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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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In the last couple of days watched two animated films from entirely different eras.

The Jungle Book (1967) Walt Disney's last film he oversaw, loved this as a lad and still have the misty-eyed fondness. 8/10

Big Hero 6 (2015) What a difference in animation, but still tells a story, loved it. 8/10

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Boring as Hell Justice


An appalling mess of a film. The acting of Ben Affleck was probably the best part of the film. It was that bad. The scenes seemed in the wrong order and jumped about from place to place. Characters turned up with no introduction, exchanged clunky conversations and fought for reasons which were kinda unclear.

Seriously, the script was shocking, the score was overblown, the visuals were alright but monotonous. Character development was strange and all female characters were negated to damsels or annoyances. Eisenberg's Luthor was not menacing, merely a pissed off Michael Cera-esque VL. [\b]The mutant guy at the end was just a smashysmashy Hulk without any motivation.

It tried to combine the dark styles of Nolan's Dark Knight with the ensemble action of the Marvel Universe. The problem is that the only reason we accept the mad, unbelievable stuff in Marvel is the fact that the whole tone of the movie is tongue in cheek, comic and light.

It was a disaster of a movie IMO.

I don't think the film is as bad as you make out. However you have absolutely nailed the reason why I hated Lex Luthor.

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I don't quite know what to make of this. If they made a movie solely based on Rorschach then I'd be perfectly happy with that as he's by far the best character and has the movie's best moments. Nite Owl and Sally's romance wasn't interesting in the slightest and I don't think it held any purpose other than to impact Dr Manhattan (whose story also didn't really bother me). In fact, The Comedian was more interesting than the three others I just mentioned and he's barely in it. I think the movie did a good job of creating a completely bizarre world but keeping many of the character's emotions and some of their personalities very grounded. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would given its 54 on Metacritic and 60-odd percent on Rotten Tomatoes and would like to see movies based on The Comedian and Rorschach (which I know will never happen) but I feel that it was a bit of a waste of such an interesting world. It didn't really drag either, in my opinion, which surprised me given the fact it was a 2 hour and 40 minute movie (its 3 and a half hour "Ultimate Edition" is a step too far, though).


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I don't quite know what to make of this. If they made a movie solely based on Rorschach then I'd be perfectly happy with that as he's by far the best character and has the movie's best moments. Nite Owl and Sally's romance wasn't interesting in the slightest and I don't think it held any purpose other than to impact Dr Manhattan (whose story also didn't really bother me). In fact, The Comedian was more interesting than the three others I just mentioned and he's barely in it. I think the movie did a good job of creating a completely bizarre world but keeping many of the character's emotions and some of their personalities very grounded. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would given its 54 on Metacritic and 60-odd percent on Rotten Tomatoes and would like to see movies based on The Comedian and Rorschach (which I know will never happen) but I feel that it was a bit of a waste of such an interesting world. It didn't really drag either, in my opinion, which surprised me given the fact it was a 2 hour and 40 minute movie (its 3 and a half hour "Ultimate Edition" is a step too far, though).


One of my favorite films, the directors cut is marvelous

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Still Alice

Loved this story of a professor at Columbia University who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's and her struggle to come to terms with the diagnosis and then her journey as the disease progresses. Julieanne Moore was superb as the lead. I very much recommend this.


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One of my favorite films, the directors cut is marvelous

I've only seen Snyder's 3 attempts at Superhero movies and none of his other movies but I'm still not sure how I feel about him. I'm one of only around five people that liked Man of Steel, I liked Watchmen and I'm slowly beginning to dislike Batman v Superman as I think about it more. I still find it surprising that WB have placed this much trust in him considering how divisive he is as a film maker.
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Other than Sucker Punch, I think all his films have made large sums of cash, which is all you need to know about why WB are backing him.


He's a damn sight better than Michael Bay. Faint praise, but praise nonetheless. And his version of Dawn of the Dead turned out far better than it had any right to.

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Zootroplis - 8/10.


Surprisingly enjoyed this. Amazing animation and a great film for kids while still enjoyable for adults.  Loved the Breaking Bad reference as well.


EDIT - forgot all about the DVLA scene.  Think I laughed the loudest of everybody in the cinema :lol:

Edited by The Minertaur
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Zootroplis - 8/10.

Surprisingly enjoyed this. Amazing animation and a great film for kids while still enjoyable for adults. Loved the Breaking Bad reference as well.

