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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Amidst all that tearstained drivel, this is my favourite bit :-

"The timing of the latest punishments couldn't have been worse and now the American, Bill Miller, and Paul Murray and his Blue Knights are asking themselves if it's worth trying to save Rangers."

Yeah, because they were stampeding to do so before this :rolleyes:

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Let's stop kicking Rangers to death

By jim Traynor on Apr 25, 12 08:13 AM in rangers

LET'S all be clear about this. It isn't just Rangers FC who stand on the precipice.

Scottish football is right there beside them. We are all staring down at the rocks of ruin below.

Since the dark cloud of administration started gathering over Ibrox last year, arguments have raged about the value of this stricken club to the game.

Many believe the game would survive just fine without a club some love to hate. Of course we'd play on but would we prosper?

All those who insist Rangers aren't needed are deluding themselves because this club is massive. Whether we like it or not, the Old Firm are our driving force.

They attract TV companies, who pay millions to screen matches, and other clubs can attract sponsors through appearances on the box.

SPL money trickles down into the lower leagues every season and when they're on the road Old Firm fans help pay the running costs of other clubs and boost the takings of local businesses.

Take half of them away and more than football will suffer.

It's basic economics but the latest raft of sanctions on Rangers will make it harder than ever to find a new owner.

The timing of the latest punishments couldn't have been worse and now the American, Bill Miller, and Paul Murray and his Blue Knights are asking themselves if it's worth trying to save Rangers.

Time has almost run out. Soon the club administrators will have to admit defeat and let Rangers go into liquidation.

What then for our game and what would it say about the mentality of the people who influence it? Indeed, what would it say about Scotland when so many seem desperate to witness the death of this club?

Yes they have a minority - sizeable but a minority nonetheless - of fans who have brought disgrace on all of us but Rangers mean too much to so many more civilised people. It makes no sense to push them over the cliff.

Yet that's exactly what the SPL and SFA appear hell bent on doing. Frankly, they're now taking turns to kick Rangers while they're down.

And Rangers' fans believe it is vindictive. They could be right and more than a few in high places, who have been whispering in corners of the corridors of power, need to set aside their own prejudices and vested interests.

Of course the chicanery of Craig Whyte and the willingness of Sir David Murray, below, who must accept a massive chunk of the blame for Rangers' sorry state, cannot be excused but it is madness to hold the club responsible.

Put aside the EBT case, which could land Rangers with a massive bill, and forget for a moment that Whyte didn't pay tax on the club's wages.

These issues are being dealt with but right now the biggest impediments to Rangers' survival are the SFA and SPL.

It is astonishing that at as time when crowds are dwindling and other clubs are in financial peril those responsible for the game's well-being are falling over themselves to help kill off one of its biggest attractions.

If Murray and Miller are scared off because of merciless governing bodies who could yet throw down further sanctions, liquidation will be Rangers' fate and one of Scotland's biggest institutions will cease to exist. And after that? Scottish football could also find itself on the road to ruin.

Please, stop the gloating. Stop trying to beat a club senseless before it really is too late.

0<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

If Rangers burn, the tawdry rag I work for will have less call on my inane slabberings, and this could directly impact upon my capacity to purchase buns and sweeties

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thank god i thought it was just me that went blind half way threw it.

mindless inane dribbling bufoon.


I honestly forgot what I was doing. I got to the end and went "What was I reading there?"

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Perhaps you should send those figures to LEGGO! TODAY! Today he is wittering on about Lee McCulloch having pulled out of some Tesco publicity stunt, which I'm sure will hit them even less than Rangers fans pulling out of Sky http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/

It's all part of the common fallacy that "Football is big business these days"

In general clubs are commercially dwarfed by their sponsors. Saint Mirren are sponored by a company "Capital Shopping Centres" that's worth about 80 times as much as Celtic.

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I'd like to thank this forum for intoducing me to that leggoblog, as an Aiberdeeny in the sticks I had no idea that these guys really existed. I fully expect someone to post me a whoosh, this guy must be a send up?

Here's my favourite low profile comedy line from today;

""Rangers supporters are already planning how they can do their bit on this front. Those who shop at Tesco will be switching to another supermarket.""

Personally I'm off round to Tesco Express to spend as much as I can in a chidish fit of gratuitous support.

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loved this 1 on rangers media

"Canceled FOX Soccer here today. If there's a Bear anywhere with SKY/FOX can the fuckers and stream the other leagues online, then get your RangersTV. Costs less than what I was paying for this shit anyway. Maybe they can get all the Killie fans around the world to sign up in our place."

do they not realise that there will be no rangers tv soon.

