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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Walk Of Shame - 3/10. Watched it with a female friend who thought it looked good (FriendZone bitterness imvho tbqh) and I agreed on the basis that Elizabeth Banks is a total wid and the dress on the poster for it looked awfully tight. Pish film and Banks' wid-ness didn't really help get me through it since she's annoying as f**k in it.

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I watched a film called Hush last night where this deaf woman was being hunted around about her house by some weirdo in a mask. There was little clarity as to the motivation behind the guy wanting to kill her and ultimately a truly awful film, got good reviews on Netflix though.

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Well, there are the rumours and pictures going about concerning him and that Moroccan (?) guy.

In honesty, he might not be, he could be bisexual for all we know. He has dated countless "wids".


There was a clickbait story about his first date with Gemma Atkinson (wid) doing the rounds a week or so ago. They sat on the couch, drinking tea and watching Only Fools and Horses.


Regardless of his sexuality, that's f*cking weird.

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Hail, Caesar!


I'm a big fan of the Coen Brothers, so I was quite excited to see this. It isn't that great a movie when you compare it to Fargo, No Country for Old Men or The Big Lebowski. However, it certainly isn't the worst film by them. 


7/10 (A bonus point for the scene between Alden Ehrenreich and Ralph Fiennes with 'Would that it were so simple.' which had me in fits of laughter.)

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High Rise, Lord of the Flies meets The Discrete Charm of the Bourgousie, with middle class adults having to survive in a tower block. Would have liked the chaos to have ensued more gradually but it captured a lot of the spirit of J G Ballard in the design and photography. 7/10

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I just finished watching this. I enjoyed it more than I thought. Just 90 minutes of toilet humour.....rather funny aswell. That bird that wanted to nail old bob is a total wid

If that is Aubrey Plaza, I agree. It took me a few times to realise it was her in the "I'm picking my flight, I'm not picking my flight. I'm picking my flight, I'm not picking my flight. Oh I missed my flight" advert

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Recently watched "The Hunt" starring Mads Mikkelsen - Le Chiffre in Casino Royale.

For those who haven't seen it, it's basically about the hysteria that sweeps a small town when a school teacher is wrongly accused of indecent acts towards children. There is next to no action, it's all dialogue, yet the suspense and tension is unbearable.

Great acting, especially from some of the child actors. Well directed as well, appears to be quite low budget. Anyway if u haven't seen it I thought it was fantastic so ye would deffo recommend.


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I've been fairly busy tonight.


The Invitation


Lots of people get an invitation to a couple's dinner party. It all gets a bit weird and at times paranoid. It's a belting movie, and one in which I wasn't really sure what direction they were going to go in. They certainly opened plenty of different paths and some interesting enough twists to make you think.




The Forest


While this is utter gash. Horrible acting, unintentionally laughable dialogue and the usual cheap LOUD NOISE SCARES that you can expect from a horror movie which provides no actual tension.



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Recently watched "The Hunt" starring Mads Mikkelsen - Le Chiffre in Casino Royale.

For those who haven't seen it, it's basically about the hysteria that sweeps a small town when a school teacher is wrongly accused of indecent acts towards children. There is next to no action, it's all dialogue, yet the suspense and tension is unbearable.

Great acting, especially from some of the child actors. Well directed as well, appears to be quite low budget. Anyway if u haven't seen it I thought it was fantastic so ye would deffo recommend.


I watched this a while back. Tremendous stuff all round. Just shows what can happen when someone is wrongly accused of anything involving children. Brilliant film

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The Hunt (9/10)


Echo what the guys above have said about the quality of the film, very tense throughout after the shit has hit the fan. Loved they way they built up the sense of really strong community and brotherhood before showing it collapsing in one direction.


This stuff actually happens, for false accusations of rape and domestic violence as well as paedophilia.

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The Jungle Book - 8/10

Thought this was really well done, story moved along quite well and was actually quite dark in places considering its PG rating.

I felt it went really quickly. Wasn't my choice to go and see, but actually it's a really stunning film to watch. I get what you mean by it being dark, there are a few genuinely upsetting parts of you're a younger person. Disappointing lack of elephants singing though.

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Watched "Locke" starring (as the only actor in it)  Tom Hardy on cooncil TV (or Freeview??) last night.  High-powered construction project manager is driving to the birth of a baby that is a result of a one night stand, meaning he has to miss running the biggest day of his working life.  The film is essentially his telephone conversations with his wife, son, the woman having the kid, his boss and a guy that works for him.  Sounds pish, but it was really good, and worth catching.  8/10

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