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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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This sort of shit is why I always very carefully pick when I go the cinema. People are such arseholes in them. I try to go when the screen will be as empty as possible. When I lived in Aberdeen the Vue was good for this during the day Mon-Fri. There were times when I had the screen to myself. Glorious.

I usually go to the DCA cinema in Dundee. Fewer arseholes in attendance and you're allowed to bring your pint in with you.

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Black Sea 8/10

Jude Law plays a submariner who is made redundant by his company so goes on an expedition to find a haul of Nazi gold that had sunk in the Black Sea. With £40 million to be shared equally amongst the half british and half russian crew, greed starts getting the best of some and it leads to disaster in the ocean depths. Really enjoyed it, not as bad as ive described it!

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Pride (8/10)

Lesbians and Gays meet 80s striking miners, was choking back tears for much of the last 15 minutes so much that I ended up with a stinging sinuses and gob. Very well done with a tone and style much the same as other industrial destruction British films like Brassed Off, and was surprised to see at the end that it was very closely based on a true story.

American Hustle (8/10)

Firstly, the film is made by the on-screen relationship that comes from two superb performances from Bale and Adams. The storyline itself is pretty solid and smart, with some well-noted personal themes and ongoing, sudden escalations in tension. Despite most of the characters being c***s, you can still sympathise them on various levels. Oh, and them bra-less plunging necklines, dear god.

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Really felt sorry for Mayor Polito by the end of it, mainly thanks to how well done the relationship between him and Rosenfeld is done. Agree on Bale being terrific, but Renner's performance is well underrated, or maybe underappreciated is the better word for it. Certainly doesn't get the plaudits that the leads got.

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Really felt sorry for Mayor Polito by the end of it, mainly thanks to how well done the relationship between him and Rosenfeld is done. Agree on Bale being terrific, but Renner's performance is well underrated, or maybe underappreciated is the better word for it. Certainly doesn't get the plaudits that the leads got.

Aye, agree with that. Polito's likeability was well portrayed by Renner, and probably didn't get as much attention as the the rest of the cast as he was relatively normal.

Actually it's interesting looking around at reviews of the film as different critics pick out different duos for special praise. Bale and Lawrence; Adams and Lawrence; Cooper and Bale; but Renner rarely gets a mention. Loved De Niro's cameo too, his screen presence is utterly immense. Kudos to the director for his part in that.

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Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

2nd time watching this and enjoyed it even more to my surprise. You'll laugh one minute, then you're upset the next. Kirsten Dunst :wub:



Tom Cruise is excellent from what I watched. Managed 2 hours of this, until I realised there was another one left and shut it off the film just felt too much of an effort. That scene where Donnie is told he's fired is hilarious though. Poor wee Stanley. That intro.


First time watching this and it lived up to all the hype. Kevin Spacey is on top form yet again, as is Brad Pitt to my surprise.



Wtf throughout the entire film. That octopus scene :thumsup2 8/10

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The prestige

Story about the rivalry between 2 magicians in turn of the century london. That description makes it sound pish and thats why its been on my TiVo unwatched for months. Majorly misjudged it however as it was brilliant. Directed by Christopher Nolan (which I hadnt realised) with great performances from christian bale and hugh jackman. David bowie even makes an appearance, without any goblins or obscenely tight leggings sadly.

Anyway would highly recommend if you haven't seen. . .

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Just watched It Follows. I'd noticed the adverts for this one but they hadn't really grabbed me and ultimately my friend ended up convincing me to go see it with her and I'm pretty glad I did. It's an effective horror film where any budget restraints likely have worked in it's favor. I really like the basic idea, it's cool to see the old cliche/trope of sex spelling doom for any character in a horror film being taken and turned into the the main premise here.

The curse itself really worked for me. The entity itself is pretty damn creepy through the way it goes after its prey in a slow but deliberate and relentless manner. But the director made me share the tension that the characters on screen feel as like them you're always waiting for the creature to make it's inevitable re-appearance and the camera regularly draws focus to the background, particularly in long shots as if to encourage the audience to stay alert and pay attention in case the creature is about to suddenly come into view.

I'd give it a 7/10 as it's got some weird moments which don't really work, like a couple of incarnations of the curse which feel like the filmmakers are trying too hard to make scary. Also I had a couple of other problems but I'll put them in a tag as their a bit spoilery. If you're looking for something to watch at the cinema though you could do a lot worse than It Follows in my opinion.

Why didn't they get on a boat and go out to sea? Why couldn't they get on a plane and go to another country and buy themselves a bit more time? Why does nobody seem to care that the main characters repeatedly keep running away, usually coming back injured? Why was the curse monster on the roof at one point? Dramatic effect I suppose.

Furthermore, even taking into consideration that the characters were all stressed tired and desperate, the final plan at the swimming pool was so obviously going to go tits up and it was inevitable that one of the characters would end up shooting another by mistake at some point.

Still, none of that really ruined the film for me.

Edited by captainkev
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So... supposedly the movie that was going to give Jennifer Aniston some nominations. To her credit, she probably deserved at least something for her efforts, as she was excellent, and it the actual movie was much better than it was, she might well have gotten a nod from somewhere, but alas it wasn't to be, and this movie just plods along. There's a whole bunch of slightly amusing stuff that happens along the way, and that coupled with the lead performance somehow manages to have my thumbs pointing slightly up on it.


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Under the Skin (?/10)

f**k knows how to rate this. On one hand it's like a failed college student's project with a ludicrous plotline. On the other hand, it's a charmingly weird sci-fi ride with a superbly grating score. I didn't really understand what was happening until the end, and am still grasping to understand the greater meaning it was trying to communicate.

The beach scene was utterly disturbing.

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Boyhood (6/10)

Brilliantly risky idea to film over 12 years, watching the actors age in-movie. But it works pretty well - not the brilliant film that it's being made out to be, and a good 30+ minutes too long considering it is a bit low on content. The 'bad step-fathers' trope became really grating. Good performances from Arquette and Hawke.

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Ex Machina

It's tense, it's claustrophobic, it's gripping, it's horrifying, and it's very intriguing. A great concept (Alex Garland seamlessly moving from screenwriter to director) and three good performances (Isaac and Vikander are terrific). It's a fascinating film that definitely lingers in the mind afterwards and it will, by the end of 2015, be comfortably in my top 10 list.

The score: good

The cinematography: good

The special effects: stunning

That said I feel it just missed something. I'm not sure what it was but it did feel a bit underdeveloped at times.

Still, a solid four star effort and one of the better sci-fi films in the past decade or so. There's no reason why it can't be deemed as a modern sci-fi classic in the future.

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