There will be Rangers TV but it'll only show repeats.

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Posted Today, 09:59 AM


Just an idea on how we could affect the Scottish Cup Final. How about early on the day of the game, we go to the surrounding areas of Hampden and park our cars making sure there is space between as to not allow Hearts and Hibs fans to park anywhere near the Stadium. This may result in a delay to the Kick Off. Just a suggestion but would welcome any thoughts.


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Love the latest brainwave somebody has had on Rangers Media in how to save the club.....he suggests that everybody buys tickets for the EuroMillions in the hope that they win the £36m jackpot and can give the money to Rangers. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Doomed to failure. Aren't Rangers currently suspended from European competition?

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I honestly forgot what I was doing. I got to the end and went "What was I reading there?"

Don't know how you managed to get far actually. I gave up after 4 or 5 lines. Had a strange feeling of deja vu.

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Personally I'm off round to Tesco Express to spend as much as I can in a chidish fit of gratuitous support.

Every little helps :)

On another, not unrelated, matter....

My missus has been a bit irritating throughout this whole Rangers debacle in her endeavours to maintain a degree of sympathy and understanding for the 'ordinary' Rangers supporters. Much as I would consider myself as a reconstructed and forward thinking chap, I actually found myself telling her that she simply didn't understand the situation yesterday. As you can imagine, this went down well.

We then caught the brief BBC Scotland TV news report at 10.35pm last night, and 3 Rangers supporters were offering their erudite and measured responses. The missus watched in barely disguised disgust, then commented that 'they could at least have found a few who look remotely normal'. I explained that this was the very point, these guys ARE the norm.

I think the penny might have dropped :rolleyes:

Edited by Drooper
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I'd like to thank this forum for intoducing me to that leggoblog, as an Aiberdeeny in the sticks I had no idea that these guys really existed. I fully expect someone to post me a whoosh, this guy must be a send up?

My favourite piece of wisdom from LEGGO! today:

Any Rangers player who snubs Scotland would be striking a blow for their country.


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I'd like to thank this forum for intoducing me to that leggoblog, as an Aiberdeeny in the sticks I had no idea that these guys really existed. I fully expect someone to post me a whoosh, this guy must be a send up?

Here's my favourite low profile comedy line from today;

""Rangers supporters are already planning how they can do their bit on this front. Those who shop at Tesco will be switching to another supermarket.""

Personally I'm off round to Tesco Express to spend as much as I can in a chidish fit of gratuitous support.

Kind of like a for every five pounds they put in, I'll spend ten, sort of a deal? Be careful where you go, that doesn't always pay dividends.

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P&B and this thread getting a wee mention on daily record page 3.

We also have a bit of clarity as to what happens with Rangers' place in the league should they be relegated, if they go out of business during the season (before May 13) Dunfermline don't go down. After that date and Dundee are promoted.

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More mutton dressed as succulent lamb journalism from Traynor. Here's a little history lesson for him.

Back in 1890, little Renton thought it would be an idea if Scottish football copied England and started a football league.

Abercorn, Cambuslang, Celtic, Cowlairs, Dumbarton, Hearts, Rangers, St Bernard's, St Mirren, Third Lanark and Vale Of Leven hummed and hawed before saying "um, okay" - the reason being the biggest football club in the land, Queens Park, who dominated the SFA, said "over our dead bodies you will!".

The press unanimously predicted the ruin of those clubs taking part for daring to defy Queen's Park who refused ever again to play the highly lucrutive friendlies against them (in those days a match against Queens Park at Hampden and a cut of the gate could pay for some club's whole season) as punishment. When Renton and St. Bernard's found themselves expelled from the SFA on trumped up charges, everyone predicted the "rebel clubs" would soon be begging Queen's Park's forgiveness for daring to defy them.

Ten years later, and it was Queen's Park begging to be allowed into the Scottish Football League (after hypocritically being happy to be members of the Glasgow League the previous five), the club that had dominated the game in Scotland for almost three decades discovering the hard way no one club was bigger than all the rest, and the game would flourish quite happily even without the biggest club's participation.

Sounds familiar Mr Traynor?

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Had the misfortune of listening to Sportsound, embarrassing to say the least. The BBC bosses need to listen back to that, and have a serious word with themselves. Dodds is as thick as a Docker's piece, and I am saddened that he will actually have got paid for that pitiful contribution last night.:angry:

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