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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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National Treasure Book of Secrets - More of the same enjoyable nonsense, cast massively underworked (Ed Norton), not quite as good as the first one which i gave 6.5/10 so a watchable 6/10.

Deja Vu - Fair jumped about a bit this, kept my brain going trying to keep up with the pretty complex plot. Watchable but not Denzel's greatest hour by some stretch. 6/10

Last King of Scotland - Good stuff, had been wanting to see this one for a while, superb from Forrest Whittaker, can see why he won his awards. 7.5/10

London to Brighton - Gritty Gritty stuff, not many if any lighthearted moments. Unsure if i enjoyed it or not, i prob did, nothing like This is England which i loved. 5.5/10

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Well until someone creates an Index I'll just have to carry on being annoying cos I'm too busy to read every nook and cranny on this site

Thank You

It should be easy enough to find, and now that you have been pointed to the correct place, even easier. A hint is - it is one of the biggest threads on the forum (and i know you will be upset since it isn't about Hutton, but live with it)

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No but you do see the creature crash landing into the water. In fact it lands right next to a ferry which I would suspect would have seen the thing land!

Also right at the end of the credits two voices whimper "Help us". I think beth and Rob are still alive. As is the creature. I also think that this is the cvreature in some kind of juvenille stage of its life cycle.

You don't really see a "creature" fall in the water though, just a kind of black speck on the cinema screen. It's too small to make out exactly what it is. Abrams has denied that the creature is an alien.

Rather interestingly (or not), the parent company of Slusho! (the company Rob is going to work for), Tagruato, has other subsidiaries which specialise in deep-see drilling and deep-sea genetic research...

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You don't really see a "creature" fall in the water though, just a kind of black speck on the cinema screen. It's too small to make out exactly what it is. Abrams has denied that the creature is an alien.

Aye you see something crash into the water that is to do with the creature. An egg, a capsule or something along those lines.

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Aye you see something crash into the water that is to do with the creature. An egg, a capsule or something along those lines.

Oh aye, it's got to be something to do with it. Just not sure what. Damn that Abrams!

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No but you do see the creature crash landing into the water. In fact it lands right next to a ferry which I would suspect would have seen the thing land!

Also right at the end of the credits two voices whimper "Help us". I think beth and Rob are still alive. As is the creature. I also think that this is the cvreature in some kind of juvenille stage of its life cycle.

The voices in the end credits are interesting as they apparently also say it's alive.

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The voices in the end credits are interesting as they apparently also say it's alive.

Could you clear up your name for me mate? Any time I see it I think it is stem jizm (kinda like sap i guess?), how is it meant to be said? :lol:

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Alien Versus Predator 2. (I refuse to call it AvP:Rectum)

Who the f**k are "The Brothers Strause"?. Even the Coen Brothers don't sign of their films with such a fucking pretentious moniker. Even if they did, at least they've got the fucking talent to get away with it.

Now, I realise that the first of these movies was shite, and a big "f**k you" to the previous Alien and Predator films. But it was watchable in a shitey kind of way.

But this?!

Who the f**k do these arseholes think they are that the best they can give two of the coolest, most fucking badass movie monsters/badguys/icons is a movie thats made up of no more than lines from every Alien and Predator movie being repeated ad nauseum in some sort of "homage" to films that are infinetely better than the fucking bile that these c***s have made?

They either want to end both the franchises now, or do the decent thing and give each of these characters a reboot or a fitting send off and hire decent directors and writers to do them justice.

I was actually angry whilst I watched this film. I can't belive that I made it to the end without actually vomiting in disgust.


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what we have here is an average monster trashes big city movie told from the perspective of a very shakey cam corder i didn't like the characters or the story behind why they travel across the city. the evacuation scenes and the destruction are very familiar to the amateur footage from 9/11. in my opinion you see to much of the creature but the early stages of destruction of the city are quite good. too sum up this film thinks it is a lot smarter than it actually is

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