning fat quick. I also suggest that you never cycle as you're a good poster and I wouldn't want you dead.

Why avoid carbs? The amount of people i hear say this is ridiculous

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Why avoid carbs? The amount of people i hear say this is ridiculous

I agree. Although I've never really been over weight, I lost about half a stone eating a shit load of pasta 5 days a week. This was including me doing a lot of exercise, playing football, 5s, going to the gym etc.

Small portions 5 times a day with a balanced diet and you will start to lose weight. You might have increase in weight to start off with but that's down to gaining muscle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hows everyones fitness?

I had two weeks off over xmas and feel great for it. Good to get a wee break and eat and drink lots. Put on a wee bit of weight but that is what i am after.

Anyways, started back today. Going to try put some weight on. Currently sitting at 13 stone. I am 6 foot. Got the diet sorted.

Breakfast - mackarel and spinach

Natural yoghurt with fruit

Snack - beef, almonds, banana

Lunch - salmon\pesto chicken with brown rice and spinach

Dinner - relatively similar to lunch. Some veg chucked in there

Few supplement lobbed in there.

Exercise wise. Lifting relatively heavy first thing in the morning. Will do a few HIIT sessions as and when i can be bothered.

Gym was decidedly busy this morning. I give it a few weeks

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I almost can't be arsed going to the gym in January except when I know it's going to be relatively quiet, lack of frost / ice so far this winter has made running a lot easier. Mind you, had 2 weeks of doing f**k all and drinking my bodyweight in lager so tomorrow's first run is going to be brutal.

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Not posted on his thread for ages but have been going mental with the regime. Gym three days a week and fives twice. Probably only had a drink twice on three months. Think ive finally broken through a barrier I hit and finally gaining muscle. Started off on thirty kilo on bench and up to eighty now after three months. Trying to push on even more after the new year. Buying a weight bench for the garage so might ask about routines using the equipment the best way in a few weeks. Really enjoy trying to do something almost every day.

Been doing the new free weights thing for two weeks, definitely much harder than a machine.

First game of fives for two weeks tomorrow.

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I've been considering this as a routine. Seems quite intense, but the short rest periods appeal to me as I'm quite poor on time at the moment.


Breakfast - mackarel and spinach
Natural yoghurt with fruit

Snack - beef, almonds, banana

Lunch - salmon\pesto chicken with brown rice and spinach

Dinner - relatively similar to lunch. Some veg chucked in there

A lot of the diets I've looked at for getting lean seem very bland (just chicken and broccoli on their own, no sauce). But this looks like something I could stick to. Might give some of these dishes a try when I start back next week.

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Like most looking forward to the better weather starting to return. Went from about 15 stone to about 12 over last summer months mainly from just going out for long walks each night and reducing the rubbish I eat. Managed to keep the weight down mostly by staying sensible with the food, walking to work and trying to play at least once a week. Been trying to do the odd little session of sit ups, crunches etc in the house too but don't think I'll ever have the motivation to work out as regularly as some of you guys

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I've been considering this as a routine. Seems quite intense, but the short rest periods appeal to me as I'm quite poor on time at the moment.


A lot of the diets I've looked at for getting lean seem very bland (just chicken and broccoli on their own, no sauce). But this looks like something I could stick to. Might give some of these dishes a try when I start back next week.

I ysually mix the chicken with pesto, nandos sauce or reggae reggae sauce. It is not going to make a huge difference. At the end of the day, we aint training to be an elite athlete so why eat bland chicken and broccoli. As long as you feel healthy then it should not really matter if you dont have a rippling six pack.

I am actually eating more carbs than ever and i have noticed a difference. I stick to brown rice. I just get the packets of tilda. Roasted red pepper and courgette. Tastes quality

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