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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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X-Men (2000) 7/10

Only thing that annoys me with the franchise is the use of cyclops

It's also scary the size difference with Hugh Jackman in this. He's built like a pencil when compared to DOFP

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

An odd film, Liam Neeson was miscast as the grizzled evil gunman and Charlize Theron looked a good ten years older than Seth MacFarlanes character. The funniest bits involved Giovanni Ribishi and Sarah Silverman and the Back to The Future cameo, the rest was, well, a bit meh.


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Inside Llewyn Davis

8 out of 10

I had slight trepidations about this film as it has been described by some as 'cold' or 'distant' and this, combined with the theme of the film, suggested it was akin to the Coens' A Serious Man, which I struggled to watch all the way through.

This, though, is outstanding. All the actors are brilliant and there are some very funny bits throughout. John Goodman plays a character that still makes me laugh when I think about it a few days after watching, along with Garrett Hedlund too. It is funny, but there is a deep melancholy too.

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Don Jon

7 out of 10

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson are great together and the film spins rom-com expectations on their head.

On the one hand, I thought it was reaching for something a bit more profound but never really got there, on the other, it can be watched as a bit of a laugh.

A Pervert's Guide to Ideology

7 out of 10

It's a lesson in modern philosophy about the state, the individual, identity etc. through representations in movies through the years and I think it frazzled me brains.

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Behind the Candelabra

Good lord, this is magnificent. A stellar cast, a terrific true story and just phenomenal stuff in general. Matt Damon is probably the star of the show here, as he gradually breaks down under the stress and the pressure of his situation, and Liberace's worst sides come out here in explosive fashion, thanks to Michael Douglas almost being the equal of Damon. Took me ages to figure out that it was Dan Akroyd as Seymour as well.

It's pretty weird to see where Scott Thorson has gone after that actually, but not all surprising given the weird life he had.


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Behind the Candelabra

Good lord, this is magnificent. A stellar cast, a terrific true story and just phenomenal stuff in general. Matt Damon is probably the star of the show here, as he gradually breaks down under the stress and the pressure of his situation, and Liberace's worst sides come out here in explosive fashion, thanks to Michael Douglas almost being the equal of Damon. Took me ages to figure out that it was Dan Akroyd as Seymour as well.

It's pretty weird to see where Scott Thorson has gone after that actually, but not all surprising given the weird life he had.


This is an absolutely stunning film. To this day I'm staggered it was just released as a TV movie in the States.

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The Frankenstein Theory ( 2013 )

A touch better than I was expecting this one. Mainly thanks to the way that they hinged everything on the big reveal. Which was about as uninspiring a reveal as you're likely to see, especially in a found footage movie, which is a genre in which an entire movie can be shit, but they always crank things up a notch in the end. This movie just doesn't deliver on that count, but delivers a tense wee number for the rest of the movie before that. Depending on how you see it, this could be a total waste of 80 minutes, but I enjoyed the ride for the most part.


Tracked down a copy of this based on your review - had never heard of it before.

Agree entirely with your opinion.

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A Pervert's Guide to Ideology

7 out of 10

It's a lesson in modern philosophy about the state, the individual, identity etc. through representations in movies through the years and I think it frazzled me brains.

Caught a goodly portion of this on the telly during a sleepless night a few weeks ago. Quite an interesting watch, although the section on They Life was surely glaringly obvious to anyone that had ever seen it, and our philosopher host seemed like he was clutching at straws to support his theories on a few occasions. Still, looking forward to watching the rest when I'm more awake - it is pretty frazzling.

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Caught a goodly portion of this on the telly during a sleepless night a few weeks ago. Quite an interesting watch, although the section on They Life was surely glaringly obvious to anyone that had ever seen it, and our philosopher host seemed like he was clutching at straws to support his theories on a few occasions. Still, looking forward to watching the rest when I'm more awake - it is pretty frazzling.


I quite fancy giving it a proper watch and pay proper attention as it has stuck in my mind all weekend.

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Saw: The Final Chapter

So I've been watching all of these recently. Enjoying it for the most part. Dumb as f**k at times, but stays entertaining. This is just horrific though. Just a terrible movie and with one of the most soul destroying movie endings I've ever seen. Just terrible and summed up the movie on the whole.


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Youth in Revolt 6/10

While his trailer trash parents teeter on the edge of divorce, Nick Twisp (Michael Cera) sets his sights on dream girl Sheeni Saunders, hoping that she'll be the one to take away his virginity. Actually quite funny.

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Saving Silverman 2/10

Following on from some Kevin Smith films Netflix has pointed me in the direction of Jason Biggs films. A pair of buddies conspire to save their best friend from marrying the wrong woman. Terrible film.

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22 Jump Street

"Just do the same as you did the first time".

And they do just that.

Enjoyable rip off of the first, and makes no attempt to hide it.

Losts of laughs and in jokes.


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Belle - 8/10

Not really my kind of film but actually quite enjoyed it probably helped by the fact that we went to the Dominion in Edinburgh and I snaffled 3 tubs of free Pringles instead of 2 :lol:

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