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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Absolutely loved Guardians 2. Can't argue with the comedy being a bit over riding at times but the movie was just great fun so I don't really care.

I'll go as high as a 9/10 for it.


Plus Baby Groot.
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Fear Eats The Soul 6.5/10

Fassbinder film I'd never seen and has recently been reissued (not sure why). Not bad but a bit not sure why it seems to have been accorded masterpiece status really, not completely convinced by the narrative and peoples behaviour seemed a bit arbitrary all the way through. Overall decent though

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X Men: Apocalypse

Didn't bother with this at the cinema as the trailers didn't sell it to me at all.  My fears were confirmed.  Terrible.  I really enjoyed First Class and DoFP as well.

3/10 and that's mostly for Jennifer Lawrence and Olivia Munn.

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Aquarius 7/10

Good film this, older Brazilian woman living in an apartment block that developers are trying to buy up cos it's right on the beach but she refuses to sell so it all gets a bit unpleasant, bit of a saucy minx tho loves banging prostitutes and that. More of a portrait of a person than a David V Goliath thing


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The Pianist

Adrien Brody is fantastic in the role of a talented Jewish pianist. Based on a true story we see him escape deportation at the start of WW2 but along with thousands of Polish Jews is boarded up in a ghetto in Warsaw. He witnesses a string of atrocities but manages to escape and hide in the ruins of the city. Remarkable story and Polanski does a great job in the way it's told.


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Neruda 7/10

Another pretty good one, looked great with the use of some lovely filters, very poetic (which I guess was the point given the subject), prob could have been a bit more engaging tho

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Get Out.

Heard a lot of positive reviews about it so finally got around to viewing it.

Aye, no bad. Pretty strange at times but I felt there was a lot of predictability as well. I found myself saying to my missus "I telt ye" on more than one occasion with regards to the story.

I didn't figure out the ending though and thought it was a pretty decent idea. The twist was a belter as well with regards to the two black characters who stayed at the house.

Decent enough film to pass a couple of hours.


Did any Simpsons lovers automatically think of this during a particular scene? :lol:


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Get Out.

Heard a lot of positive reviews about it so finally got around to viewing it.

Aye, no bad. Pretty strange at times but I felt there was a lot of predictability as well. I found myself saying to my missus "I telt ye" on more than one occasion with regards to the story.

I didn't figure out the ending though and thought it was a pretty decent idea. The twist was a belter as well with regards to the two black characters who stayed at the house.

Decent enough film to pass a couple of hours.


Did any Simpsons lovers automatically think of this during a particular scene? :lol:


Nothing worse than c***s telling you what's away to happen in a film you're trying to sit back and enjoy.
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Nothing worse than c***s telling you what's away to happen in a film you're trying to sit back and enjoy.

Where's the spoiler in there? :huh: The Simpsons gif is the only thing I can think of and that's not what happens in the film. When you get to the part I mean you'll know what I mean though.
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