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A vaguely familiar figure outside Snake Mountain just now, I wonder where I've seen him before?


Of course, it's Skeletor, still making sure "the Big Hoose steys open!" in the year 2050!

Shame it looks like the burger vans have cleared off.:lol::lol:


Edited by kiddy
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So have I missed it amongst all the philosophy discussion and correction of french grammar, but have we not gone nearly 2 days now without any kind of word from either of the 'potential bidders' for Rangers? You can imagine the panic at D&P's office..."No, I've tried phoning several times but both phones are still just ringing out".


Scene: the interior of D&P's office

D: - Faites vos jeux


P:- Rien ne va plus!



copyright Francois Truffaut 1965

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My husband thought ice cream and jelly a celebratory party happy banter for celtic supporters and yes a wind up to rangers fans, but we certainly had not realised it had ira connotations

Huh? :huh:

Haven't you heard of that famous republican anthem The Somerfields Of Ice Cream And Jelly?

Lo' lie the Somerfields of Ice Cream and Jelly

As we watched the Ibrorcs die.

No more bent linesmen on the wing,

No more The Sash or the Bouncy to sing

Just a supermarket aisle full of ice cream and jelly.


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Rangers fans are celebrating on Twitter the fact the Wiseman Dairies logo has been removed from the SPL website as proof that their boycott is working. Hands up all those on here who were previously aware they even sponsored the SPL? Better get them added to the list of businesses to support!

I went to Morrisons on the way home and there was a Rangers fan waddling about who seemed to be rather pleased with himself - can only suppose he was a Tesco customer until recent events.

EDIT: Thought Rangers fans wanted to boycott this mob? Their wee heads will explode trying to work out whether to back or sack them - looks like a plea from the club to leave them alone! http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/football-news/article/2749238

Edited by Stu
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In keeping with the philosophical theme, I have a suggestion for a new sign on the gates at Ibrox:

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here

I particularly enjoy the fact that Dante is considered a moral philosopher. There is an exquisite irony in there.

Why replace ''arbeit macht frei'' ? edit :lol:. and it looks like the gates at Ibrox.....


So the SFAs idea of being more open and fair with disciplinary matters is to get 3 totally anonymous people to pass judgement on clubs :lol:

I couldn't care less who they are. They are totally within their rights to pass any judgement they want and Rangers are within their rights to appeal. It will now be decided by the appeals panel which i take it will be public.

Any Rangers supporter who makes any threats or has a go at these 3 in anyway deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. Considering 1 of the 3 is a leading QC(allegedly) they would be beyond foolish to do so.

According to Sportsound they were not anonymous people, Rangers (and Sally) knew.

Edited by wunfellaff
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A vaguely familiar figure outside Snake Mountain just now, I wonder where I've seen him before?


Of course, it's Skeletor, still making sure "the Big Hoose steys open!" in the year 2050!

Shame it looks like the burger vans have cleared off.:lol::lol:




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Looks like the boycott's working, then.......


Oh, and as for getting players on the cheap, I haven't forgiven the horrible cvnts for tapping up Boyd,

Or Gordon Smith

Or Tommy McLean...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I'm glad that McCoist did make his statement. Its backfired on him and it'll possibly make the SFA attitude hardened against Rangers.

Indeed, all these protests do is highlight why we need to get this vermin out of Scottish football.

Sectarianism in Scotland will die when Rangers die. Its one of the best things that could happen to Scottish society.

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