EDIT - forgot all about the DVLA scene. Think I laughed the loudest of everybody in the cinema :lol:

Zootropolis - 4/10. All of the 4 points are for the DVLA scene, which was in the advert anyway. I know its a kids film, but that main rabbit character annoyed the f**k out of me.

Taking my kids to see this on Friday.

The dvla scene had me in fits when we seen the trailer at star wars.

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I posted it in the Batman/Superman thread, but I'll post it here too.


It was 'okay'. The film isn't great, but I don't think it's terrible either. I think I'd hold my full judgement for the director's cut. Just to see what that extra half hour could have done to the film.


Doing the Wayne's parents murder again (sighes). I think I've seen five different versions of this now and I really don't think the film needs it anymore considering literally everyone who isn't a troglodyte, knows what happened.


Bruce Wayne's perspective of the Superman/ Zod fight was probably my favourite thing about it. Watching it from a completely different viewpoint, added another layer to Superman having to reveal himself in the first place (because Zod called him out) and had me thinking this all 'Does the world need a Superman' narrative looked like a good setup to the film.


Batman's fight scene at saving Martha Kent was fantastic. He was brutal, unforgiving and the scene was well choreographed in the way that the Watchmen/300 fight-scenes Snyder has proven to have worked fantastically. Makes you almost think he would be better suited to Batman over Superman. I don't like him with the gun though. Batman is a basically an over-qualified fucking ninja; Ninja's don't use such weapons.


Superman didn't really get much screen time for what is a sequel to his film, as did most the direct characters relating to him (needs more Perry White). This whole 'should there be a superman' story had great potential and it was completely skipped over here.


I think Cranston would still have been a better choice for Lex. Fair enough Snyder took a gamble, but it didn't pay off. Lex Luthor is one of these characters that like Superman, actually wants what is best for humanity, but believes power and respect must be given to achieve it in the same way his father achieved it. Superman is dishing out salvation for free, and Luthor despises that and everything about him for it. Cranston would have nailed a more, proud, intimidating pysche down to a tee rather than a more caricature bad guy that reminded me of a 'Modern Joffrey' vibe that I got from (NOT H)Eisenberg.


I enjoyed Wonder Woman. She was used about the right amount. I find myself teased enough to be very intrigued to see her film. Like most, I didn't see the point in the rest of the justice league being inserted in either. They could have been used for a good trailer.


Doomsday wasn't necessary, and not showing it in the trailer might have at worst made it a 'not-terrible' twist in the same way Jimmy Olsen got offed. Two gambles that might have paid off in another world.


The whole superman's death also felt diminished because you knew what was happening as soon as Doomsday showed. You couldn't really feel for his death for the last disingenuous ten minutes of the film either. Putting that 'dirt rising' at the end infuriated me, as it felt patronising to the audience.


In fact, a better plot arguably would have been to have made Lex mind control Superman into turning against humanity and do the Doomsday work for him. This would have paid off in the following:-


a) Not felt like the Batman/Superman fight was a 7 minute, good, but all the same, disappointing anti-climax to the 3 year build up for this fight, which could have been a full on 30 minute rumble worth the pay off.

b) Put a much more believable reason to why Batman and Superman are fighting as well as chucking Wonder Woman into the mix as backup. I'm sick of it always having to be a bad guy having to do all the antagonist heavy lifting, when a misunderstood good guy could be more effective.

c) Would have pushed Superman into hiding, believing that world doesn't need him, paid lip service to the question asked by his potential to wipe out the planet that Bruce Wayne believed, and set up him to be the big gun of inevitable salvation for the Justice League two-parter, and when Darkseid/Brainiac shows up.

d) Lastly, that dream sequence with the dystopian, Injustice(basically Superman ends up like Zod)-Story Superman future could have been used effectively rather than this shoehorned part which felt like it came out of nowhere, As an Easter egg, that would have had me chomping on the bit, out of my seat nuts for the Justice League film.


Snyder can't do humour. He badly needs a writer in his team that can.



TL;DR Some things worked, a lot of others didn't. Still very curious to see the director's cut.

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I too was ready to walk out the cinema after the first hour of the Superman vs. Batman movie.


To be honest, I was pretty lost with most parts of the film. I've seen the Batman films but only bits of the Superman films so that's probably the reason why.

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I too was ready to walk out the cinema after the first hour of the Superman vs. Batman movie.

To be honest, I was pretty lost with most parts of the film. I've seen the Batman films but only bits of the Superman films so that's probably the reason why.

Was going to see this but if you have to have watched all the previous BM & SM to work out what's going on, I'll not bother.

Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril

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