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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Game Night...4/10
Only watched this as I liked Jason Bateman in Ozark. Utterly dreadful with just a handful of funny moments and after an hour I couldn't wait for it to just end.

I really liked it - pushing myself at some points.

A bit of flying recently so saw a few films.

Greatest Showman - loved it, I “think” I might really like musicals 8.5/10

The Prestige - 8/10 - loved the period magic stuff.

Made In America - was a night flight so pretty tired but fairly sure I enjoyed it 7/10
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Never Say Never Again

Sean Connery places a dodgy syrup on top of his napper and stars as James Bond in this spy thriller.  Now this is an "unofficial" Bond movie. It was not made by EON and it shows. It has the feel of a bad 80s B movie with terrible special effects and ropey incidental music. Rowan Atkinson, Pat Roach and Derek Deadman all make cameo apearrances.  Kim Basinger is the obligatory eye candy but somehow doesn't match up to the usual Bond girls.

All in all this was pretty terrible.


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Death Wish (2018)

Was in two minds whether to bother with this but actually quite enjoyed it. Predictable but enjoyable performance by Bruce Willis. Might need to rewatch the original as I recall enjoying it at the time.


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Man on Fire


Turned on the tele about midnight and this had started. Seen it numerous times before and had to watch it again. Great film and possibly Denzel's best. There is not a wasted character in the film from the wee girl (great acting) to the bent Police Chief. Brilliant.



Political/Kidnap thriller. Enjoyable enough to pass the time nothing ground breaking though.



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A pretty good and tense movie about two mates who go for a hunting trip and things take a turn for the worse. A movie more interested in ratcheting up the tension than going for the juggular and for the most part it pays off, but the big flaw is that there's a few secondary characters in there, and outside of one, none of them are much more than one dimensional nobodies. Still though, minor gripe. It's a fun ride.



Just watched calibre there and agree with your opinion of it. Was a great watch tbf, wouldn’t recommend anyone who is feeling anxious to watch it though!


ETA also watched The Prisoner featuring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhall about a missing bairn and a few creepy suspicious locals, thought it was very good if you like suspense thrillers and are looking for a decent watch on Netflix.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:


Just watched calibre there and agree with your opinion of it. Was a great watch tbf, wouldn’t recommend anyone who is feeling anxious to watch it though!


ETA also watched The Prisoner featuring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhall about a missing bairn and a few creepy suspicious locals, thought it was very good if you like suspense thrillers and are looking for a decent watch on Netflix.

Prisoners is a straight to DVD movie with a stellar cast acting the shit out of it. Huge fan.

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Just watched Conspiracy Theory, the Nineties Mel Gibson flick, mainly to see if the conspiracy was that the Jews control the world. Alas.

The tone's all over the place, veering between dark hidden-government thriller to kooky action comedy, and isn't helped by the score, which is frequently offputting. Mel himself is horribly mannered, and it's not hard to stay one step ahead of the plot. Surprised by the decent score it has on the IMDb.

Wow, it's been almost a year since I checked in on this thread. I really don't get to watch enough films these days  :(

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Jeepers Creepers 3 - the latest from convicted paedophile and producer of child porn, Victor Salva. Easily the worst of the series; pretty flat pacing and a generally tired story, along with some shonky CG. Only watched this because the wife wanted to; the series flew downhill at a rate of knots following a promising opening half-hour in the original...basically, when the creature that the films are based around actually appears. Not a good sign.

Saturday the 14th - absolutely shocked to stumble upon a VHS rip of this on Amazon Prime without even looking for it. This was one of my favourite films when I was four years old; we must have rented it from the video shop about a dozen times. It's a cheap and cheesy spoof of horror films from the pre-slasher generation; hardly a great movie, but it was still better than I was expecting, and was entertaining without raising too many laughs. Helps that it's very short too.

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21 hours ago, LeeVanTeeth said:

Slow West

A recent western directed by a Scot and with a couple of flashbacks set in Scotland.

Very decent stuff with Michael Fassbinder in Clint Eastwood mode.


I watched that a couple of years ago. I saw it at the DCA cinema in Dundee. It was pretty good. I believe the director was a member of the Beta Band.

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On 13/07/2018 at 14:06, diamond_for_life said:

Haven’t posted here in a while but in the middle of watching Skyscraper and it is one of the worst things I have ever watched 

So you're using your phone in the cinema during the film? Selfish b*****d.

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Right then. In parts hilariously shit. In parts actual good action. People are, quite rightly, going to hate this movie. I absolutely adored it. It's most parts shit but my score won't reflect that. Movies are there to entertain and by f**k it did that. Not always for the right reasons but I don't care how it happens.

Plus, Johnson's performance is genuinely brilliant and helps in a big way. I warn you that this movie is gash. However...


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Mission: Impossible

Fun first part of the franchise if a wee bit heavy handed at times. Plenty of fun action set pieces, and the whole deal in Prague is absolutely brilliant viewing and sets up the rest of the movie brilliantly. The rest probably doesn't QUITE live up to it, but there's enough twists and thrills to keep it fun.


Mission: Impossible II

Never seen the second half of a movie salvage things quite as spectacularly as it does in this movie. The love triangle all but disappearing, as well as Thandie Newton in general, and Dougray Scott going full blown badass when that happens, mean that it suddenly becomes really good viewing, while the first half of the movie is probably the low point of the franchise so far. Thumbs in the middle, leaning slightly up for getting things right at the right time.


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On 16/07/2018 at 10:53, Mayor Wilkins III said:


Right then. In parts hilariously shit. In parts actual good action. People are, quite rightly, going to hate this movie. I absolutely adored it. It's most parts shit but my score won't reflect that. Movies are there to entertain and by f**k it did that. Not always for the right reasons but I don't care how it happens.

