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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The SPL clubs have kicked them out because of money - they fear long-term they'll lose their fans die if they let them back in - and the SFL will use money to make their decision too. The SFL could help out the SPL (if the Sky one season away thing is true) by dropping them into the First but why should they? If they go down to the Third 80-90 per cent of SFL clubs will get at least two visits from Rangers and there will be the wet dream of a three-year television deal which can be spread around everyone - and at the budget several of these clubs work on you only need a small amount to make a massive difference. If the SFL wants to let them into the First, of course some jiggery pokery can be done but it will take an almighty bribe from the SPL to get it. A share of the current television deal and another promotion spot would seem the absolute minimum they should be looking to get and given the soon to be state of the SPL clubs, I'm not convinced they'll be willing to stump up. In that case the SFL as a whole stands to gain a lot more with Rangers going into the Third Division than falling over themselves to help the very SPL which was set up to shaft them in the first place.

Guaranteed at least two visits?? Really?? You've seen coherent business plan which which shows enough working capital to ensure fixtures are fulfilled? Sfl shud seek real info before voting newco into any league

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:unsure: you got me so confused by this nonsense that i clicked green instead of red. I'd not handed out a red on thisthread and so went on automatic pilot.

For the record (not the paper!) This is rubbish, full of whataboutery and random lashing out. Don't let the door hit you on the way out

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Just been listening to Keith "petted lip "Jackson on Talksport. Unbelievable pish he spouts. Apparently it's all the fault of us internet forum loudmouths that his dear Rangers are being punished. We are a small vocal minority that has forced our clubs to "punish" the Rangers unjustifiably. It was all Craig Whyte's fault according to Keith.

Ok Keith since you appear to be a member of the hard of thinking club, here are a few facts;

* your club were cheating by using EBT's under Minty moonbeams not Craig Whyte;

* your club ran up an astronomical amount of debt thus killing yourselves;

* you club had absolutely no sympathy for Airdrie when they were in trouble;

* your club wanted to leave the SPL and would have done so if the opportunity presented itself:

* Rangers have had one punishment a ten point deduction which was tokenistic and had no impact whatsoever on income:

* the vote is against a NEWCO you half wit, your Rangers are DEAD, this is not a punishment;

* the one punishment Rangers received was foolishly appealed;

and I think you will find that 90% of the fans of other SPL clubs don't want newco. Hardly a minority. I have colleagues that can help you with numeracy problems please attend one of our classes.

I await with bated breath for the punishments for Rangers to actually really begin.

Internet Forum loudmouth and proud of it.

I had a laugh at his internet comment too, as if we are all morons who dont understand the situation - f**k you Jackson, if clowns like you did your job in the first place with the whole "money off the radar" stuff about Whyte then a large chunk of this would not have came to pass, so I suppose its easier for him to keep playing the everyone else was wrong when he especially did as much to damage Rangers by doing no homework before publishing articles.

Traynor, Young, Forsyth and Jackson - 4 guys who should not be picking up any sort of wage commenting on football in the future after this.

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Surely any re-organisation of the league system would require all SPL and SFL teams to vote on it. In which case we still have to make it clear to our clubs that we do not want a re-structuring of our leagues, purely to benefit the newco. We can't accept this constant shifting of the rules. Any newco can only apply for SFL3 as per the existing rules.

I'm actually for a re-structuring but for the correct reasons. By all means let's have serious talks about it but no changes to take place for at least two seasons.

The argument isnt over yet.

Only if it impacts upon both leagues, i.e. additional play-off promotion relegation between SPL and Division 1. If that were mooted the SPL will reject it; enough of the chairmen have taken the big decision and will not be wanting to piss off their fans by antaganising them on this. Otherwise it is a decision for the SFL clubs alone.

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It`s obviously not clear enough to all the brain surgeons and protectors of sporting integrity out there so I`ll put it in CAPITAL LETTERS and even make them BOLD for you all.


My rent-a-mob quote stands and judging by the responses already posted who think I`m posting out of some mis-guided loyalty or support for Rangers, the quote is well justified. Try and read between the lines and at least have some form of original thoughts for yourselves befor it gets really embarressing.


Please post again as this red only off sets the mistakenly given green :P

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Thanks for cheering me up this morning :D

Only 2 things I really want to pull you up on, although you provide do much ammunition I could be here all day;

1. Sporting Integrity basically amounts to sticking honestly to the rules of whichever sport you are playing, most definitely not bending said rules for the benefit of any particular player/club

2. "Rent-a-mob fans"

My club had to recently bring in overnight security and bring in extra police for an end of season match versus Queen of the South.


