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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No, although unfortunately this has entered the footballing lexicon through historical revisionism.

Aberdeen were saved the trial of a 3-way play-off when Falkirk neglected to provide a stadium which wasn't a hole, as required by the rules.

Gie us a break HibeeJibee. This story is all about sustained institutional corruption in at least one major Scottish institution. A topic we have locked horns on many months back long before Rangers hit the administration buffers. Without "evidence" you would not accept any negative comments about clubs generally, the SFA or SPL.

Now the filth is oozing out is it not time to accept that giving us the facts of coefficients, who was in a play off or not is just all an irrelevance.

I am sure you hope for the best in Scottish football, so chuck all the stats and get onto the real topic.

How can we clean up Scottish football and how can we have a positive say in its future? Oh yes, and also make sure the guilty make it to the courts where they will be held to account.

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Gie us a break HibeeJibee. This story is all about sustained institutional corruption in at least one major Scottish institution.

Now the filth is oozing out is it not time to accept that giving us the facts of coefficients, who was in a play off or not is just all an irrelevance.

Erm, no... the particular story in which that post related regarded those matters of recorded fact as to why Aberdeen FC were not "relegated" (which wouldn't have been the direct case anyway...), in May 2000.

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Adjourned until the 30th of May. Yorkson quoted as saying "not enough info to make a decision"

Adjourned as Yorkson had a dose of diarrhea, which somehow was caught by all the others. They took it in turns to go for a wee sit down.

Hopefully they will have stopped sh***ing themselves by the 30th. :angry:

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Mind boggling but not a surprise. Beggars belief that these guys cant come to a decision after what must have been at least 5 hours round a table. This will still be going on at the start of next season :blink:

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Rangers didn't even turn up to this meeting today. Oh well, we'll have to wait until the 30th now.

Rangers have no directors at present, we had no one to send :lol:

The solution is quite simple really, in the event of liquidation that team has to reapply to join the 3rd division. No need for all these meetings at all.


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Understandable really. There is still a bog of cheating to wade through before any solid decision can be made. I'd be amazed if all the facts are known by August.

No one can take you sriously with that avatar, gonnae change it?

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Take what I said back . If newco rushed through before the last game of the season it's all over. Not sure how all this can be done in a week. Transfer of membership et al would have yo be approved by the league/sfa.

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