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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I agree with DomDom, the final act of Sunshine totally sobotages what was previously an excellent film to that point. I'd probably still rate it about 6/10 though because that's how much I enjoyed the rest of the film. The score is excellent.

Aye, that's a fair assessment.

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I recently worked through all 6 episodes of Star Wars after hearing the music on the radio it put me in the mood to watch them. We'll start from the start.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace 7/10 **SPOILERS** (like you've never seen it...)

The best of the new ones imo. To start we should mention the way these films are made with the blue screen and about 98% being CG, I think the actors really struggled with this and it comes across. On top of this the backgrounds never seem believable and there doesn't seem to be any depth to it, it's more like watching a compute game or something. The characters aren't portrayed brilliantly, except possibly Palpatine. He really comes across as a sleazy bastrd politician, but seems to fool the other characters rather well. The storyline follows the plight of the Naboo as the trade federation have set an embargo and are planning an invasion, the senate are too busy squabbling to send in any help. This means that it's down to two Jedi, a handful of the Naboo and Jar Jar binks race to defeat the federation's droid army. We also get the side story of Annakin Skywalker and how he gets on the path to become a Jedi. This is handled quite poorly imo, the whole section on Tatooine kinda sucks.

We get to see how things in the galaxy are run by the Senate and the Jedi Council and it sets the scene for the whole saga rather well, we also get introduced to the fairly badass Darth Maul, also gives a little backstory about the Sith. It's painfully obvious that Palpatine is also Darth Sidius, but everyone knew this going into the film anyway. The fight between Darth Maul, Qui-gon and Obi-wan is AWESOME, probably the best lightsabre fight in all the movies.

Anyway they hatch a plan to defeat the trade federation and it's basically annakin who ends up destroying the ship which controls the droid army (by accident), the queen outsmarts the utterly imbecilic bad guys (cant remember their names) and Qui-Gon's dying wish is for Obi-wan to train Annakin, bad idea mate (or is it....)

This movie never stood a chance, the hype was beyond belief, nothing could ever have lived up to it. It does has some serious flaws, it drags a bit, the acting is poor and Jar Jar Binks. Also annakin is very irritating, but getting over that lot, it's a good film and is very enjoyable.

Edited by Tamdunk
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Episode II: Attack of the Clones 4/10

The only one of them all that is an outright bad film for me. The only saving grace of this film is the way it advances the storyline forward. Our Jedi heroes are assigned to protect senator amidala, as someone is trying to have her assassinated. Palpatine has been promoted to chancellor by now and has the senate eating out of his palm, but he's actually behind the plot on amidala's life. He's actually behind everything, bloody evil genius so he is.

So we discover jango fett is the assassin trying to take out thesenatorr, obi-wan goes off to track him while annakin stays to protect padme. Oh, annakins turned into a whiney, impatient poser by this point, more a mix between scrappy doo and poochi than Darth Vader. We then get to endure cinema's worst love story between him and padme as they run off back to naboo. I think its lowest point is when ani comes back after slaughtering the sand people (including the women and children) and bares his soul to padme whose response isn't to run away from this psycho never to see him again and instead comes up with "to be angry is to be human."

Seriously, that's what she says and its never mentioned again. There's no emoticon to convey this fail.

Anyway the good part of this film is obi-wans search for jango, he finds him in a system deleted from the records and discovers that a secret clone army has been created for the republic as Palpatine's sinister plot becomes a little more involved. The council don't seem to be aware of this and send him after jango once again. Padme and annakin decide to also join in the chase, but they all get captured.

Count dukoo(sp?) Then makes his appearance as the sith's new apprentice, on the side of the trade federation. there's a big battle as the Jedi and clone army turn up just in time to prevent the execution of our heroes. Dukoo batters annakin and obi-wan but is chased off by yoda.

So that's the story, which is pretty good, but the acting is poor, it seems to amble from one big CG effect to the next and padme & annakin just suck so much. Its not got much redeeming it and is easily the worst of all the star wars films.

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I enjoyed II and III. The Phantom Menace looks good at times, but ultimately I absolutely hate it. Revenge of the Sith kinda goes between being really good and really shite. The Yoda/Palpatine stuff is horrendous, while at the same time, the Anakin/Obi Wan battle is terrific. Before that, most of what's there is very good and I like the interaction between Anakin and Palpatine throughout.

