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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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10 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Didn't Avatat win a load of awards? It's a huge pile of shite with zero redeeming features

I don't know the specifics but I'd imagine it won a whole load of technical awards - which it deserved. I'm sure it did get nominated for Best Picture, though, which I didn't think it deserved. 

ETA: It's worth noting that this was the first year of the reintroduction of the extended nominees. 

Edited by accies1874
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Copland (Sony Movie Channel)


6/10. Decent premise and a great cast but a rushed conclusion loses this points. Sylvester Stallone is Frank, the sheriff of a small New Jersey town in which a load of corrupt NYPD officers live, led by Harvey Keitel. He generally turns a blind eye to their misdemeanours, believing them to be pretty harmless.


After the corrupt cops fake the suicide of one of their own in order to get him off with killing two black teenagers who he mistakenly thought shot at him, internal affairs, led by Robert De Niro, start investigating the town and the officers there.


Frank soon become suspicious that things are more serious that he realises, and he soon discovers that the whole town is a front for the mob, with whom the corrupt cops are in collusion with.


It’s up to him to bring them down…


As mentioned this has a great cast, as besides De Niro, Stallone and Keitel we also have Ray Liotta and Robert Patrick. The film does a good job of showing what a lame duck Frank is, although only a couple of scenes really show how corrupt the bad cops are, most notably when Keitel’s character ensures that they can’t reach a fellow cop who is hanging on to a breaking aerial high up a block of flats, resulting in the cop’s death. Frank’s romantic subplot is totally unnecessary and those scenes are pretty worthless as it goes nowhere and doesn’t serve the plot. As I said at the start, the ending is rushed, as once Frank decides to take action most of the outcome of this happens over only 20 minutes or so.


Stallone gained 40 pounds to play the sad, bumbling Frank, and his performance is often great. He really captures the beaten spirit of a guy coasting in life. Robert Patrick rocks a mean moustache, and Ray Liotta plays greasy bug eyed like only he can. De Niro has a smaller role and is perfunctory, whilst Keitel drips menace.


Still, there’s not really enough plot to go around to serve all the stars here.

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The Florida Project 7/10

One of these films where nothing really happens but it does leave a lasting impression. The acting from the kids make the film with good support from Dafoe and Vinaite. Watching this so soon after 3 Billboards shows that America is really a fucked up nation.

Probably struck a cord with me as years ago(late 90's) I booked a holiday to Florida with the wife and kids (pre internet days using Teletext holidays?!?!) We ended up, in the middle of the night, at a motel very similar to the one in this. Some dodgy looking Hispanics were fixing a car in the car park . We stayed one night and got the f**k out of there as soon as morning arrived, not sleeping a wink.

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Isle of Dogs (2018):

'Fantastic Mr Fox' meets '1984' with an undercurrent of marginalisation. 

Wes Anderson is definitely in my top three directors currently working so I jumped at the opportunity to see it early. While I thought that it was going to play too closely to the aforementioned FMF, I'd say that it takes more risks in its tone and story. The visual style is, of course, similar, and there are other similarities such as the grittily-voiced (animal) protagonist and a rag-tag group of animals trying to take down the big guy. However, this is certainly a darker and nastier tale due to how dire the whole situation is; an innocent group are ostracised due to a corrupt leader not liking them (hmmm). 

It brings plenty of chuckles, which can simply be down to how disciplined and orderly Anderson likes to frame his shots to have such a strange scene playing out on such an organised backdrop, however it's far from his funniest film - I'm ok with that as the story and message doesn't lend itself to a laugh-a-minute romp. 

As per most of Anderson's films, the sets are glorious too. There are long stretches of monotonous grey locales but they are often interrupted by a injection of colour, hence implying that there is need for colour in a one-note world (again, hmmm). 

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I need your help guys to remind me about a film I watched over last two years since I got the delights of Firestick apps. I've kept records of everything i've watched but I seem to have missed this one.

Low budget British horror thing based in old church where couple of ghost hunter types set up remote cameras to record strange goings on.

It ends with them running through  underground tunnel and stuff.

I'm old enough that nothing scares me but I found this really creepy and i'd like to scare the shit out my kids.

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56 minutes ago, jimmy boo said:

I need your help guys to remind me about a film I watched over last two years since I got the delights of Firestick apps. I've kept records of everything i've watched but I seem to have missed this one.

Low budget British horror thing based in old church where couple of ghost hunter types set up remote cameras to record strange goings on.

It ends with them running through  underground tunnel and stuff.

I'm old enough that nothing scares me but I found this really creepy and i'd like to scare the shit out my kids.

The Borderlands?

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On 02/02/2018 at 01:55, supermik said:

I, Tonya. 7/10.

A style of film that is probably not to everybody’s taste with all the talking to the cameras stuff. She did appear to have a shit life and her maw was a total harridan, and her hubby was a p***k. Having watched it though I do believe that she knew nothing about the attack to Kerrigan. Totally loved the very last words though.

Went to see this with low expectations .   It was good. Really enjoyed it. Laughed out loud at some of it  Brilliant director. Made the film flow just right.   Same story told by 5 (I think) people who were all involved in her career  and each story differs.  Hard to think of a more black comedy.  I mean it was bleak.  Her mother was  a harridan, and yes, her husband was a p***k, but she rose above all the shit that was thrown at her. 

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Game Night -- Enjoyable nonsense with Jason Bateman being the best Jason Bateman he can be. Owes more than a tip of the hat to The Game and by the time all the twists and turns have ironed themselves out, nothing of what you've watched makes much sense. But it was pretty funny, if forgettable. 6/10

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Lady Bird - 9/10 (cinema)

Probably the best film I’ll see this year. Absolutely loved it. Saoirse Ronan is wonderful, as is Timothee Chalamet. Wasn’t convinced by Laurie Metcalf, as the mother, until a scene near the end, which was utterly beautiful. Great Gerwig deserves a hell of a lot of credit for the writing, it’s fantastic.

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Eyein the sky (Netflix)

Not bad but a few issues with it, maybe it's me but Alan Rickman and Helen Mirren seemed a bit uncomfortable doing it, the moral question of how much effort the powers that be will put in to save the life of a young girl who could be collateral damage in a drone operation to thwart a terror attack is the theme of the film, I'm in two minds as to wether this would be an accurate depiction considering the amount of innocent people who have been caught in a drone strike or is it how they'd like us to see it. Impossible desicion to make of course .

As for the movie itself , lots of familiar faces and certainly keeps your attention throughout. 7/10

Edited by Co.Down Hibee
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On 2/25/2018 at 02:40, MSU said:

Game Night -- Enjoyable nonsense with Jason Bateman being the best Jason Bateman he can be. Owes more than a tip of the hat to The Game and by the time all the twists and turns have ironed themselves out, nothing of what you've watched makes much sense. But it was pretty funny, if forgettable. 6/10

Agree with this.  Quite enjoyed the film and it passed very quickly.  Quite a few moments where I couldn't actually hear the film as the audience were all laughing so hard!

I'd give it a 7/10.  Loved the scenes where it was just a car driving to a house but they made it look like it was a game.  

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3 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

Loved the scenes where it was just a car driving to a house but they made it look like it was a game.  

Yeah, those scenes were great. The bit with the dog and the leaking wound was worth the free admittance with my MoviePass card alone.

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