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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Inherent Vice

Total bollocks. One of the worst films I've seen in a long time. Mega irritating, impenetrable, impossible to follow. It's not fair to describe this as a film - it's an endurance test.

I somehow managed an hour and fifteen minutes of its baffling two and a half hour runtime. I have no idea why anyone would want to sit through it that long.

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Clerks - 9/10

Brilliant movie. I don't even find it that funny tbh, but it's just such an amazing watchable movie.

Clerks 2 - 7/10

Went in thinking it was obviously going to pish, what with it being 10+ years after the first. It was quite good though. Not as technically well made as the first, and it's a completely different style, but still good. It's kinda sad seeing Randall and Dante old as f**k, middle-aged men, but I reckon it's a funnier movie than the first.

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Inherent Vice

Total bollocks. One of the worst films I've seen in a long time. Mega irritating, impenetrable, impossible to follow. It's not fair to describe this as a film - it's an endurance test.

I somehow managed an hour and fifteen minutes of its baffling two and a half hour runtime. I have no idea why anyone would want to sit through it that long.

Was going to watch it Saturday but looks like girlfriend wants to go see American Sniper. Going to watch The Long Goodbye tomorrow night that its supposedly similar to.

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Calvary - 8/10.

Excellent film. Very funny but pretty sad. I absolutely love films with dark humour and a bleak end with this ticking those boxes. Gleeson is also a really great and likeable actor.

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Kingsman. What a film. By far and away the best film I've seen this year.

There is one scene that all Hearts fans will enjoy!

9/10 for me. No faults. Just good old fashioned fighting mixed in with some fancy gadgets. Go see it.

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Calvary - 8/10.

Excellent film. Very funny but pretty sad. I absolutely love films with dark humour and a bleak end with this ticking those boxes. Gleeson is also a really great and likeable actor.

Brilliant film, I'd recommend The Guard as well if you've not seen it.

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Edge of Tomorrow- 6.5/10.

Basically a modern Groundhog Day, except the end goal is to kill aliens instead of pump Andie MacDowell. An enjoyable wee film, nothing special though. As with most time travel films the ending slightly confused me.

ETA- I had a wee snigger when Emily Blunt told Tom Cruise to 'be specific.'

Edited by Blootoon87
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Akira 7/10

Dystopian Japan, 30 years after world war III.. troubled boy from bike gangs becomes empowered with special powers and tries to enact revenge on the world.

Ponyo 6/10

Boys befriends a magical fish, who desires to become human. Cute but there's something missing. Everything seemed totally superficial.

Hobbit 2 4/10

Went back to it and watched the full thing. Boring.

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A Most Violent Year 7.5/10

Went to Cinema pretty tired and really went tonight as be last chance I would get to see it. A good film and a refreshing new take on the american dream being achieved without bullying others perhaps a naive perspective for the time but interesting.

Ex Machine 6/10

Was ok but never felt gripped at any moment and felt like it was wasn't really anything that hadn't been done before and better.

Foxcatcher 8/10

Good film Carrell really showed he can be much more than just a funny guy.

Birdman 7.5/10

Was a good film but just has been over-hyped. Very well acted but not really a story to tell just an orgy of strong acting and great camera work and some general randomness . It mixes together nicely for what it is.

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The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Coming of age drama that stars Emma Watson. Pretty decent effort with a good storyline. Pleasant way to spend nearly 2 hours


I remember enjoying this, but being irrationally irritated at kids who are "into music" not knowing the "tunnel song". A cut above most of its type, though.

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