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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My cousin used to live in Edinburgh, cabbies there are not biggoted - they take everybody the 'long way round'

Ha - last time I was in a cab in Edinburgh it was with some Germans who did the asking of back to our hotel.............I was in the back of the black cab but suddenly noticed we were going strange places (I used to live in EDI) and called him oot - he was taking Johnny Foreigner for a ride or 'tour' and got caught oot not realising there was a Scottish who knew. Taxi ended-up being free so I didn't report his licence :D

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I'm new to this site and what I'm about to say has probably been

done to death but could the present

situation not be an opening for a reconstruction of the leagues?

IF the SPL really would be in trouble without Rangers (maybe) , then why not change things around

so that they are not missed?

16 teams first div, etc, etc, etc.

Just a thought.

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(Do not pass GO, do not collect £200)

Fixed :-)


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I wouldn't rule out the liquidator looking over the independent valuations H&D got and maybe a bidder will appear for something like iMurray Park or a fortified wine maker will bid for the name and crest to throw a spanner in the works, but I'm not sure this is as shady as it may appear on first glance. Rangers are just objectively worth less than Aidan McGeady (God I love pointing that out)

Good post.

I would rule out the liquadator reversing the Green sale. HMRC said they want football to continue and they stated that money wasn't the most important thing when considering the CVA. Actually I did read something interesting on the HMRC website that in Scotland creditors can force a review of asset sales in court but the burden of proof to reverse a transaction is high. Maybe this is going to be Dave King's play with his late show to get on the list of creditors. HMRC will be instructing BDO to deliver Craig Whyte on a plate, I don't think anything else is important to some higher ups.

Rangers in their current state are worth less than a McGeady, being as they are about 15 to 20 McGeadies in debt. But not really a fair comparison is it. What would traitor Aiden be worth with 2 broken legs and doctors saying he might never play again.

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My legal knowledge is pretty much non-existant on this sort of stuff, but a quick question.

Couldn't HMRC claim these "assets" as a way of getting some of their dosh back ?

What would they do with them though? Unless there is a Rangers FC to rent them to, they would be worth, pretty much nothing. If the administrators cant sell them for more than £5.5m why would HMRC be able to

Just saw the lunchtime news. BDO may well have something up their sleeves. Heh heh.

Not according to this BBC article they dont.

Pretty much as predicted - sale to Green goes ahead and the newco moves on. Still no word on Whytes floating charge, though. Or who has ownership of the property. Cant help feeling the two are related. Newco Rangers to play at Ibrox as tennants of a Mr C. Whyte anyone?

edited to add - as if by magic, a blog piece on the floating charge appeared!

Edited by Mr X
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OK, it's on there. Thread entitled SPL or 3rd division.

I'll check back later and see if I've been outed as an Eastender.

Looks like they're ignoring it. Bung in a quote:

Unlike many senior figures in the Scottish game, Smith has no fears for the wellbeing of the clubs Celtic and Rangers would leave behind in the SPL if they did move on to help form a new league.

In fact, he is adamant that other clubs having an increased chance of winning the national title for the first time since Aberdeen back in 1985 would result in vastly increased gates and general renewed interest.

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Ha - last time I was in a cab in Edinburgh it was with some Germans who did the asking of back to our hotel.............I was in the back of the black cab but suddenly noticed we were going strange places (I used to live in EDI) and called him oot - he was taking Johnny Foreigner for a ride or 'tour' and got caught oot not realising there was a Scottish who knew. Taxi ended-up being free so I didn't report his licence :D

Funny, a taxi driver tried to do that to me and my mate in Birmingham. It was the first week of uni so, presumably, he thought we were first years. Unfortunately, for him, we were coming back to our final year and pulled him up sharpish when he turned the complete opposite way to where we were going <_<

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The SFL website has Airdrie United founded in 1965. Airdrie United *is* Clydebank renamed.


Correct: in the eyes of the footballing authorities there's essentially no difference between Clydebank <> Airdrie United and (for example) Meadowbank Thistle <> Livingston... both involved the existing member and company being taken-over, and then 'superficial' changes such as changing the name, badge and home venue.

Clydebank = Airdrie United.

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You're not the only one to take that line, we only have to go back one page to see that post from someone else (a Killie fan I think) who more or less said that, and you're not the only one I'm criticising here. I've said it before though, if Rangers are in the SPL next season then I'm done with Scottish football altogether.

So long as you know that I didn't mean to cause any offence - even to bluenose no8. - it's all good

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I've had a wee think and decided that I actually wouldn't mind newco in the SPL as long as a deal was agreed which spread TV and prize money more equally along with a major change in voting structure.

I would almost (steady, I said almost) go along with that if.....

one, just one of the filthy bigot scum representatives APOLOGISED. Why the hell do they seem to be incapable of just holding their hand up and saying sorry? :angry:

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I Green wouldnt know what day it was if his Mickey Mouse watch didnt have a little hole beside the 3! The newco will be applying to transfer the SPL share from the oldco. Why would the SFA membership be any different?

I get the impression he's walked into this without understanding the detail of how everything things work - which isn't surprising particularly as he's no experience of Scottish football - and he's know in a sort of "stoke the hysteria" default mode. His nonsense about Rangers stopping being an SPL member "1 minute after tomorrow's CVA vote" another example.

Again, if you want to argue that the newco is a totally new club with no history, then it also follows that any punishments from the SFA (for the CoS debacle) and any future punishment coming for dual contracts are gone too. Is that really worth it, just to lord it over the Rangers fans?

Yep. Officially, if a transfer-of-membership occurs, it's the same club.

If Brechin transferred theirs from their members club to a Ltd company, they're not a new club - afterall, the whole purpose of any transfer is continuity. Including, surely, punishments.

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Heard something but was also told that there will be a club known as Rangers playing in Scottish football next season. Only question is,SPL or SFL. Whichever it is Rangers will still be a significant part of Scottish football. That is the reality.

That'll be Berwick Rangers and they'll be in sfl3 next season ;)

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Sorry if it's been posted previous, but just reading a quote from Roy McGregor in the P&J regarding the last SPL meeing he was at. "Every club representative left in the hope that the CVA would be reached between the club and it's creditors".

The amount of bullshit coming out of Green/H&D's mouth at that meeting must have been epic.

Edited by mozam76
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Funny, a taxi driver tried to do that to me and my mate in Birmingham. It was the first week of uni so, presumably, he thought we were first years. Unfortunately, for him, we were coming back to our final year and pulled him up sharpish when he turned the complete opposite way to where we were going dry.gif

Ha - ever since the incident I talked of, my German mates get me to order the taxi to see if German cab drivers try it on to Claymores Johny Foreigner. The funniest was in Duesseldorf - the taxi driver was taking us all the direct route in a 7 seater, but we noticed a couple shagging on a park bench @ 5am so insisted we go round the route again to peep the horn and wave :lol:

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