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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I'm ex-forces so I follow a few forces pages and it's nearly all total f'ckwits declaring that being ex-forces is something special.

It's mind-numbingly bad and the pages are inhabited by some total and utter bellends - think "Britain First" and amplify it tenfold.

I share your pain. I'm on some of the ex forces pages and they are going into overdrive about refugees and the queen. I've also got a lot of ex forces/still serving mates who are posting shit about "how Enoch was right" etc etc. I've deleted a few as I can't be fucked with them.

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It's the 9/11 anniversary so as per all the grief merchants are going into overdrive. Already seen the first "Never Forget" posts accompanied by a picture of the American flag planted into the memorial. Posted by someone I thought would be better than that also sadly.

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It's the 9/11 anniversary so as per all the grief merchants are going into overdrive. Already seen the first "Never Forget" posts accompanied by a picture of the American flag planted into the memorial. Posted by someone I thought would be better than that also sadly.

I've already had


I'm expecting my 'but he forgot to draw the planes and flames and 'stuff' ' comment to be deleted by now :(

(That's why I put in the 'stuff' bit, it may confuse her)

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Someone on my timeline shared this picture, possibly from Britain First or some pish like that, but whoever edited it had added "I thought these were meant to be refugees? How come they still have their protein shakes?!"

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The things that people just say utterly infuriate me. Where is Mark Degnan going to get his guns? Who's he going to fire them at? Will he travel to Syria to stop ISIS at source, or will he wait until they're chalking his fence?

Also, in what other context has anyone seen the word "lest" being used?


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I saw a good one where they photoshopped that picture of people queing outside northen rock when it crashed (fast action) to say Food Bank and was using this as an argument against refugees. It even had a small sticky-out sign that they had changed to Food Bank as well. That's where all your foodbank donations are going. On fucking signs.

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