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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw a few films over the weekend...

Southside With You - 2/10. Two people go on a date. One of them goes on to become the President, the other the First Lady. Boring as f**k.

Deepwater Horizon - 6/10. Good story, let down by a poor performance from Mark Wahlberg. 

The Magnificent Seven - 4/10 - The first hour and a half was a total non-event, before it picked up slightly in the last half hour. I'm not generally a massive fan of westerns though, so it wasn't really likely to be for me.

Swiss Army Man - 0/10. One of the worst films I've ever seen. Man stranded on a desert island finds a dead man that can fart. 

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Star Wars Force Awakens

Saw this at the cinema shortly after it came out but couldn't remember a thing about it, hence picked up the DVD when we fancied going to the cinema but there was sod all of interest on.

Anyway, really enjoyed it but it was almost like watching a whole new sequel, couldn't remember seeing 90% of it. Weird.

7.5/10 (would have been 8 without typical Lucas needless cgi alien characters)

You are aware that Lucas had nothing to do with it?
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Lone Survivor 

Ridiculous but entertaining drama about a bunch of marines in Afghanistan who try to take out a target but get rumbled.

Jumping off a cliff, getting shot five times. Aye nae bother, just man up. What a load of shite. Made Rambo seem tame.


6/10 for the action scenes only.

Friend Request

Daft horror about witches taking over Facebook. 




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On 2 October 2016 at 03:16, Davis Love III said:


The Magnificent Seven (2016)

As someone who has a fondness for the aesthetic of a western (more so Leone and Eastwood than Ford), I was looking forward to seeing a standard, entertaining fare. And when viewed on those simple terms, I think this can be considered a moderate success. Found it more than a little empty and soulless to start with, serving as neither a full-on imitation or reinvention of the basic formula, but things kicked in when the seven were finally together and the action began. 

The climatic sequences were involving, but I was left wanting a bit more. Feels like a missed opportunity in some ways, as I think you could do a lot more with the premise. We had diversity in the characters, but it wasn't explored in any detail. There was a hint of an interesting dynamic between Washington and Hawke's characters, and I wanted to see more of that. However, it wasn't a terrible way to spend a couple of hours, and I think it will play well to audiences. But it could (and should) have been better.

Anthropoid (2016)

I liked this quite a lot. Despite the first-half being a little ITV2 Drama like, I was impressed by the intelligence running throughout the film. The discussion of whether it was *worth* killing Heydrich, considering the dire consequences that would undeniably be inflicted on innocent people and those connected to the plot, was something that I noted. Yes, it's "heroic" to do what they did, but was it just a costly piece of posturing. There's no easy answer. The final 30 minutes or so were brilliantly done, quite devastating in places, and took what was a solid historical piece to another level. I'm a fan of both Cillian Murphy and Toby Jones, so it was always going to be watchable from their perspective, and despite my reservations about actors speaking English with unconvincing Czech accents, this was a good, worthwhile film. Shame that it hasn't been seen more widely.


The French Connection (1971)

This is a movie that has grown on me with each viewing. When I first saw it, there was a lot to admire, but I wasn't completely sold on it. I didn't love it. However, in the years since, I've come to appreciate Friedkin's movie as being a truly brilliant piece of work. Relentlessly paced, smart, and daring for its time, it's quite simply thrilling to watch. The famous chase sequence is fantastic, but I've always enjoyed the cat-and-mouse game between Charnier and Doyle at the train station. That's a particular favourite of mine, and a high point of a film that I always look forward to revisiting. 

Jackie Brown (1997)

Much like the French Connection, this has improved with each viewing. It's my favourite Tarantino movie. Certainly the one with the most developed and engaging characters. Rather than being the cartoonish (albeit sometimes entertaining) figures you see in his other work, you actually believe in Jackie, Max and Ordell as real people. There's something genuinely touching and endearing about the relationship between Pam Grier and Robert Forster, and I just enjoy listening to everybody in it just talking away to each other. They're all older individuals looking for something different (or more) from life. It's Quentin's most adult film, and I would argue that it's perhaps his best.


TFC is one of my favourite films. The second part is worth a watch too. 

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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

TFC is one of my favourite films. The second part is worth a watch too. 

The sequel is certainly a worthy watch, though I've always had mixed thoughts on the middle section of the film where


Popeye is turned into a heroin addict.

Hackman's performance is simply brilliant in those scenes, but it completely kills the pace of the movie, and I don't think it quite recovered.

Edited by Davis Love III
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Dr. Crippen, an offering from 1963 with Donald Pleasence as creepy as ever in the title role. (It was on one of the obscure film channels at the weekend.) It didn't make him out to be a total villain and even managed to cast doubt on whether he was guilty at all.

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Lights Out 7/10

Not sure why i watch these horror films, spend most of my time shiting myself at cheap jump scares[emoji38]

Where did you watch it? I can't find a decent stream but I'm assuming it's been to the cinema.
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Caught a couple of films on flights over the weekend:

The Nice Guys - I enjoyed it, the two leads worked well together and it was genuinely funny. Felt a little like LA Confidential (but with laughs). 7/10

The Grand Budapest Hotel - Loved it, one of the best movies I have seen in a while. Fiennes was superb and the cast is packed with big names. Thought the entire look of it was superb. 9/10

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Where did you watch it? I can't find a decent stream but I'm assuming it's been to the cinema.

I got it on the Exodus add on in Kodi. I check my Showbox app in the morning and it updates all the recent hd films so when the good ones appear, they also appear on Exodus
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15 hours ago, Saigon Raider said:


The Grand Budapest Hotel - Loved it, one of the best movies I have seen in a while. Fiennes was superb and the cast is packed with big names. Thought the entire look of it was superb. 9/10

Fiennes swearing was hilarious. 

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My Scientology Movie (3/10)

Twice the length of a regular Louis Theroux documentary, and with about a quarter of the content, most of it nothing new. Basically the tense relationship between Louis and the ex-bigwig of Scientology who is his main source of info.

Very underwhelming.

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Deepwater Horizon - 7.5/10

Better than the sub-standard disaster move I was expecting it to be. Not too many cheesy scenes.

I thought it could have been improved upon by going into the aftermath and what happened to BP in some detail. 


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The Big Short (9/10)

Loved it, 2nd time watching it actually as it turned up on Netflix the other week. Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carell, Brad Pitt with some nice wee cameos from Margot Robbie, Selena Gomez, Anthony Bourdain amongst others. Basically about the guys who predicted the economic crash and made a lot of money out it. Recommended.

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Deep-water horizon 8/10 I work in Oil and Gas so obviously I had to see it.

First off, at the time of the disaster I remember being pissed of that the environmental disaster was bigger news than the guys dying just doing their job.

Anyway this is a nice tribute and on the whole the technical and engineering terminology was spot on. I am interested why the general alarm didn't sound when there was confirmed gas. Also when the gas was sucked into the engine intakes why did the overspeed protection not stop the engines?

Expect the director to die in an accident soon

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