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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just a few queries that I haven't read opinions of on here:

1. When is Fat Sally's disrepute charge for his "who are these people?" rant?

2. Has the £160,00 fine been appealed? If not, does this still stand and have they paid it?

3. Dave King says that Rangers fans should reject the CVA! eh WTF say do they have on it? (Brilliant popcorn moment btw, I was pmsl in the car home from work listening to the report on Dave Kings statement. This is the beginning of the grossly disjointed future in front of the Rangers fans with all these chancers/ criminals vying for control of the Proddy cause!)

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I wondered about a suspended sentence, but would it be seen as a cop out? It would, of course, make the task of finishing them off that much easier when the dual contracts come around.

It could be a dangerous game to play though. Say they get a suspended sentence, come back into the SPL but then are guilty of a minor rule break. They could find themselves thrown out for something petty and innocuous - can you imagine the backlash from the Orcs?

If anything is going to happen to them it will happen before the season starts, once it starts the door will be shut behind them, you can bank on that.

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Many clubs put their players in hotels before a game in the vain hope of keeping the bricks away from their favourite boozers and slags.


Many clubs actually pay their bills and aren't in administration at the time.

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I wondered about a suspended sentence, but would it be seen as a cop out? It would, of course, make the task of finishing them off that much easier when the dual contracts come around.

It could be a dangerous game to play though. Say they get a suspended sentence, come back into the SPL but then are guilty of a minor rule break. They could find themselves thrown out for something petty and innocuous - can you imagine the backlash from the Orcs?

I HATE the idea of suspended sentences.........they seem to rarely get invoked. In this case, I could see Rangers successfully arguing against the apllicability of any suspended sentence for future transgressions. They could rightly point-out that the suspended sentence related to a finding of bringing the game into disrepute by failing to pay PAYE/NIC. Provided that they have not repeated the PAYE/NIC foul paid all further such taxes, then there would be no valid reason to invoke the suspended sentence.

The new trangression would stand on it's own.

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If anything is going to happen to them it will happen before the season starts, once it starts the door will be shut behind them, you can bank on that.

I've thought this too............surely there has to be some sort of cut off date ? will they have to show proof that they can fulfill their fixtures ?

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Weren't they supposed to be in trouble for sectarian singing? Is that now considered too minor in the grand scheme of things?

Apart from the big stuff that can't be avoided, it's apparently business as usual regarding the blue bigots conduct ie do what you want chaps, the blind eye is turned.

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As far as I can see it, the situation is relatively simple now.

CVA fails on June 14th.

BDO roll in to replace D&P on June 15th

Liquidation commences June 16th.

The only question is whether the asset sale to Green has been prevented by this appointment of BDO. I think it will have. Therefore we have open market bidding on Rangers' scraps, meaning the timescale for forming a Newco will be thrown and there will be little to no chance of a "Rangers" in the SPL next season. The last bit is purely conjecture, but we can only hope. 8)

This of course would deem all investigations and potential punishments for Rangers redundant.

Edited by Spain
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I HATE the idea of suspended sentences.........they seem to rarely get invoked. In this case, I could see Rangers successfully arguing against the apllicability of any suspended sentence for future transgressions. They could rightly point-out that the suspended sentence related to a finding of bringing the game into disrepute by failing to pay PAYE/NIC. Provided that they have not repeated the PAYE/NIC foul paid all further such taxes, then there would be no valid reason to invoke the suspended sentence.

The new trangression would stand on it's own.

But, surely, the wording of the suspended sentence could be such that it could be made to apply to any transgression. I agree though, I wouldnt see a suspended sentence as a satisfactory outcome

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As far as I can see it, the situation is relatively simple now.

CVA fails on June 14th.

BDO roll in to replace D&P on June 15th

Liquidation commences June 16th.

The only question is whether the asset sale to Green has been prevented by this appointment of BDO. I think it will have. Therefore we have open market bidding on Rangers' scraps, meaning the timescale for forming a Newco will be thrown and there will be little to no chance of a "Rangers" in the SPL next season. The last bit is purely conjecture, but we can only hope. 8)

This of course would deem all investigations and potential punishments for Rangers redundant.

In your dateline you forgot to add:

Mass disturbances throught Scottish supermarkets as diddy fans fight over diminishing stocks of Haagen Daz, Ben & Jerrys and Sunkist on June 17th.

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But, surely, the wording of the suspended sentence could be such that it could be made to apply to any transgression. I agree though, I wouldnt see a suspended sentence as a satisfactory outcome

Naw - don't believe suspensed sentences work that way - they are intended to act as a deterrent from repeating the same behaviour at a later date.

To use a silly analogy, if I get a suspended sentence for housebreaking, it wouldn't be valid to invoke the supended sentence cos I get several parking tickets or caught speeding.

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I wondered about a suspended sentence, but would it be seen as a cop out? It would, of course, make the task of finishing them off that much easier when the dual contracts come around.

It could be a dangerous game to play though. Say they get a suspended sentence, come back into the SPL but then are guilty of a minor rule break. They could find themselves thrown out for something petty and innocuous - can you imagine the backlash from the Orcs?

If the authorities haven't got the bottle to invoke an immediate execution of sentence based on the current level of misdeeds, I don't think there's a hope in hell that they would then throw out Rangers for something petty and innocuous. Short of ritually slaughtering Neil Doncaster in a Satanic offering on the eve of an Old Firm game, the SFA would rule that invoking the suspended sentence would be 'disproportionate to the offence' and slap them on the wrists once again.

So I think a suspended sentence is the most likely option, perhaps with a one year cup ban thrown in. Gives the appearance of coming down hard without actually hammering Rangers.

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But, surely, the wording of the suspended sentence could be such that it could be made to apply to any transgression. I agree though, I wouldnt see a suspended sentence as a satisfactory outcome

Unless it was to be carried out by Albert Pierrepoint.

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Naw - don't believe suspensed sentences work that way - they are intended to act as a deterrent from repeating the same behaviour at a later date.

To use a silly analogy, if I get a suspended sentence for housebreaking, it wouldn't be valid to invoke the supended sentence cos I return my library books late.

That is indeed silly - returning your library books late is not a crime.

If you get a suspended sentence for housebreaking, and then get convicted for another crime, say assault, the original sentence will be activated and you'll go down the steps.

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That is indeed silly - returning your library books late is not a crime.

If you get a suspended sentence for housebreaking, and then get convicted for another crime, say assault, the original sentence will be activated and you'll go down the steps.

I amended it to Road Traffic Offences. - you'd lose your licence for being caught @ 130mph and might face jail time for the driving offence, but they wouldn't invoke a suspended theft-related sentence (unless you were fleeing from the scene of a further housebreaking!)

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Naw - don't believe suspensed sentences work that way - they are intended to act as a deterrent from repeating the same behaviour at a later date.

To use a silly analogy, if I get a suspended sentence for housebreaking, it wouldn't be valid to invoke the supended sentence cos I get several parking tickets or caught speeding.

Umm, I'm no expert on the matter, but I thought a suspended sentence is to act as a deterrent against any further misdeeds, whether it's related to the original offence or not. It might be a false analogy, but if a lifer gets released on parole, can he not get sent back to prison for committing a relatively minor offence? If not, I must pop off an enraged letter to the Daily Mail at once.....

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