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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Gambler - 6/10.

Mark Wahlberg stars as a professor of English with a rather big gambing problem. Ends up in debt to people and had 7 days to pay the money back. Entertaining but not entirely was I was expecting. My mate who also saw it said it was excellent but he had no idea what the film was about before he went.

Only downside was turning up to the cinema without my Cineworld card as my girlfriend had it in her jacket pocket. Thank Christ for Orange Wednesdays.

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The Thing - Better than Alien IMO, some absolutely gruesome scenes. 8/10

The Imitation Game - 8/10

American Sniper - Bradley Cooper puts in a good performance but apart from that I actually found it surprisingly boring. Just didn't really work as a film for me. 5/10

Boyhood - Some of the characters are a bit annoying but a very well made film, deserves all the critical attention it's getting. 8/10

Birdman - Absolutely brilliant, so many good performances and much funnier than I was expecting it to be. 9/10

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Right, I've seen my first Oscar nominee.

The Theory of Everything - Lovely film. Eddie Redmayne puts in the performance of his career and Felicity Jones is also excellent as his wife Jane.

Having said that, I don't think that this film will win the 'Best Picture' Oscar. The script is decent enough, but it's the acting which really holds it together and turns it into something of a tour de force. I doubt I'll see many performances as good as Redmayne's and he may well have a serious shot of winning the award for 'Best Actor in a Leading Role'.

I found myself feeling quite emotional on a few occasions, yet there were also occasions when I felt a little bit distanced from the action. It sometimes had the feel of a very watchable BBC TV drama, one which I'd enjoy whilst also feeling somewhat inclined to flick to another channel every now and then. The focus on Hawking's personal life sometimes detracted from his scientific achievements. I have little interest or knowledge relating to the field of physics or science as a whole, and I can't say that this film gave much more insight to an ignorant neanderthal like myself. I don't have a clue what Hawking actually believes. In the context of the film, he seemed to change his mind every five minutes or so.

It was a well-made film and the script was good enough to incite sympathy not just for Hawking. Felicity Jones' character was fleshed out really well and her struggles could really be understood. A very good watch overall, and a solid score from me. 7.5/10

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It is incredible. Not much else needs to be said really. It's one of the best films I've seen in recent years, and it goes alongside There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men as a genuine classic of the 21st century.

Emma Stone should really be getting that Supporting Actress Oscar ahead of Patricia Arquette and Keira Knightley (who I wasn't particularly impressed with tbh). It won't happen though.


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I think Arquette will win the Oscar, and deservedly so as well.

She's Smooth Jimmy Apollo's Lock Of The Week.

FWIW, I thought she was very good. Objectively she's probably better than Stone. Subjectively, I prefer Stone's performance.

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If by identical you mean at their best amazing and at their worst, easily watchable, then yes.

I mean he's usually always playing the same type of role up against some young upstart.

American gangster, training day, safe house, Crimson tide.

Authority figure is either good or bad but you don't know straight away.

I still really like his films but it's starting to get too obvious, he's a bit of a one trick pony.

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Ex Machina 8.5/10

Brilliant acting throughout (although Oscar Isaac was particularly great - never seen him in anything before) and the story was intelligent and thought-provoking. nice twist which i kinda saw coming but it worked perfectly. I've read that it felt like a short story turned into a film and i kinda agree but there's nothing wrong with that at all. The dancing scene (you'll know what i'm talking about if you've seen it) was absolutely bonkers but again it just worked.

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A Most Violent Year 7/10

Good film this, Oscar Isaac (again brilliant) gotta be one of the best actors out there at the moment going by tonight's viewing. Bit on the dry side overall though really.

Watched it yesterday. Great film might be a bit slow for some though.

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Robin Hood.

I think this got widely panned on its release.

It's daft, at times nonsensical, the accents are all over the place - although Russell Crowe is far from the worst culprit - and the costumes are rubbish. But I enjoyed it in a brainless way. Probably doesn't hurt that half the cast of Game of Thrones season 1 is in it.


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