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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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On Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 18:41, GrahamJags said:

The Emoji Movie - 0/10 (Cinema)

Curiosity got the better of me (as well as having an Unlimited Card and no life), and I wanted to see how justified the merciless reviews were. Totally justified. Utterly horrible film.

Took the weans to it this afternoon. Feared the worst given the critical panning, but I enjoyed it more than some of the cartoons they've dragged me to in recent years...


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Nocturnal Animals (SKY)

Very good performances  all round which given the cast is hardly surprising, the opening sequence was pretty jaw dropping, loads of style throughout, probably me being dozy but had to do a bit of research into the ending , although I'm sure I wasn't the only one ...lol 8/10


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Life 8/10

Enjoyed this more than I thought I would.

A tiny bacteria-like creature is found on Mars and a spaceship is bringing it back to Earth (what could go wrong).

It is clearly based on Alien, but the effects are good and it creates decent tension (if you're not too concerned about plot-holes etc.)

I found it quite creepy and def. worth a go. It is set up well for a sequel.

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In Time (DVD)

Set in a future where everyone stops ageing at 25 but they only live one more year, however time is currency which you can buy to extend your life. It plays out like a Robin Hood story with Justin Timberlake robbing time from the elite class and giving that time to the lower class. He's assisted by his Maid Marian played by Amanda Seyfried and both are pursued by a Sheriff (Timekeeper here) played by Cillian Murphy. It's all a bit silly but a decent enough watch.


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Dark Tower (cinema)

One of the worst villan performances of all time from Mathew Maconaghy coupled with a storyline so poor I'm still not completely sure who was doing what to this dark Tower. Absolute shite 1/10.



Loved it, in many respects a remake of the first one but it was done really well, the camera work for the fights was superb and some new takes on the iconic scenes...have heard they're doing a sequel, happy days. 9/10

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Predator (dvd)

The wife is on maternity leave and amongst her many kind gifts were Terminators 1&2 and Predator 1&2 which she'd never - so that she can join in with the patter, apparently.
Nice idea, and T1 is a middling but legit sci fi of sorts.
Predator is just ridiculous dogshit though. Like, if your dug ate slugs all weekk dogshit. P2 might not get watched tbh

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51 minutes ago, L. Brilliant said:

Predator (dvd)

The wife is on maternity leave and amongst her many kind gifts were Terminators 1&2 and Predator 1&2 which she'd never - so that she can join in with the patter, apparently.
Nice idea, and T1 is a middling but legit sci fi of sorts.
Predator is just ridiculous dogshit though. Like, if your dug ate slugs all weekk dogshit. P2 might not get watched tbh

I think I want to fight you for these awful and incorrect opinions.

Incidentally, whilst Predator is awesome ("I ain't got time to bleed"), Predator 2 is quite shit.

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Zombie Flesh Eaters - after her father's ship washes up in New York, sans crew except for a single zombie, a woman teams up with an ambitious journalist to find out what happened to her father on a small Caribbean island.

Bit of a minor genre classic from Lucio Fulci, and probably my favourite of his films. Doesn't really have much in common with Dawn of the Dead, which it was made to be a rip-off cash-in Italian sequel to, but I've always liked the atmosphere despite Fulci's usual plodding pace, and it's full of memorable moments, like the infamous splinter scene and the shark vs zombie fight (aye, you remember it now).

HMV have had some nice deals on horror Blu-Rays in recent months, which is where I picked this up (5 for £30). Takes me back to the old days of trawling for video nasties. Easily the best print I've seen of the film - never would have believed it could look so good back when I had to make do with the old Vipco VHS.

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The House by the Cemetery - a family move in to a house with a chequered history. Bad things occur.

Another of Lucio Fulci's better-known films. Quite slow and plodding, like many that Fulci made, with some abysmal dubbing and poor acting. Fulci's notorious obsession with eyes was taken to new extremes in this one, as there are a remarkable number of close-up zooms on characters' faces, although thankfully no splinters/spiders penetrating eyeballs (though there's a hilariously-overwrought scene involving a bat). It's not a great film by any stretch, but it's daft enough to fit into the 'so bad it's good' category. One warning - your enjoyment may suffer from Annoying Child, who is present throughout the running time  :(

Another recent Blu-Ray purchase; the print's a fair bit grainier than Zombie Flesh Eaters, but still easily the best quality I've seen, albeit a bit watery. I probably spent the same amount on a dreadful VHS copy twenty-odd years ago, which was so dark it was almost unwatchable, and had the ending made entirely incomprehensible from cuts made by the BBFC due to their rules regarding plots that showed children in peril.

The BBFC have has some bizarre obsessions over the years.

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Logan Lucky 0.5/10

Oooof pitiful stuff. HONESTLY everything about it is bad, terrible nonsensical boring story, rubbish characters. Think they thought they were making a Coen brothers film but absolutely zero wit or charm. Half the people in it seemed to have given up before they'd even started, e.g. think Swank might have done one of the worst performances I've ever seen. (cinema)

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Had a B&W British film weekend...

A Taste of Honey 7/10

Kitchen sink drama. Patchy, but ultimately convincing performances in this blueprint for British social commentary. (DVD)

Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner 9.5/10

Runner goes to borstal. Incredible story telling, compelling directing, top-5 endings of all time, stupid place to hide the money. (DVD)

The Day the Earth Caught Fire 6/10

Oddball sci-fi, disaster thriller featuring some fast talking newspaper men, a wooden editor and rudimentary, but thrilling special effects. The film can't decide what it is, but is still worth a watch. An early bit part from Michael "My Name is Michael Caine" Caine. (DVD)

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Mystic River - 8.5. The final hour in particular was incredible. Superb performances by all, especially Tim Robbins. Didn't really understand why the subplot involving Bacon's wife needed to happen though. I guess to show that he too was affected by the childhood event? Doesn't really go into much detail though and didn't add anything. Last few scenes didn't need to be included either IMO, would have been better ending with Penn's line about the childhood Robbins. Great film though.

One of my favourite movies. Outstanding stuff.

Penns performance was top notch.

Great book aswell tbh.
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On 8/25/2017 at 19:01, Christophe said:


Logan Lucky 0.5/10

Oooof pitiful stuff. HONESTLY everything about it is bad, terrible nonsensical boring story, rubbish characters. Think they thought they were making a Coen brothers film but absolutely zero wit or charm. Half the people in it seemed to have given up before they'd even started, e.g. think Swank might have done one of the worst performances I've ever seen. (cinema)

I hated this, too. Not helped by the fact that I have a real problem tuning into that accent. And there's NO WAY IN THE WORLD that wee lassie was a product of Channing Tatum + Kate Holmes. Looked so much better in the trailers.

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