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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Last Days on Mars.

There's so much to this film that's confusing, such as why the main character is having nightmares/flashbacks/panic attacks. Is he claustrophobic? There's one point in the film where a previous incident regarding his past is mentioned but it's so brief it literally tells you nothing about his back-story.

It has a bit of Alien in it and a bit of 2001: A Space Odyssey in it as well mixed with Planet of the Apes, so you can tell it's a weird film. Perhaps I'll need to read the original short story which it was based on which was, 'The Animators' by Sydney J. Bounds.

To me, it just appeared to be a film about zombies on Mars (Well parasites infesting the astronauts) but even this isn't explained. Is it a parasite? Is it curable - considering the one cure that they do try has 'short term' effects? What exactly is this disease?

The ending is also entirely meaningless too. What happens? He says he has two choices of action (I won't reveal for spoilers) and ends on saying he expects the crew at Earth to get back to him in 15 minutes, so he'll just wait... so what do they say?! What happens to the zombies!?

Maybe with reading the short story I'll buy into the film more, but to me it was just a whole load of nonsense in a film I wanted to buy into, but none of the characters have any depth whatsoever to them, and to tell you the truth, having just watched it less than an hour ago, I can't even remember any of their names such was their depth.


The only reason I rate it so highly is because I thought the film had the potential to develop extremely well, but it just fell completely flat and explored none of the concepts it looked set out to do so. To highlight just how frustrating the film was, it made Prometheus seem like a very easy and relaxing watch.

To put it bluntly, it turned out to be exactly what you'd expect from a film with zombies on Mars I suppose.

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Chain Reaction - Christ, is this almost twenty years old? :o

Keanu Reeves goes on the run after shadowy agency try to destroy his perpetual motion machine because OIL! Only he and Rachel Weisz can save the day by outrunning city-levelling explosions on a motorcycle. Offensively silly story, but nowhere near as bad as I remember, which makes it only mediocre.

I Spit On Your Grave 2 - sequel to the remake of one of the worst controversial films ever made. This one follows the usual template of rape and humiliation before subjecting its protagonist to the ultimate Hollywood indignity - EASTERN EUROPE! :o Or so you'd think from her reaction to finding out where her kidnappers have taken her.

If you're fond of revenge movies and aren't put off by the prologue of sexual assaults, there's much to 'enjoy' in seeing some truly awful people suffer horribly. Still amazed that this has become a series, however.

Still makes me laugh that the janitor from Scrubs gets killed in Chain Reaction, prefer Speed for Keanu cheese action lol

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T2 had a bit of an edge to it though and the humorous parts were dark and far fewer than T3. Not sure what you mean about John Connor not ageing well but the film itself still manages to look good despite being made in 1991. The special effects were incredible at the time and it didn't rely on CGI for most of the film.

Even the practical effects were great, using Linda Hamilton's twin sister to play the reflection in the mirror!

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The Internship - Just fancied a couple hours of 6.5/10 level feel good comedy where Vince and Owen use a bit of fast talking charisma to endear themselves to people in a foreign environment, overcome personal challenges, empower some unconfident peers with their positive approach to life, learn something about themselves and where the single one has a romantic subplot. I really could have watched literally any Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughan film but this time I watched The Internship and it was alright. Plus Will Ferrell turned up, which was a nice surprise.


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Stolen -Nicholas Cage

Pretty poor criminal caper with cage a fomer criminal mastermind thief having to steal again to save his daughter who has been kidnapped by his former partner in crime, who holds a grudge for not having his share of the money.

Vincent the villain has fingers missing, a prosthetic leg, long hair and scars galore only thing missing is an eyepatch. A ridiculous over the top character.

If i had paid to see this i'd be pretty disappointed.


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That's how I feel about T2, to be honest, almost word for word. The only real difference is that T3 is sorely lacking Linda Hamilton, but it does benefit from a lack of Ed Furlong. John Connor in T2 has not aged well.

