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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wonder if they'll be fined for not making pitch playable with their 5-star facilities? Would be a laugh

They should be.

Bringing game into disrepute.

Not making sufficient attempts to clear the pitch.

Brushing a few touchlines clear was pathetic.

Should be sued by btsports too.

And if they had any decency, refund every single Hearts supporter who made the journey, for their travel costs too.

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If King wants on the board, does this mean he'll have to pass the SFA fit and proper test along with Murray?

The SFA have a fit and proper person test

Then they don't

Then they have one again

Then they don't.

Then theyhave one again.

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Yes and the outcome will be very interesting.

The outcome is a foregone conclusion, as the SFA leave it to the clubs (or companies ;)) to do the investigation of the person's character - Á la MBB.

The fall-out when it goes tit-up again - now that could be interesting.

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It's from KDS ... I was nowhere your dumb thread ... :guinness

Does it not pay to know your environement , you wanna laugh at rangers don't we all, but if it just looks like your copying and pasting from the thread that is actually about the matters your posting about it don't do your credibility any good , imho apparently :P

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I fucking love Dhenboy's reposting of Sevco-art. It's like, "LOL- look at those idiots- they're club is dying LOLZA".

Let. This. Sink. In.

Once Sevco die, there will be absolutely no need for Celtic. Your fan base, or rather a large percentage of it, feeds off of the same sectarian bile that has led the rest of us diddy fans to enjoy the demise of Ra Peepo.


So, LOL it up, but understand that the diddies will laugh the longest.

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I fucking love Dhenboy's reposting of Sevco-art. It's like, "LOL- look at those idiots- they're club is dying LOLZA".

Let. This. Sink. In.

Once Sevco die, there will be absolutely no need for Celtic. Your fan base, or rather a large percentage of it, feeds off of the same sectarian bile that has led the rest of us diddy fans to enjoy the demise of Ra Peepo.


So, LOL it up, but understand that the diddies will laugh the longest.

I'm willing to risk it tbh.

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I fucking love Dhenboy's reposting of Sevco-art. It's like, "LOL- look at those idiots- they're club is dying LOLZA".

Let. This. Sink. In.

Once Sevco die, there will be absolutely no need for Celtic. Your fan base, or rather a large percentage of it, feeds off of the same sectarian bile that has led the rest of us diddy fans to enjoy the demise of Ra Peepo.


So, LOL it up, but understand that the diddies will laugh the longest.

Other than "celtic need a strong rangers", I totally agree, and am enjoying the gentle (so far) decline in the green trogs' fortunes. What celtic need is a rangers that finish 10th every season - the same thing that the rangers need of celtic. Neither side's fans want competition - they just want bragging rights.

Let's face it, we enjoyed the game against A*r this season - even though we didn't exactly humble a side from two leagues below us, it was still Them.

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^^^^^^^^ The only competition to Celtic is Sevco/The Rangers type post ... sad. Even sadder you refer to them as rangers

I refer to them as "the rangers", and as "a rangers". And the opinion referred to is that held by the majority of Glesca-fixated gloryhunters, not me.

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