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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watched loads of the films the past wee while:


Hunger Games - 7/10 - enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would.


Hunger Games: Catching Fire - 6/10 - revisiting the games format felt a little unnecessary, thought they would get straight into the rebellion.


Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 - 7.5/10 - thoroughly enjoyed this, was the film that the second one should have been.


Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 - 6/10 - Pretty poor finale to the whole story, kind of lost interest halfway through and thought the ending was pretty poor. The Mutts were clearly men in spandex suits.


The Reef - Group of folk go sailing off the coast of Oz, boat hits reef and capsizes. Few folk decide to swim for an island they cant see. You can guess the rest. Was a random pick off Netflix but thought it was really well done for what it was. Built up tension well in places. 7/10


The Boy - Maggie from Walking Dead (wid) travels to England to be a nanny for an old couple in their old stately home. Turns out the boy is a doll. As terrible as it sounds only kept watching due to Maggie - 4/10


The Invitation - Dinner Party for a group of friends goes a bit wrong. Enjoyed this, fairly tense throughout and pretty well acted 7/10


Star Wars The Force Awakens - Felt they have played a bit safe with this, although after the shambles of the prequels cant really blame them. It felt like a remake of ANH at points however I ended up really enjoying it and looking forward to the next one. 7.5/10

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Recorded (nearly said taped there...) French film Betty Blue a wee while ago and am only 2 and a half hours through it (another hour to go) as of yesterday.


Basically the adventures of a seriously sexy, mental and sensual young French girl and her boyfriend.  The numerous smutty bits aren't what you'd call porn, and all the better for it.  Simply two people "gettin' it on"; excellent.


A bit rambling, but a classic that you should seek out.  7/10.

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Terminator: Genisys - 6/10. Jason Clarke was absolutely shite as John Connor, Jai Courtney was not too bad as Kyle Reese - First time I've seen him put in a decent performance. Emilia Clarke was meh as Sarah Connor. Thought Arnie was solid throughout.

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The Thing 9/10

One of those films I haven't watched in a while. I forgot how all out tense and terrifying this film was. The scene with the dogs is one that isn't going to leave the back of my retinas any time soon.

"Yeah f**k you too" might just go down as one of my favourite film quotes ever.

Top film, an absolute classic.

The chair scene is my, personal, favourite.

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Top film, an absolute classic.

The chair scene is my, personal, favourite.


That clip ends just before my favourite line from that film


"I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!"

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That clip ends just before my favourite line from that film

"I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!"

Ken, it's a shame :(

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Celtic Pride 8/10

No it's not about them it's a film about the Boston Celtics Basketball team. They are going for the NBA championships and are up against Utah Jazz with one of the Wayan brothers starring for them.

2 Celtics die hards ( Dan Akleroyd and Daniel Stern ) take things into their own hands to help their team try and achieve glory.

Quite cheesy but it has a few cracking one liners in it, one of my all time favourite films.

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Celtic Pride 8/10

No it's not about them it's a film about the Boston Celtics Basketball team. They are going for the NBA championships and are up against Utah Jazz with one of the Wayan brothers starring for them.

2 Celtics die hards ( Dan Akleroyd and Daniel Stern ) take things into their own hands to help their team try and achieve glory.

Quite cheesy but it has a few cracking one liners in it, one of my all time favourite films.

I've not seen that film in years. Was rather funny if I remember correctly

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Into the Woods

It's a musical of various fairy stories starring James Cordon.

Just let that sink in.

-10/10. My telly is lucky it's still in one piece.

Was there not an episode of Mrs Brown's Boys on you could have watched instead? Or even a Lisa Tarbuck era You've Been Framed?
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