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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Jurassic World (7.5/10)

Far better than I was expecting it to be. Despite the backstory being hard to believe. I mean come on, people are bored of coming to a theme park populated by cloned dinosaurs after just 10 years? Chris Pratt played a very good lead role, and was a much more honest version of an alpha male character. Claire's character was just not likable at all. For a start there is no way given the attitude's of the park owner could someone like her find herself in that position. Her character traits are also inconsistent and hence is not a believable character. She displays type 1 psychopath traits early on, but they don't show up in the second half of the movie. So I would have to assume it's more a case of her being incompetent at doing her job and perhaps a case of the writers trying to have a politically correct character. Rather than one that would act in a logical way. Worst of all, at the end she makes no attempt at an apology or gratitude after everything that happened during the course of the movie.

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Inside Out

Thought this was brilliant. When Pixar get it right they get everything spot on. A great mixture of comedy, emotion and a really clever/interesting theme. It would make a brilliant crash psychology course for kids actually.


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I'd like to watch this again in the future and work out what I thought of it. I spent maybe 2/3 of the film not really enjoying it but did find myself buying into it in the final act. I think having enjoyed various performances from Gyllenhaal as intelligent, enigmatic characters, I just really struggled to believe him as a slavering bonehead.

I also could've told you exactly what exactly was going to happen for the rest of the film after 20 minutes*, so it surprised me that I still found myself interested at the end.


Although I did think he might die in the dressing room in front of his kid due to the film being little more than a The Champ / Rocky mashup.

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Pretty forgettable, in my opinion. The idea was excellent and very ambitious but it barely got out of first gear and became a drag as he grew up. I stopped caring about him not long after they left the abusive dad's house. It felt like the director wanted to cover so many things that they could barely develop any of them. I understand a lot of people like this (100 on Metacritic and 98% on Rotten Tomatoes is incredible) but it just didn't really click with me.


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Gyllenhaal was terrific I thought. Completely bought into him. I'm fairly sure if it wasn't for him, I'd have disliked the movie immensely. As it is, I enjoyed it.

Is it wrong that he's one of my favourite actors and I would watch him in pretty much anything...?

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The Legend of Barney Thomson

Thought it was ok, liked that it was filmed in Glasgow therefore I recognised lots of locations (eg Bridgeton train station). I didn't realise it was based on a book. Thought Emma Thompson played a good part as his mum.


I'm taking my elder lassie to see this on Thursday. The flicks and then some food in Chinatown. I'm really hoping it's a good film.

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I'm with banana here but I can see why others appreciated Birdman and disliked Innerspace.

Now there's a sci-fi comedy classic.

The moment early on where the dude jumps up in the doctor's office with a panicked look on his face and announces, "I'm possessed!". :lol: Superb.

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Inside Out

A little bit of Pixar magic. Not side splittingly funny, but a very emotionally intelligent movie. I loved it.

I also loved the 'My Lava' short movie at the start too!



I liked it a bit more than other on the thread to be honest. It's a fight film, so you kind of know that the movie will end in one of two ways. Was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a bigger emotional pay off at the end. The Rita Ora cameo was completely unnecessary and added nothing other than another movie credit to her name.


Legend of Barney Thomson

I love a black comedy and this hit all the right notes for me. I guessed the 'twist' (if it was supposed to be one) and it had some brilliant one liners right the way through the movie.


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