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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I said much the same, I thought the first half of the film was very good until the old woman and the two goons turned up. The second half was majorly disappointing. It did have some very good scares in it but I thought the silly stuff let it down badly.

I don't think I've ever seen a film like it, which built suspense excellently and had a great first half which then turns into total shit. It was really disappointing, as this could have been an excellent film. I've said all this before though. :ph34r:

Edited by Mr. Brightside
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The Social Network would have won Best Film, out of the ones I've seen (6/10).

An easy 10/10 for me, one of 3 Fincher films to do so.

I'd have put money on him winning Best Director if I was any kind of betting man and it was everyone's favourite for Best Picture. One of the best edited films of all time, by the way. An Oscar well deserved.

My favourite film of last year was easily Black Swan. Would have swept up 4 or 5 Oscars for me.

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My Cousin Vinny 8/10 Great comedy. Joe Pesci is brillant in it.

Looked on here for some inspiration for a film to watch and checked this out.

Absolutely brilliant. The courtroom scene with the stuttering defence lawyer was particularly good. So good infact that if you watch carefully you can see Pesci and the other cast members pishing themselves laughing in the background :lol:

The Lives of Others

Story of a Stasi agent in East Germany who is assigned to monitor a writer and his actress bird but becomes too attached to the people he's stalking. Really good film and a great performance from the leading actor. Also has one of the best ending lines I have seen in a long time but I'll leave that for anyone who ends up seeing it.


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The Lives of Others

Story of a Stasi agent in East Germany who is assigned to monitor a writer and his actress bird but becomes too attached to the people he's stalking. Really good film and a great performance from the leading actor. Also has one of the best ending lines I have seen in a long time but I'll leave that for anyone who ends up seeing it.


Damn right. It's an all-time classic line. Beautifully judged and makes a huge impact.

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Damn right. It's an all-time classic line. Beautifully judged and makes a huge impact.

Definately. Would have been so disappointing to end on a big set-piece dramatic moment. That line concluded the story perfectly.

Just looked up the film further and the lead actor Ulrich Muehe died not long after this :o. Had genuinely never heard of him before but what an actor. Pulls of the whole silent intense type character that so many others have failed to do.

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The Lives of Others

Story of a Stasi agent in East Germany who is assigned to monitor a writer and his actress bird but becomes too attached to the people he's stalking. Really good film and a great performance from the leading actor. Also has one of the best ending lines I have seen in a long time but I'll leave that for anyone who ends up seeing it.


Fantasic film. I would give it a 10/10.

All this planet of the apes chat can't go on without this being posted...


Oh and, don't worry, all the singing is in it's original English. ;)

Edited by Enigma
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The Fire In The Sky

Good story about some loggers who claim to police that they're friend was killed/ abducted by aliens on their way back from work. Police suspect they murdered him and set out an investigation. Based on a true story.


Easy A

Emma stone wub.gif Apart from that it's a pretty shit film. I'm sure the whole plot is similar to what Finch gets that girl to do for him in the first American Pie film? As in making up that he's a stud. Anyway, it was pretty bad.


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The Strangers - 0/10 - At least if i screw my life up in every way possible i will remember that somebody made this steaming pile of shite and i will feel better! So thank you whoever directed this!

That film was absolutely honking. Every horror movie cliche packed into an hour and a half. "Wait here on your own, in the house, where theres a good chance the baddies are, because in no way would it be a better idea if we stuck together". Utter pish

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Right I was dragged along to the inbetweeners movie today. Now I love the tv show, but I wasn't expecting a lot to be honey. However I was rather surprised at how enjoyable it was. It's basically an extended episode, full of disgusting stuff, hilarious faces and laughs. It is certainly been toned down in terms of language though. I won't even bother posting spoilers, but it is definately worth seeing, there are laughs every minute and the while cinema will be in hysterics at certain points.


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Cowboys and Aliens

Went to see this tonight with the wife. Thought it was pretty decent if not spectacular.

I was expecting it to be a lot more tongue-in-cheek than it was - it's pretty much a straight western film with aliens. But it's still pretty decent, Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford are both very good in it and Olivia Wilde is just luvverly.

Nothing special but an enjoyable enough watch. I'd give it a 6/10 but Thirteen gives it an extra point, so 7/10.

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D-War (2007)

AKA Dragon Wars.

A Korean film about dragons fighting to try and kill a hot girl because she has some power to kill all the dragons, or something like that... I lost the plot a bit when random quite slug things that had rocket launchers came along...

It's utterly nonsense, and it cost $70m to make despite its "big name" being the lead guy in the US remake of The Ring!

Imagine, if you can, King Kong with dragons, but no big ape, and directed by a Korean Michael Bay. That's pretty much what this is, and they seem to end up in Mordor towards the end.

What the f**k?


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If you had seen the ending surely that was a hint they were gonna make another one when the pilot went onto the plane to spread his disease?

aye a did, but that would then lead on to the Planet of the apes. no need for more

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