I think Attack of the Clones is just a good fun blockbuster.

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I enjoyed II and III. The Phantom Menace looks good at times, but ultimately I absolutely hate it. Revenge of the Sith kinda goes between being really good and really shite. The Yoda/Palpatine stuff is horrendous, while at the same time, the Anakin/Obi Wan battle is terrific. Before that, most of what's there is very good and I like the interaction between Anakin and Palpatine throughout.

I think Attack of the Clones is just a good fun blockbuster.

I do agree that considering the way some of the other big relationships had been handled in the prequels, the Anakin-Palpatine dynamic works quite well. I just wish however that Lucas had been a bit more intelligent in the way he approached it though because it could have been so much better.

If Lucas had thought of a way to make it unclear who Darth Sidious actually was and make us genuinely like the character then it could have been cool for the audience to have discovered along with Anakin that someone they presumed was a good guy was in fact extremely dangerous. But instead Palpatine is so blatantly evil which kills suspense and serves to undermine our faith in the Jedi due to the fact they haven't seemed to have noticed that Captain McEvilpants has taken over the galaxy.

Imo it would have been better if Palpatine had been a sith lord who had managed to infiltrate the jedi order and had a place on the council. He could have seemed like a benign, background figure whose influence on Anakin would grow as his screentime grew, throughout the three films to a point that we could genuinely believe that Anakin would trust him over Obi Wan Kenobi.

Still, it's hardly the most pressing thing that needs to be fixed in the prequels. Lucas is a really creative visual artist and is never short of ideas, but his writing can be pretty poor.

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The Amazing Spiderman

Was a bit wary of this reboot, considering the other spiderman series isnt that old i wasnt sure just how different they could take this series, but after watching it i was pleasantly surprised at how different the story was and how good the film was.

Andrew Garfield plays Parker/Spiderman well, better than Maguire perhaps, especially his descent into spiderman, maguires descent seemed too quick, gets his powers, loses his uncle with a moment of weakness, feels bad but starts to save the day, Garfield on the otherhand had it go a lot slower, from designing his own web shots, to his vigilante actions trying to find ben's killer while becoming visible more darker.

The story arc has potential to be better also, the other spiderman films were all stand alone types, but this reboot has clearly aimed to follow the batman reboots and tie the films into one another, at least that is my belief and hope as the actual villain vs hero part of this film wasnt actually that long, kinda got the feeling that the lizard was simply there to get spiderman into the limelight within the spiderman world

Still a worthwhile reboot, Garfield certainly will do well in future spiderman films too 8.5/10

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Jackie Brown.

Was shaping up to be a decent film but after about an hour and a half I fell asleep. Will probably just watch the whole thing again today/tonight. Really surprised I haven't actually watched it before seeing as I have seen the rest of Tarantinos films.

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Not sure how you can know there's better movies for sure if you've never actually seen the Star Wars movies. Surely you have to see a movie to know how good it is.

I disagree.

Of course, you've never seen them so your opinion on the quality of the film isn't exactly relevant.

Not watched a complete one - I've probably seen all of the original trilogy in bits over the years, as they do get shown a lot. I'm not saying they're crap, just can't understand the obsession. Or should I say, I understand these are the type of films that attract obsessives, but they leave me pretty cold.

Hey, each to his own. There's movies out there for us all, and we can't watch everything.

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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 6/10

Afther the blurb explains that Palpatine has been captured by General Greivous & count Dooku, Revenge of the Sith kicks in with what I had been hoping for, a pretty sweet space battle. While the ships aren't as iconic as the ones from the original movies, you can see they are beginning to morph into the recognisable ones. Some stupid stuff takes away from what had been a good sequence, like anakin brushing the droids off obi-wan's ship with his own ship ¬_¬ but who cares. They go to rescue Palpatine from the clutches of Dooku. The Sith apprentice knocks out Obi-Wan but Anakin is too powerful for him now. We get the first interactions between Palpatine and Anakin which are the main theme of the film. He convinces Anakin to kill Dooku in cold blood, which doesn't really take much convincing, along the lines of:

Palpatine: Killl him

Anakin: I shouldn't

Palpatine: KILL HIM


We find out Padme is pregnant and Anakin starts to get visions of her dying in childbirth. The film tries to hammer in the message that fear leads go the dark side, but for me it's just not a great motivation. Certainly it should be a part of it, but the desire for power always seemed to be the allure of the Dark Side, and it to be addictive, tempting and corrupting. The change is far too sudden in Anakin, but we're not quite there yet.

