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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Had a busy week, bleeding my unlimited card dry.




Hardy is great as Brock for a start, particularly as the rest of the cast are so one dimensionally average. In all though, I enjoyed it. Tone was a wee bit off as I felt it veered into full blown comedy a lot but some of the symbiote's patter did have me laughing so can't complain. Clearly not at the same level as the MCU in so many ways but a solid effort and hopefully not the last we see of Venom. He's too good a character to not end up in a decent spiderman film



Johnny English Strikes Back


The original was one of my favourite films when I was younger. Loved quoting it and acting out some of the scenes. The ABBA in the bathroom scene remains a classic.


Onto to the new one - it's exactly what you'd expect. Predictable gags, questionable plot and shite villain but a thoroughly entertaining 90 minutes. I am a big fan of films like this that don't take themselves too seriously. Got plenty of laughs out of me and really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the fourth one in another 7 years or so. Also, the film absolutely reeked of brexit which is represented by English teargassing a group of French cyclists



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"Dead Man Walking" (Netflix) - about a death row prisoner (Sean Penn) who forms a bond with Nun (Susan Sarandon). It's not exactly fun... but it is very good indeed, and the two leads are great (think Sarandon won an Oscar). It's highly recommended, though not one to watch if you're after a quick laugh. 

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5 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Bradley Cooper is one of those folk I would love to punch over and over. A Star is Born sounds great though. Would love to be won over but can just see myself stewing in the cinema wanting to spark him out. 

Why is that? I think he’s a pretty great actor tbh.

Saw it last night. Very good, 9/10.

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18 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Why is that? I think he’s a pretty great actor tbh.

Saw it last night. Very good, 9/10.

He just gets on my nerves. I didn't mind War Dogs too much. Maybe it's David O. Russell's films that grate rather than Cooper as I really hated Silver Linings Playbook and had to switch off American Hustle. 

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I don't mind Cooper. He's been good in anything I've seen him in but never Oscar worthy. How he got a nomination for American Sniper ahead of Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler still baffles me.

I thought Silver Linings Playbook was a whole lot of nothing. Utter shite but it seems to be well thought of.

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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:

I don't mind Cooper. He's been good in anything I've seen him in but never Oscar worthy. How he got a nomination for American Sniper ahead of Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler still baffles me.

I thought Silver Linings Playbook was a whole lot of nothing. Utter shite but it seems to be well thought of.

I thought Nightcrawler was hipster pish. I sometimes don’t mind those type of films (enjoyed Drive for example) but thought Nightcrawler was really disappointing. Far too desperate to be arty.

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25 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I thought Nightcrawler was hipster pish. I sometimes don’t mind those type of films (enjoyed Drive for example) but thought Nightcrawler was really disappointing. Far too desperate to be arty.

Drive is far more pretentious than Nightcrawler.

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Wajib 7/10

Two Israeli Arab fellas (dad and lad, played by an actual dad and lad) drive around Nazareth dropping off wedding invitations, which is apparently quite a big thing in Israeli Arab Christian culture since the son came all the way back from Italy to help out. Anyway obviously the story is a cypher for exploring the father son relationship, and to a lesser extent the lives of Israeli Arabs and the politics of their particular situation. Does nothing hugely original but an engaging film and passes 90 mins until the next Marvel film comes out. (cinema)

22 July 8/10

Christ, a bit too much perspective! Doesn’t always hit the mark, but bloody hell! (Netflix)

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace 2/10

Right, where to begin - there’s not much to say that hasn’t already been said but here we go...it gets off to a very bad start, and for a good hour afterwards it just gets worse and worse and worse. A lot has already been said about the dreary fact that it’s about trade disputes, but fucking hell i’m already bored eight words into the yellow word crawl. Logic also takes a serious kicking in this film, beginning with the line “they must be dead by now...go in there and finish what’s left of them”(!!!?!). And why do the Trade Federation have a seat on the Galactic Senate when their success as an organisation is dependent on a franchise awarded to them by the...er...Galactic Senate? Everything that happens in the first hour of this film irritates the f**k out of me, including the giant fishes, the fact that a massive pod race just happens to be happening the very next day, the fact that they decided to bring Jar Jar into town with them when they want to keep a low profile and they’ve already marked him as hopeless and good at getting into trouble. I’m not even gonna go into the major flaws and contradictions and overwhelming coincidences (Anakin having built a droid who ends up through sheer coincidence in his son’s possession some 30-odd years later) rife in the film, or the midichlorians or any of the other shit that has been done to death. The pod race bores me to tears. It doesn’t help that for the first half of the race, nearly everything Greg Proops says begins with “Looks like”...for some reason I’m really irritated by the fact that Anakin’s pod sound effects are just layered sounds of F1 cars. By the time they’re in Coruscant, some kind of defence mechanism has kicked in and I’ve sort of glazed over and stopped analysing things. As it moves into its final act, I just find it, at worst, boring. I think as a nuts and bolts set of action sequences, the final act is perfectly competent if not interesting or particularly exciting or tense.  The film has very minor redeeming qualities. I do think Darth Maul is stylistically cool. I think the double-ended lightsaber reveal moment as he’s stood in that massive hanger doorway as Duel of the Fates kicks in is beautifully staged and it would have been a magnificent moment had they not already shown him using it in the trailer so it wasn’t a surprise. Mostly though, as a film in its own right, it’s very irritating and quite boring. (Sky)


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