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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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She could be but just like Throbber I've never seen her on the toilet. Dunno what Throbber was doing in our cludgie?


If Throbs was there, I'd be willing to bet money that a laundry hamper wasn't far away.

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Great Gatsby (2013): 3/10. Almost three years late, but I have finally got round to watching it.

As I feared beforehand, Luhrmann paid little respect to the subtleties and nuance central to the success of the novel - and Jay Gatsby's character. It was bizarre and unnecessary to frame Nick as a recovering alcoholic. Jordan Baker is vastly underused, and I was left wondering why she was included in the film given the lack of respect paid to the nature of her relationship with Nick. Tom's affair with Myrtle was executed poorly, the party scenes are bland, and the editing is weak.

Having said that, individually I thought DiCaprio was excellent as Jay. Carey Mulligan was passable as Daisy and Joel Edgerton likewise as Tom. Tobey Maguire was underwhelming as Nick.

It's always going to be difficult to please everybody and appeal to a contemporary audience when adapting such a renowned work, but I would have preferred Luhrmann to at least attempt retaining the spirit of the novel. I won't be rushing to watch it again.

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Watched this on Netflix. Basically it's about a young lassie who has been away and comes home. The mum says the house is haunted and we go on from there. It has a few jumps scares and is going along nicely. The last 15/20 minutes ended up bringing tears to my eyes. Absolutely hilarious ending to the film. It's billed as a comedy horror but there was nothing funny up until the end and it had been pretty creepy. It's almost as if the writer got bored of the horror near the end and thought fuckit lets have a laugh. Recommend giving it a wee watch!


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Great Gatsby (2013): 3/10. Almost three years late, but I have finally got round to watching it.

As I feared beforehand, Luhrmann paid little respect to the subtleties and nuance central to the success of the novel - and Jay Gatsby's character. It was bizarre and unnecessary to frame Nick as a recovering alcoholic. Jordan Baker is vastly underused, and I was left wondering why she was included in the film given the lack of respect paid to the nature of her relationship with Nick. Tom's affair with Myrtle was executed poorly, the party scenes are bland, and the editing is weak.

Having said that, individually I thought DiCaprio was excellent as Jay. Carey Mulligan was passable as Daisy and Joel Edgerton likewise as Tom. Tobey Maguire was underwhelming as Nick.

It's always going to be difficult to please everybody and appeal to a contemporary audience when adapting such a renowned work, but I would have preferred Luhrmann to at least attempt retaining the spirit of the novel. I won't be rushing to watch it again.

Shitting Christ Drew that was some review for a 3/10 film. How long would an 8/10 take to write or has there not been one?

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.

"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.

Grimbo SF

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Decent enough comedy about three kids who get mixed up in gangland LA.

Spent most of it thinking who the lassie looked like in it then realised it was the girl with the braids on the Cosby show. Turns out it was her daughter.


Edited by D.A.F.C
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Eventually got round to seeing Carol.

1) It's a modern classic in the making

2) It's probably (it's definitely) the best 2015 UK release outside of Birdman

3) Cate Blanchett is arguably the best actor - male or female - of the last 25 years

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Mullholland Dr

For the life of me I can't work out what the hell was going on but it was bizarrely amazing.

Special note to the cracking lesbian scenes.

Does anyone know what it was supposed to be about?!

Do a web search about it, there are a few main theories about WTF was going on.

I was in a movie with Naomi Watts :wub:

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