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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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On ‎06‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 22:29, Shotgun said:



Reposted by a (now-ex) Facebook friend. Originally from some cess-pit page called "Proud to be English."

One of the worst things about that is that absolutely no one ever has reported an image of a bacon sandwich

1 hour ago, Boghead ranter said:

Where DOES the time go, though?

Through a black hole to be recycled in the oroborous cycle

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19 hours ago, Man of Aran said:

Recently discovered this page


Means I can still laugh at the pond life without the shame of being Facebook friends with them

I love how it's called "u ok ***"

which one of this thread's regulars is responsible, I wonder

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1 hour ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

250 comments and counting on a thread in the Linlithgow community facebook group whining about some roads being shut for Pedal for Scotland. All the classics coming out including 'you're not even from round here!'. Small towns man.... Cyclists versus Royston Vasey types - can they both lose?

Has it descended into a CICLISTS DINNA PAY RODE TAX debate yet?

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hate this


"if we can afford to house immigrants , how can we not afford to house *insert pic of homeless man* war heroes"


i mean i've always wanted to know how war veterans automatically become homeless after a tour and an immigrant from syria 36 children gets a mansion in cheshire

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hate this
"if we can afford to house immigrants , how can we not afford to house *insert pic of homeless man* war heroes"
i mean i've always wanted to know how war veterans automatically become homeless after a tour and an immigrant from syria 36 children gets a mansion in cheshire

Give footballers immigrants houses imo
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That's the cowards route out.


*unfollows mad cousin*


I have an acquaintance from childhood who befriended me on Facebook a couple of years ago. He posts Flat Earth stuff, and various other conspiracy theories. He also hates the police with a passion. The guy is wee bit crazy and has spent time in Barlinnie for violent crimes including a stabbing.


Unfollowing is an option but some future app or Facebook upgrade may allow you to see who is still following you. He doesn't post that much these days anyway.


I tend to just view his occasional posts as a bit of variety. Who wants to live in a bubble? A nice safe non-stabby bubble.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

My cousin just posted 9/11 Truther stuff on her TL.

Is it worth posting a reply or should I just bin her off?  Or just ignore?  With a baby on the way, I'm loathe to remove family members.

Send her the occasional link to conspiracy gubbins to see how crazy something has to be before she draws the line and calls you a nutter.

Sounds like the Flat Earth stuff won't quite cut it. Maybe the Illuminati Space Lizard stuff might be a bit much?

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1 hour ago, DanMc99 said:

hate this


"if we can afford to house immigrants , how can we not afford to house *insert pic of homeless man* war heroes"


i mean i've always wanted to know how war veterans automatically become homeless after a tour and an immigrant from syria 36 children gets a mansion in cheshire

Maybe all the Syrians they bomb out of their homes come over here and get given theirs in their absence. 

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