The war is all but over now, Sidius sends the rest of the trade federation delegates of to a remote mining for their protection as Palpatine's clone army and the Jedi finish off the droid army and the seperatists. By now Anakin has been hired as Palpatine's bodyguard and, per his request, put on the jedi council. Although it is only because they want him to spy on Palpatine. Palpatine has become batshit over the top insanely evil now. He was one of the better acted characters in the first two, but just seems a bit ridiculous in this one. Still, he convinces Anakin that he could have the power to stop Padme from dying if he studied the dark side.

Anakin tells the council that Palpatine is Sidius and we get the fight between Windu and Palpatine. It culminates with Anakin having to choose who to help, in the end he goes with Palpatine and basically throws himself over to the dark side. His first order as apprentice? Kill all the younglings. So yeah, he goes from being basically a good guy to heartless child slaying monster just like that (suppose he has previous with the sand people). It doesn't make any sense. He went from totally conflicted to homicidal maniac in a few minutes. His journey to the dark side was far too sudden. Now I do appreciate they tried to show certain things along the way, but the actual event where it happens is just so unconvincing. Nonetheless we now have Darth Vader.

Palpatine forms the Empire, sends Vader away to finish off the trade federation and gets the clone army to slay the rest of the jedi. Quite a brutal scene actually, certainly not a kids film this one. Obi-Wan and Yoda manage to survive though, they meet up and discover what happened. Obi-Wan goes of with Padme to find Anakin, Yoda has a showdown with Palpatine. I wasn't too keen on these fights, yoda just looks stupid flying around and the backdrop of the Obi-Wan vs Anakin one seems to kind of overshadow the actual fight. Again, it's more like a computer game. Obi-Wan beats Anakin (another brutal scene) but Palpatine escapes Yoda and goes off to recover the remains of the still living Vader.

Padme eventually dies during childbirth, as this happens we get to see the Darth Vader transformation and the epicly ridiculous NOOOOOOOOOOOOO scene. Leia goes off with General Organa and Luke goes to his step grandfather's on Tatooine so we get to hear ther awesome Luke Skywalker theme! A good way to end the movie.

Ultimately I didn't buy Anakin's journey to the dark side, so for me the film kind of failed asthat was the main part of it. It's not a bad film though, certainly better than episode II. I did like the scene where Anakin confesses to Palpatine that the council want him to act as a spy, and where Palpatine finally admits he's the Sith Lord. OK Palpatine is a bit ott, but it's one of the more atmospheric scenes in the whole trilogy.

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A Single Man

Really enjoyed this even though not much happens through the film. Colin Firth is excellent as an university professor who is struggling to deal with the loss of his partner. Quite sad at times but great perforances from Firth and Julieanne Moore.


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The Bourne Identity. Not gonna give it a rating as I've seen it countless times. Sitting watching it and the missus says:

I'm glad you don't work as that.

As what? An international assassin?


Eh, no bother.


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The Croods

Animated Stone Age Family adventure - it was surprisingly enjoyable, and the youngsters thought it was great - and it had a happy ending. Then we went for a KFC. The End.

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Silent Hill: Revelation

I'm a massive Silent Hill fan, absolutely massive, so was quite excited to see this was announced. I was then disappointed when I found out that Roger Avary wouldn't be involved and that Christopher Gans couldn't take part. Then - the dreaded information that came after - 3D. I've yet to see a good film utilise 3D, and the sooner this phase goes, the better.

The first film stays fairly faithful to the game, and for that reason, I really liked it despite the more casual film fan probably not liking it as much. It certainly changed some important plot points, but it kept the feel of the game well and truly alive. This film, however, is the opposite, it's essentially a typical B-horror going for jump scares, something Silent Hill very rarely utilises. The game is an atmospheric horror, the first film is an atmospheric horror, this is just what you'd expect from a trashy slasher/monster film with a touch of the Silent Hill mythology thrown in. Taking it as a film that's not related to an iconic game franchise, and it's still very, very poor. It's only redemption is that it does connect with some of the game's themes, other than that it is an utterly dreadful film.


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