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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I too watched the senna thing despite knowing hee haw about f1. It was various clips of him edited together with the odd voice over to tell the story of his career. I thought it really was very good I only wanted to watch the beginning to see if it was any good but ended up watching the whole thing.

From what I saw Senna looked the real deal had that real will to win and knew how to do it he also struck me as a switched on guy the bit where he was arguing with the f1 honchos about the tyres on the corners then whipped out their on statement/rule book and made an arse of them was quality

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This must be the place (2011)

Curious film with Sean Penn as a Robert Smith clone of an aging ex-rockstar. living in Dublin with Frances McDormand as his firewoman wife :blink:

Called to the USA to see his dying father, who he hasn't seen in 30 odd years, he learns of his fathers torment in Aushwitz, and the main tormenter is still alive and in America. He decides to try and find him.

Penn is excellant as a doddery, softly spoken goth.

Edit cos , doh, score.....8.5/10

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It reminded me of Kill Bill. Stylish, very nice to look at, but substance was sacrificed for style. I enjoyed it though. NWR shows he can use music to really enhance the viewing experience, and the build up to the violence is really well done. He said himself that the build up is the most intense part, and I would agree with that. It's a great love story, without the

fairy tale ending. My only complaint is that some parts of the dialogue were quite difficult to hear. There's not much character development either. However I'm looking forward to Winding Refn and Gosling's next collaboration in Only God Forgives.

Christina Hendricks and Carey Mulligan = bonus points


I love this film, and I wholeheartedly agree with what you said, some bits where Ryan Gosling isn't speaking when staring at Carey :wub: Mulligan went on for a bit too long sometimes, but I kinda like how he doesn't say anything he doesn't need to.

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Dagon (2001)

Oh, ya bas! What a film. Best film I've seen in a while! Based on the H.P Lovecraft (love that boy) stories "Dagon" and "The Shadow over Innsmouth". Clearly H.P had been visiting Fife when he got the idea for this novel. Particularly Anstruther. It tells the tale of two couples who are yachting just off the coast of Spain when a storm hits. Shit goes down and one of the couples row to shore for help, but they are in for a spectacular surprise! All the locals are half fish, half human and they need sacrifices for their god! The next hour or so is the main characters running from these fish people and I must say, I was in stitches! Quite a nice wee twist at the end. But it didn't really make a lot of sense. I wish I had watched it drunk. Then it would have been 10/10.


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Lord of the Flies (1963)

Always wanted to read the book but hadn't yet got around to it so I decided to watch this on BBC2. It's a bit of a strange film but I guess it has a good plot and moral to the story. If you forget the terrible acting it was a decent watch.

I have been told that it doesn't do the book any justice though.


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Millers Crossing

Absolutely fantastic film, one of the Coen's finest. Out of all the gangster films ever made, it's got to be up there with your Godfathers and Goodfellas. Acting was just out of this world and the plot had me, literally, on the edge of my seat, you just didn't know what to expect, which can be said for most of the Coen Bros. works, because they are too damn good :)


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several updates

Zeitgeist: Moving forward - I urge you to watch it. I felt enlightened afterwards. It's about our need to change the market -monetary system, to a system which based on sustainability and fulfilling human need and science as the market monetary system is the root of so many of our problems. 10/10

Land and freedom - about a liverpudlian going to fight in the spanish civil war, directed by Ken loach. Good watch. 7/10


- both by alfred hitchcock and excepsional. both would be 8/10


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There be Dragons (2011)

Its 1982 and Gerard Butler is a Spanish writer hired to write a book on the soon to be cannonised founder of Opus Dei.

He takes the chance to visit his dying father, who he finds out knew the priest as a young man, and through the Civil War.

Told in flashback you can see the twist a mile off. and not sure that the historical accuracy is there ie who is after the priest in Madrid.

Two childhood friends who take differing paths have been done so many time before and been done so much better, 'Angels with dirty faces' springs to mind.

5/10 - mainly cos The Civil War scenes are well done.

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Over the weekend:

The Ides of March: 7/10

Decent enough film. I really like US politcs based films and TV, so I was a bit disapointed with this effort, especially given the cast. But it was enjoyable enough. Bit too short.

Up: 9/10

Pixar at its best. Although, I have to question their knowledge of basic physics...

Thank You for Smoking: 8/10

Very funny. Did not expect to enjoy it as much as I did, mainly because I dont really like Aaron Eckhart.

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@ magee84 and pub car king

Thought Senna was a stunning watch as well, and even though your both not big motorsport fans by the sounds of it, can I recommend Closer To The Edge, the documentary on the Isle of Man TT race.

Simply looks at 4/5 riders over the 2010 TT event and some of the footage is just drop dead gorgeous. Even if you have no idea about the Isle of Man TT beforehand, you'll have an urge to go over the following year (I'm heading over this year, partly on the back of the film/documentary but also on the fact I've always wanted to do.)

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)

Live action Disney film with Nicolas Cage. The spoof of Fantasia was wonderful, brought back great memories of my childhood!

It's one of those films that is so ridiculous you just can switch your mind off and forget that none of the things happening is possible, which is what they tried and dismally failed to do with Wanted...


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The Social Network - 7/10.

Pretty good watch even though I despise Facebook. Some of it I got lost at with all the techy talk but it was easy to look past it as the story kept you interested even though you know the ending before its happened which can only be good. Good performances throughout.

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This seems as good a place as any to stick this.

Sky Atlantic are showing the absolutely fantastic documentary Senna tonight at 9pm. I urge everyone who has access to this channel to watch it. Even if you don't have any interest in F1, it's just a phenomenal film and gives you an insight into one of the greatest sportsmen of all time.

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