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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Phily movie i made - 10/10 - the director has a keen eye for the subject matter, and an ocscar is no doubt round the corner somewhere in the future.

Was it about Cheese steaks? I had one yesterday for lunch. Was very good.

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The Hills Have Eyes (remake)- 6/10 nothing that hasnt been done before.

:lol: nice one :lol:

I watched a couple of dvds last night with my flatmates.

Little Miss Sunshine, one of the best, most subtle comedies I've seen for a long time. So many opportunities to slapstick up the plot were refused, it was excellent. Beautifully paced, well-acted and starring one of my favourite actresses in Toni Collette.

An excellent film 9/10

I watched Open Water immediately afterwards and thought it was a perfect representation of wasted potential. I'm always interested by films that are predominately a single scene and had meant to watch this one since I heard about it at first.

With the exception of some wooden acting, and a few horrendously clunky lines. This was a very good film indeed. Well shot, well paced and the concept was terrifying. An excellent study into paranoia, false bravado, and desperation.

With slight improvement to the script and two more subtle actors - this could have been a classic. As it was, it was very reasonable indeed. 7/10

Edited by Estragon
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Cube 6/10

a group of people trapped in a massive cube with only one exit must overcome loads of boobytrapped rooms to get out

I got that years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Id have given it 9/10 at the time.

I really enjoyed how the characters changed through it etc.

Not sure how it would have stood the test of time. The sequels were disappointing.

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Superman Returns - 3/10

What a lot of pish :(

I wouldnt expect much else from a Superman film. Awful character and usually written even worse.

I saw Hot Fuzz at the flicks yesterday.

I really enjoyed it.

Nick Frost always makes me laugh. He's sheer class!


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I wouldnt expect much else from a Superman film. Awful character and usually written even worse.

I saw Hot Fuzz at the flicks yesterday.

I really enjoyed it.

Nick Frost always makes me laugh. He's sheer class!


Yeah i really should have known better ;)

Hot Fuzz is excellent as i posted previously

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I got that years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Id have given it 9/10 at the time.

I really enjoyed how the characters changed through it etc.

Not sure how it would have stood the test of time. The sequels were disappointing.

Cube is a f*cking awesome film! :D

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Watched 2 films last night.

Casino Royale, 8/10. I thought it was the best of the recent bond films by a LONG way. Much more character and storyline based than the special effects/ gadgets that have ruined Pierce Brosnans bond career (maybe not ruined, but overshadowed).

The Holiday. DO NOT WATCH IT. Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet swap homes and meet/fall in love with Jude Law/ Jack Black. Girly film that had very few funny parts in it. 2/10. (I hate Jude Law now. If it wasn't for him being in the film there was no way i would have been forced to watch it)

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I got that years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Id have given it 9/10 at the time.

I really enjoyed how the characters changed through it etc.

Not sure how it would have stood the test of time. The sequels were disappointing.

Saw 2 basically ripped it off which is why I don't like Saw 2, have the box set and will need to watch them soon.

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The Year Punk Broke - 9/10

It's a Sonic Youth tour movie featuring plenty of them before Dirty really took off, just after Goo was released. As it is shot on a big tour across Europe including a bit of festival stuff there is a lot of Nirvana and Dinosaur Jr stuff on there as well.

Not only is the concert stuff great but the various band members from all the groups come across as funny, articulate human beings. It must be fantastic and at the same time endlessly boring being on the road for months at a time.

Superman 2 rocked by the way and is even better now that the directors cut thing has been released. Still in 3rd place behind Spidey and Batman though.

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Little Miss Sunshine, one of the best, most subtle comedies I've seen for a long time. So many opportunities to slapstick up the plot were refused, it was excellent. Beautifully paced, well-acted and starring one of my favourite actresses in Toni Collette.

Was that the uncut lesbo version?

And to think there was a child on board as well.

It's a disgrace :rolleyes:

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Monkey, that avitar is just down right disturbing.

Is it truly due to your love of art, or is it merely some perverse continuation of your War on w**k?


It's purely a tribute to 'A Girl'. I'm loving it at the moment and bizarrely enough quite like it as an avatar. I'm afraid it's here to stay for the meanwhile (until Mr Stainrod reappears)

Don't mention 'he who can't be named' or Radford will shut down the thread quicker than you can say 'power hungry mod in hissy fit censorship scandal' ;)

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It's purely a tribute to 'A Girl'. I'm loving it at the moment and bizarrely enough quite like it as an avatar. I'm afraid it's here to stay for the meanwhile (until Mr Stainrod reappears)

Don't mention 'he who can't be named' or Radford will shut down the thread quicker than you can say 'power hungry mod in hissy fit censorship scandal' ;)


THe copycat thread was a work of passion and genius. Some people..........

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I watched "my name is joe" on film four last night. Thought it was ok, but i wouldnt rush out and buy it. Oh and for anyone interested, "goodfellas" is on C4 tonight at 10.pm.

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Inland Empire, directed by David Lynch.

An absolute headfuck of a movie, even to a big fan of his work. The loose "plot" revolves around an actress (played by Laura Dern, who is fantastic throughout) who gets a role in a film, only to find out the film is supposedly "cursed", as a previous attempt to make it saw the two leads murdered by the actress' husband who discovered they were having an affair.

Just as Dern and her co-star are about to embark on an affair, mirroring the plot of the movie, it all goes weird and Dern's character seems to flit between the "real" world, her character in the movie within the movie, and some weird scenes as part of a gaggle of Polish prostitues (!). There's also a strange sitcom with people with rabbit heads in it. Bits of these different worlds seem to fit together, but I'd imagine that non-Lynch fanatics would see it as deliberately confusing and self-conciously weird.

Still, if you're a fan of his work (particularly Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive) then it is a must see, it has pushed some of the themes and ideas in those films to the extreme, and although at 3 hours it's a bit of a slog at times I found it thrilling. Just don't expect it to make much sense!


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