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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nope. But I'm in favour of transparency (as the SFA are supposed to be). These guys were not selected from any "population as a whole" including the SFA's. They're more like the lawyers and judges in criminal trials, whose identites are in the public domain

(indeed, some of the SFA panel members are top lawyers).

complain to rangers they agreed to the system!

Still waiting for the proof about willie hills from you

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Point being, and I might have missed it - is there anyone linked to Rangers either in an official capacity, or as a media pundit who openly supports Rangers, who has spoken in a more reasoned and rational manner about their situation? Anyone showing a modicum of objectivity and not lashing out at anyone and everyone, blaming everyone bar themselves for their rather irritating current financial predicament?

No, and there won't be, because Rangers fans and staff aren't like normal football devotees. Far over and above the tribal aspect of many football clubs, they truly believe that to be a supporter of Rangers is to become part of "the master race", and as such should be above all rules and censure. That's why the death of Rangers will be good not merely for football, but for society as a whole.

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Kennedy and Murray to make a joint bid now apparently


the Record gets in with some shameless early arse licking.

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When this started I had sympathy for the genuine supporters. Not any more. At every turn Rangers in all its manifestations have shown arrogance, greed, inability to face up to and accept the truth, their own failings or wrongdoings. Whether ex player, manager, supporter or any other self appointed spokesman/expert. Every day they choose to brand more and more as their enemy. If they had any friends at the start that goodwill has long gone. The toxicity is not just in the business dealings, this is a seriously vile organisation throughout.

Excellent post especially the above para.

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Kennedy and Murray to make a joint bid now apparently


the Record gets in with some shameless early arse licking.

The daily rangers is an excuse for a rag. For everyones sanity, that should be boycotted immediately.

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Transparancy is a term bandied about by both OF teams quite regularly now and it totally pisses me off - you didn't want 'transparency' Rangers already knew who was on the panel, you wanted the names out there so your pet journos could try and discredit them and the fans could give them a hard time to punish them for daring to punish you.

Both teams make me sick, bleating on about transparency when any decision is taken against you or you are not involved in - you don't need to know everything, nothing has changed now that you know the names has it?

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Cobblers, there's absolutely no need to know who was on the tribunal, this is just the usual OF pish that demands to know what team you support, what school you went to, so they can whine about how the whole world is against them.

Correct. They could (and probably should) have delivered a far harsher penalty.

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Yeah but we could borrow some of his titles for chapters:

The BFG (Big F****d-Up Gers)

Chico and the Pork Pie Factory

Fantastic Mr Whyte

Revolting Rangers


The Twits - didn't even need to change that one.

Action failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

Ach! its only 09:30, and I'm out o greenies already.

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I'd really like a place in either league please. Traditional Ayrshire bunnery might have seen us enter the Proddy league OK in the past but this has waned and we now even have an Ultras group who are tarred as a Green Brigade copycat, singing some Sellick songs. We also mocked the Govan lads singing jovially about 'knocking back David Murray' and HMRC.

I think a small minority of Ayr fans have perhaps cost our place in either league due to their sectarian singing a few weeks ago informing both the kaffy and proddy sides in close to f*** their respective figureheads. Shame really.

Nah, umpteen good proddy schools in Ayr and prestwick and only Queeny for the greeny's. Keeping "them" well away from the rest who live in the 21st century. I'd like to think we're JKL bound. I'll shake some hands at the 1060 anyway and make it happen.

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Kennedy is obviously barking mad.

In fact, the single-minded Kennedy is wary of getting involved in consortiums of any kind, having once quipped that ‘a camel is a horse built by committee’.


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Kennedy is obviously barking mad.

In fact, the single-minded Kennedy is wary of getting involved in consortiums of any kind, having once quipped that 'a camel is a horse built by committee'.


He's obviously never tried crossing the Gobi desert on a horse.

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Is this good news for Rangers or the rest of us?


Careful now, your mask is slipping. Can't be seen to be anything but impartial.

It's bad news for the bidders who need them in their team, with the prospect of Ticketus being able to claw back some of the cash they will forfeit if/when they agree to the CVA. Ticketus are now saying that they don't see how they will make any money by being involved in a buy out. No shit Sherlock.

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Is this good news for Rangers or the rest of us?


I honestly don't think it's even worth trying to figure it out. Ticketus in, Ticketus out, Kennedy in solo, Kennedy out. Kennedy back in, if no-one else wants them. Murray's Blue Knights in, Murray's Blue Knights out. Murray and Kennedy in together, trying to flush away Bill Miller...

It's a pantomime, a dance around the handbag of death on the dancefloor of doom...

The only new owners who could possibly have saved Rangers, given the amount of shite they're in, would have been off-the-scale rich Arabs like Man City, or Russians like Chelsea. If any of those were sniffing for a British club, then by Christ, they'd be in Fratton Park right now aiming for the EPL in two or three seasons...

Tick tock.

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Soooooooooooooo let me get this right.................

They Murray, Kennedy and Ticketus all have a meet, at which T is offered £10 million out of the £27 million they are owed. They tell the other two to go stuff themselves and they in turn say "fine, we'll go it alone and you can just join the list of creditors."

Surely ticketus must have looked at things and realised that if a CVA was on the cards they would have been better taking the offered £10 million instead of the 10p in the £ that TBK and K are hoping for?


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