Both still cracking action movies, but feel like popcorn fluff in comparison to the original. I feel like I get why the original is popular, but I obviously like T2 for different reasons if T3 wasn't an appropriate sequel to it :unsure:

seriously, i thought T2 had some outstanding tense moments in it, i dont think any sequel was going to compare with the original simply because it was man v machine in the original, but T2 fair gave it a run for its money and robert patrick was a fucking right badass villan if ever there was one

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T1 & T2 are classics that shall be remembered for all time. T3 will be forgotten about in time and eventually placed along with the other absolute travesties that dared to call themselves Terminator without having Arnie in it. That's how bad T3 was and that had Arnie.

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Just seen Amazing Spiderman 2, just wow.


Firstly kudos for actually having the balls to kill off Gwen Stacey in a similar fashion to the comics. Great scene. The special effects were amazing. Seen in IMAX as well, fantastic

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T2 had a bit of an edge to it though and the humorous parts were dark and far fewer than T3. Not sure what you mean about John Connor not ageing well but the film itself still manages to look good despite being made in 1991. The special effects were incredible at the time and it didn't rely on CGI for most of the film.

Effects are still great in T2 - I meant that John Connor's character in T2 hasn't aged well. I don't remember having a problem with him when the film came out, but I've found him incredibly annoying any time I've seen the film since then. He fit well with early Nineties popular culture, but he's a smug insufferable wee p***k, and it's hard to root for his survival. I know people didn't like Nick Stahl in T3, but I don't think T3 would've been improved by the return of Ed Furlong's version of the character. Not a criticism of Furlong, BTW; I'm sure he played it as he was told.

I shouldn't have asked for clarification about the hatred for T3, to be honest. A quick Google reveals blog posts like this one, which contains all the detail I could have asked for, and is frankly terrifying (no, I didn't read it). Would be interesting to know what dissatisfied Terminator fans would've wanted from a third film, though - seems to me that, between T3 and Salvation, the options are exhausted.
Think we'll watch Salvation again tonight. Chekov's Michael Biehn impression was entirely passable, IMO.
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Effects are still great in T2 - I meant that John Connor's character in T2 hasn't aged well. I don't remember having a problem with him when the film came out, but I've found him incredibly annoying any time I've seen the film since then. He fit well with early Nineties popular culture, but he's a smug insufferable wee p***k, and it's hard to root for his survival. I know people didn't like Nick Stahl in T3, but I don't think T3 would've been improved by the return of Ed Furlong's version of the character. Not a criticism of Furlong, BTW; I'm sure he played it as he was told.

I shouldn't have asked for clarification about the hatred for T3, to be honest. A quick Google reveals blog posts like this one, which contains all the detail I could have asked for, and is frankly terrifying (no, I didn't read it). Would be interesting to know what dissatisfied Terminator fans would've wanted from a third film, though - seems to me that, between T3 and Salvation, the options are exhausted.
Think we'll watch Salvation again tonight. Chekov's Michael Biehn impression was entirely passable, IMO.

Not making a 3rd film would have been a good start, no need for it or Salvation, should have just ended it after T2

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Terminator: Salvation - pretty impressive CGI, but I still don't find this one very interesting. I guess the aftermath of Judg(e)ment Day doesn't do much for me. Plus, some aspects of the plot are a bit cringemaking, like

the field hospital heart transplant and resulting voiceover.

Also, y'know that suspicious feeling that things have been included in a movie to sell toys later? Bit of that going on here. We're not talking Transformers-level shilling, but it's definitely there.

Obsession - Seventies De Palma film. Fairly entertaining, but transparently obvious where the plot is going within the first half-hour, which is a problem for any film with a twist in the tale. Worth watching the DVD extras to see Brian De Palma cheerfully admitting that he ripped off Vertigo for most of the plot, which would come as a surprise to precisely nobody :lol:

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Not making a 3rd film would have been a good start, no need for it or Salvation, should have just ended it after T2

That's entirely fair. Those hookers and blow charity gala nights aren't going to pay for themselves, however.

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