Because after our director Eric Drysdale was outed (at fat Sallys request) for standing up gor his beleifs re a punishment for Rangers our club was given numerous threats, from firebombing Starks Park, to causing disruption at the match, even threats of violence against our directors. So I'm sorry but your accusations of us all being rent-a-mob fans doesn't cut any fucking ice with me.

What we are seeing here is more like a revolution where "the people" (ironically that's US this time) rise up against the fat tyrannical b*****ds that have lorded it over them for years, occasionally throwing them the scraps from their table, & guess what, "the people" have had enough, "the people" are revolting!


I'm out of greenies, but I owe you one for that last paragraph.

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That's a fairly unambiguous No, wouldn't you say?

I can't copy and paste it but the 3rd paragraph from the bottom worries me slightly as it says, "on the current rules". Maybe I'm reading too much into it but that could mean, as others have alluded to, a trade off between SPL and SFL in terms of income distribution and perhaps a play-off spot. Other than that, I'm fairly happy with the statement.

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Jackie Mac said on saturday's Off the Ball that he doesn't think rankers 2.0 should be allowed into the first division.

he didn't really say that though did he......

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The saddest thing about this whole debacle is that Rangers - their fans and previous owners - could easily have saved themselves by uttering one simple word. 'Sorry'.

It seems sorry really is the hardest word to say.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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Oh and by the way, I'm sure The Rangers don't owe anything for him...

Tough one for you, but 'pay' is the transfer of agreed money or goods in compensation for goods or a service received.

I'd love it if Vlad told hm to go to 'The Rangers' in return for a cut of what 'The Rangers' will now owe on him as a result :lol: !

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Really wish the numpties on the radio and especailly kieth jackson, would realise rangers are not being punished by this no vote and fans are not trying to kick them when they are down. The newco are simply not being allowed to fast track their way back to the top league. This would happen in any other country in the world so deal with it! paranoid f**ks.


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I had a laugh at his internet comment too, as if we are all morons who dont understand the situation - f**k you Jackson, if clowns like you did your job in the first place with the whole "money off the radar" stuff about Whyte then a large chunk of this would not have came to pass, so I suppose its easier for him to keep playing the everyone else was wrong when he especially did as much to damage Rangers by doing no homework before publishing articles.

Traynor, Young, Forsyth and Jackson - 4 guys who should not be picking up any sort of wage commenting on football in the future after this.

Want to 'listen again' to this. When was it on? Ta

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There really has been some astonishingly astute, pointed, and acerbic yet ultimately well presented commentary and analysis on this thread.

This is all the more brought to the fore when you read the moronic, ill-informed dribblings of the significant majority of the estalished Scottish sports media.

For Traynor et al to suggest that people who use online forums and social media to exchange views and formulate their opinios as ill-informed etc. has to be one of the most outrageous ironies that has emerged from this entire saga.

Edited by Drooper
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That's a fairly unambiguous No, wouldn't you say?

I wouldn't say so:

“The board at Falkirk FC strongly believe the current turmoil should be a catalyst for change in Scottish Football. League reconstruction, First Division play-offs, a fairer distribution of the game’s wealth and the ending of undemocratic voting systems should be the minimum level of change.”

“It would be totally unacceptable if a “Rangers Newco” were admitted to the First Division on the current rules.

It reads like a negotiating position to me. This is what we want, and here is a big fucking caveat hinting that we could be bought.

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There really has been some astonishingly astute, pointed, and acerbic yet ultimately well presented commentary and analysis on this thread.

This is all the more brought to the fore when you read the moronic, ill-informed dribblings of the significant majority of the estalished Scottish sports media.

For Traynor et al to suggest that people who use online forums and social media to exchange views and formulate their opinios as ill-informed etc. has to be one of the most outrageous ironies that has emerged from this entire saga.

Self preservation. Hunter S Thompson wrote this in 1972, but it's incredibly apt today, I think

With a few rare exceptions... sportswriters are a kind of rude and brainless subculture of fascist drunks whose only real function is to publicize & sell whatever the sports editor sends them out to cover....

Which is a nice way to make a living, because it keeps a man busy and requires no thought at all. The two keys to success as a sportswriter are: 1) A blind willingness to believe anything you're told by the coaches, flacks, hustlers and other "official spokesmen" for the team-owners who provide the free booze ... and: 2) A Roget's Thesaurus, in order to avoid using the same verbs and adjectives twice in the same paragraph.

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