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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Annie - the original version.

Shite apart from Its a Hard Knock Life.

Miss Hannigan would probably get it though, the gin soaked cock tease.

You'd show her the hard cock life?


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Damn Yankees 9/10

It's a 50's musical about baseball. I know, I know pretty niche, but I love it (and not just because it was one of my faither's favourites)

Some cracking songs, wonderfully funny and equally emotive in places, if it could be you, say, in a football scenario, maybe called "damn Old Firm" wouldn't you?

Watch it of you can, it is a real gem!

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"The Yellow Sea", a Korean film that was on Film 4 recently, covering organised crime there and in a Korean community in China. Read about the Koreans living in China before you watch it, as this puts the film into context. High body count, but not a gun to be seen....so, buckets of blood as the chibs are out in force.

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The piano (1993)

Bit of a slow burner, revolving around issues such as passion and lust. Holly hunter comes to New Zealand to marry Sam Neill, who ends up a bit tonto (bit weird seeing him as I've started watching Peaky Blinders where he has grey hair!) Harvey Keitel also stars in this drama. Wid not btw. Michael Nyman's piece is pleasant at first, but becomes really irritating in the end. It's ok. 6/10.

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Chinatown- Christ almighty there was a lot packed into that film. Jack Nicholson is a private detective initially hired to spy on a suspicious woman's husband. What follows is a heap of corruption, blackmail, murder, and heaps of little twists and turns. I could probably done with watching it again to follow it totally. 6.5/10.

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Just watched Age of Ultron there. Didn't really enjoy it all that much. GotG and Winter Soldier both broke away from the generic superhero movie format whereas I felt Age of Ultron felt formulaic. Best parts were the opening scene and the three new Avengers (Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Vision) who I felt weren't overshadowed at all unlike Thor who was pretty much expendable and had little to no part to play. Same could be said for Nick Fury. Even the mid-credits scene was disappointing.

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I found the Avengers entertaining enough. I went in and turned off my brain for a couple of hours and it did it's job. Do feel we are reaching saturation point a little but there will always be interest in these films (the timeline for the next few years of films looks ridiculous).

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Completely unsurprised that Jupiter Ascending is getting such poor buzz on here. The Wachowskis started with two absolute crackers and tragically disappeared off up their own arses immediately afterwards.

Like Lana's pink dreads though.

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The Lorax 6.5/10

Watched at school this afternoon as part of their Earth Day activities (I know it was last week, but .........) OK in places, abit obvious and heavy handed with the eco message, but enjoyable enough

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Avengers 2: Avenge Harder - liked it, despite the utterly generic sci-fi plot device that was SkyNet Ultron. James Spader was good value and surprisingly non-roboty. I've seen Elizabeth Olsen in a few things now, and she widdles all over her sisters in terms of acting talent; can't say I thought about her other roles, or those of Aaron Taylor-Johnson, while they were onscreen. Everyone else is a dab hand at these things now, and I very much enjoyed the funeez. I also thought they (again) did a great job juggling so many characters, as it didn't seem like anyone was left on the sidelines, despite Hawkeye and Black Widow getting a bit more screen time. I'd actually forgotten about a spoiler I'd overheard being bandied about

Quicksilver's death

at the swimming baths by an utterly cunty 12-year-old (who has hopefully drowned since), so it must have been pretty engaging.

Wish I'd remembered to see Captain America 2: Whatever It's Called first, but I don't think I missed much/have had too much spoilered for me. Hopefully. Never would have thought I'd like the Cap' so much before these films started.

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GotG, Cap 2, Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are all belters.

I can't really argue with that, I've rewatched most of them multiple times. They really are easy to watch movies.

Can't wait to see AOU again already, there was so much going on I just know I'll notice stuff I missed first time round.

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