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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Babadook
Pretty good horror. A single mother struggles with the death of her husband on the same day as her son is born and after reading a children's book titled Mr Babadook to her son. Afterwards her son believes a monster lives in their house. Not believing him she soon starts to realise that an evil presence is there.

The director made a film last year called The Nightingale which features one of the most horrific things I've ever seen on film.

The Damned United is on BBC2 in about ten minutes.
Is there a better fitba's film?

Are there any good ones (I've never seen TDU but recorded it tonight)? I have it in my mind that it's a sport that doesn't really translate well to cinema or TV, but I can't actually remember watching any football films so may have made that up.
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Movie 34 (Me) -- Airplane! 8/10. As we were about to sit down and watch this, I announced that I was 10 when I first saw it. I remember it quite clearly. I also remember quoting entire scenes with my pals at school in the following days. I don't think what I saw was a censored for TV version, I remember going to the video rental store with my dad and we hired it. So what I saw 36 years ago is pretty much what I saw tonight with my 11 year old step-daughter and 13 year-old step-son. I still find it funny. I still see jokes that I'd either missed or forgotten. According to our TV it's PG and with the boobs, the racism, the homophobia, the drugs, the sleeping with the horse, the autopilot blowjob, etc, it's difficult to see how it holds that rating. Boobs in the US will push it to a PG-13 (which probably didn't exist at the time) or maybe even an R. We all, for the most part, enjoyed it. I probably laughed more than everyone apart from the 11 year old who thought it was a hoot.

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1 hour ago, accies1874 said:

Are there any good ones (I've never seen TDU but recorded it tonight)? I have it in my mind that it's a sport that doesn't really translate well to cinema or TV, but I can't actually remember watching any football films so may have made that up.


Aye, football films tend to be pish, generally, but I'd say TDU is an exception. 

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The Damned United is excellent as it focuses on a real life story, albeit one with various inaccuracies. Most football films tend to be glorified Roy of the Rovers type nonsense where the heroes score the winning goal, save the crucial penalty or defeat the evil Nazis in the last minute.

Most of football is misery, pain and suffering and I'd welcome more films that express that. 

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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9 hours ago, MSU said:

Movie 34 (Me) -- Airplane! 8/10. As we were about to sit down and watch this, I announced that I was 10 when I first saw it. I remember it quite clearly. I also remember quoting entire scenes with my pals at school in the following days. I don't think what I saw was a censored for TV version, I remember going to the video rental store with my dad and we hired it. So what I saw 36 years ago is pretty much what I saw tonight with my 11 year old step-daughter and 13 year-old step-son. I still find it funny. I still see jokes that I'd either missed or forgotten. According to our TV it's PG and with the boobs, the racism, the homophobia, the drugs, the sleeping with the horse, the autopilot blowjob, etc, it's difficult to see how it holds that rating. Boobs in the US will push it to a PG-13 (which probably didn't exist at the time) or maybe even an R. We all, for the most part, enjoyed it. I probably laughed more than everyone apart from the 11 year old who thought it was a hoot.

American censorship is fucked up. You can get pretty much whatever you want uncensored, but finding it can be a bitch, and most people will see versions of films that have been changed from the original. Unfortunately, we sometimes get stuck with their cut versions too, out of laziness by the distributors more than anything else. I remember being a film geek teenager and being jealous that Americans saw their films before the UK censors got their hands on them, but the reality really doesn't live up to the theory.

Anyway, presumably you've got Movie 43 already lined up? The kids might be a bit too mentally mature for that one, right enough  :P

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Watched Uncut Gems last night, was definitely good, but by the end I felt like I’d been in the sensory overload torture chair from A Clockwork Orange. Just absolutely fucking relentless for two straight hours.

Adam Sandler was really good though.

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The Conversation (1974)

Highly acclaimed Coppola film starring Gene Hackman as a surveillance expert who becomes obsessed with the couple he's been spying on thinking that they are going to be murdered. Not quite as good as I was expecting but still pretty good and you can see it had an influence on Lives Of Others.


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