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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Martian 7/10

Enjoyed the story but was hoping for a different ending.

I didn't get the Sean bean in-joke? Mind you I could still see his character from Pixel which was a pile of shite.


Sean Bean played Boromir in Lord Of The Rings. Boromir was at The Meeting of Elrond.

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Macbeth 8/10

Obivously the plot is hardly a surprise, and the shakespearean language can be a bit dense and oblique, but this really is a stunning movie. Fassbender is magnificent in the title role and this works on a visual, as well as a dramatic level: You could mute the whole thing and still love the cinematography (the setup for the big fight at the end, and the new twist on how Burnham wood reached Dunisane Castle is gorgeous). The movie actually tries to put a different spin on Macbeth, as more damaged by too much fighting and too much personal loss than insane with power, and they rejig some of the climactic scene in a way that makes it less evil king vanquished and more a kind of a suicide by cop effect.

Really a fantastic piece of work.

Edited by renton
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Macbeth 8/10

Obivously the plot is hardly a surprise, and the shakespearean language can be a bit dense and oblique, but this really is a stunning movie. Fassbender is magnificent in the title role and this works on a visual, as well as a dramatic level: You could mute the whole thing and still love the cinematography (the setup for the big fight at the end, and the new twist on how Burnham wood reached Dunisane Castle is gorgeous). The movie actually tries to put a different spin on Macbeth, as more damaged by too much fighting and too much personal loss than insane with power, and they rejig some of the climactic scene in a way that makes it less evil king vanquished and more a kind of a suicide by cop effect.

Really a fantastic piece of work.

I really want to see this but the whole shakespearean language thing is putting me off. As I said above im about as deep and educated as a puddle.

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Macbeth 8/10

Obivously the plot is hardly a surprise, and the shakespearean language can be a bit dense and oblique, but this really is a stunning movie. Fassbender is magnificent in the title role and this works on a visual, as well as a dramatic level: You could mute the whole thing and still love the cinematography (the setup for the big fight at the end, and the new twist on how Burnham wood reached Dunisane Castle is gorgeous). The movie actually tries to put a different spin on Macbeth, as more damaged by too much fighting and too much personal loss than insane with power, and they rejig some of the climactic scene in a way that makes it less evil king vanquished and more a kind of a suicide by cop effect.

Really a fantastic piece of work.

This. And good performances in smaller roles by Scottish actors.
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The Imitation Game (4/10)

Massively dumbed down dramatisation of the events at Bletchley Park, with sprinkles slightly unbelievable snippets from Turning's past and future. Mediocre acting from most of the main roles, and cringeworthy characterisation of the head honcho Denniston. The film was largely about Turing's 'differentness' and the personality clashes around solving Enigma rather than being largely about cracking Enigma.

AberdeenBud hit the mark with the word 'contrived'. Felt like I was watching a Sunday tea-time ITV miniseries throughout, highly disappointing.

I can't argue too much with this. Repeat viewings weren't kind to this at all. I'm still a massive fan of Benedict Cumberbatch's showing in it, but the movie itself is pretty poor.

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A rookie British soldier goes missing in Belfast when he is split up from his unit during a riot and has to find his way back to safety. Quite a tense thriller although there were a few gaping plot holes.


I thought it was a terrific film

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I thought that Macbeth was extraordinarily well-acted (Fassbender and Cotillard are brilliant), the cinematography was visually stunning, and some of the "adapted" parts (i.e., Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane; the PTSD; Lady Macbeth becoming a more sympathetic character as the film wears on) were innovative and improved on the original text. The banquet scene is arguably (actually, there's no real argument to be had) one of the best acted scenes of this decade - it's phenomenal to watch. There are another two or three scenes which are amongst the best I've seen this year.

However, the whole thing didn't quite fit together for me. It felt a bit too disjointed.

Edited by yoda
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Watched a few movies on Netflix recently

The angriest man in Brooklyn - With Robyn Williams and Mila Kunis about a very angry man who funnily enough attempts suicide. Cant have been long before he actually killed himself which made it slightly creepy. Decent enough storyline but once you have watched it you will probably never think about any part of it ever again. 6/10

What we did on our holiday - With David Tenant, Billy Connolly and the half of Armstrong and Millar who doesn't present pointless. Pretty ridiculous story line but quite funny and engrossing in its own way. 6,5/10

About Time - Time travelling rom com. Decent enough but another one i will never give a minutes thought to ever again

Housebound - Completely ridiculous horror/comedy filmed in New Zealand. Quite funny and ridiculous/ 6/10

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Seen it before, but first time since I've been "local" to the locale, as it were.

Great fun playing "spot the location" and still a fun film.


(Oh and his mum is a definite wid)

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Sean Bean played Boromir in Lord Of The Rings. Boromir was at The Meeting of Elrond.

I thank you, I am no fan of LOTR or any of that genre so that explains why I didn't get it. It would be the same if there was a Star Wars in joke too.


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Underground - bunch of roasters attend a rave at an abandoned US military bunker and are killed by monsters, along with my remaining brain cells. Desperately wants to be either Alien3 or Frankenstein's Army, which aren't exactly lofty goals, but fails miserably due to a lack of funds and talent. Mainly the latter. Doesn't even manage to be entertainingly shit, but I suppose you could get a drinking game going over the number of times the word 'bro' is uttered, although don't start on the spirits or you'll be calling for an ambulance before the end.

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Just back from watching Inside Out with the boy. I loved it more than he did. It was awful dry in the cinema, my eyes kept watering. The lad (6 year old) just did not get it. I don't know if that's his age, attention span or his Asperger's but it went right over his head and he was bored by it all.

Oh, Bing Bong. :bairn

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Black Mass. A few times during the film I forgot it was Johnny Depp that was playing whitey bulger. Great film, tense at bits as well as chilling. Surely Depp has got best actor in the bag this time

Just got this. Been waiting on it coming out for ages. Looking forward to it even more now.

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War drama based on the life of former Olympic athlete Louis Zamperini who was a prisoner of war in Japan during world war 2. British actor Jack O'Connell plays the lead role and in my opinion played it very well. He is definitely becoming one of my favourite actors. Some of the scenes in the raft where he spent 44 days at sea and on the war camp were graphic and harrowing. Made for a very decent watch.


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The Lobster - 7/10

An even stranger film than I expected. Colin Farrell is whisked off to a retreat for singles where they have 40 days to find a partner or will be turned into an animal of their choosing.

Very leftfield, quirky and took a bit to get used to the cold dialogue which felt forced at points. Also quite dark at points but some excellent grim humour thrown in. Doubt I'll see anything like it for a while but all in all a good film, if not a little too long.

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