Plus, Johnson's performance is genuinely brilliant and helps in a big way. I warn you that this movie is gash. However...


Saw it at the cinema with the kids this afternoon, the old saying 'it is what it is'


It doesn't wish to be taken too seriously like most action films of this type, knows it aint gonna win a host of golden globes so makes no pretext in being deep, meaningful and soul searching. 

For the genre of these types of film its reasonably okay, a decent two hours or so but wouldn't go out my way to watch it again, if you want a deep and meaningful,  soul searching moralistic tale go watch a classic like Schindlers List, for some outrageously over the top action scenes that are completely unrealistic sprinkled with some neat special effects and pantomime baddies with Eastern European accents give this a bash.

Can only describe it as Die Hard meets Grenfell Tower. 

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Post World-Cup catch-up splurge:


Adrift 6.5/10

Shailene Woodley and Sam Claflin WAIT WAIT WAIT DON’T CLICK BACK basically they’re sailors, they do sailing, it’s a sailor’s life for them. They get asked to sail a boat from Tahiti to California and on the way there they get stuck in a MASSIVE FUCKING STORM. You know the kind of thing, survival at sea, one of them is crippled, the other one is a vegetarian but has to catch and eat fish to survive. Anyway it’s fucking GORGEOUS to look at, absolutely gorgeous, and there’s actually a great twist at the end that takes it away from the obvious happy ending, like if it’s a true story OBVIOUSLY they survive otherwise how could they have told the story. Loads, loads better than I was expecting. It is a bit slow at times and the backstory of how they meet and fall in love is a bit...shit. (cinema)

Whitney 7/10

Kevin MacDonald doco about the tragic life of Whitney Houston. I was never a fan of her music, too saccharine and without the magic of Madonna, maybe with a better songwriter, idk, but she seems hindered by her not-quite-black-enough look which is what really allowed her to own the mainstream. But she was a legitimately enormous star in the US, more consecutive no.1s than anyone else and that was way before the Bodyguard. So there’s loads of family/friend video and it starts off nice enough, her rise to superstardom, seemingly idyllic childhood but it all starts unravelling, the suggestion is she was lesbian but felt forced to fit in with the traditional African American Christian lifestyle, husband, kids, hat, wig, catchphrase, brilliant. So she marries Bobby Brown, and they seem to love each other, or at least they seem to love the idea of each other, anyway obviously he’s a total fucking twat. He’s actually interviewed but wouldn’t talk about drugs and wasn’t even asked about domestic violence. Turns out her dad was a jealous philanderer and had spilt up with her mum long before they would appear together in public with their superstar daughter, and in the end it’s suggested that he was flat out robbing money off her. She has a daughter, Bobbi Krissy, and seemingly doesn’t know how to bring her up, then takes her on the road with her on massive tours. There’s a proper depressing reveal, google it if you like, which attempts to put everything into context, and it doesn’t quite work but still...it’s a gutpunch. The saddest thing is, and I had no idea about this, she was making a film the year before she died, a remake of her favourite film when she was a teen in the 70s, ‘Sparkle’, and she seemed to be doing great and getting herself back together. Then they find her face down in a bath in her hotel. Then her daughter dies pretty much the same way (these are not spoilers). And then it ends. Proper, proper depress and for whatever reason he fails to hang it all together compellingly. But it’s very careful to paint Whitney in a sensitive light and it’s really very solid filmmaking. (cinema)

Geostorm 6/10

On Sky so I watched it for nowt. First of all, 14% tomatoes so it got absolutely slated and you wouldn’t expect anything less. It’s really NOT that bad, I mean it’s TERRIBLE but it’s not THAT bad like you think. I will watch ANY, and I MEAN ANY post-apoco/disaster CGI bullshit to see what cities they blow up. In this one we get Afghanistan, Rio and Dubai. The plot is someone’s put a virus in the climate control satellites that control global warmings. WHATEVER DUDE, yeah you have to go to the ISS to fix it, no remote access, bit of an oversight nevermind. They send Gerard Butler up there (!) he is SHIT isn’t he, anyway they send him up there and he uncovers a high level plot to destroy the earth. He’s got a kid as well and a brother and they don’t get on, I wonder if they do by the end though! The Dubai destruction is he best/worst bit, literally a Sheikh in full local dress looks out from his skyscraper as a tsunami rolls in I MEAN COME ON it’s more likely to be some white shit tax exile! The ending is fucking RIDIC, example: 

Mission Control: Let’s see if we can turn the space shuttle around to pick them up

Like it’s a taxi! It’s so stupid! 

Sequel please

Sicario 2: Soldado 8/10

Really solid action thriller, great performances, really tense, can’t wait to watch the first one now! (cinema)

The Strange Things About The Johnsons 8/10

Holy fucking shit I’ve never seen anything like this before, absolutely insane. Same director as Hereditary. (YouTube)


Mr Marstadon and the Wonder Woman 10/10

Amazing if true (it’s true) story about the creator of Wonder Woman and his HIGHLY unusual (especially for the time) sex/personal life. I hadn’t even heard of this film and only watched it because of the cover. It’s really good and you wouldn’t believe how much S&M was in the early WW comics. I reckon a whole generation of young boys were kinked-up as a result. He also invented the lie detector with his wife! You don’t even have to like comics or the Marvel Universe to enjoy it as it’s much more human than that SHIT. (DVD)

Happy Death Day 6/10

Like ‘Groundhog Day’ but a “horror” where a woman is caught in a loop where she gets murdered each time. Enjoyable fluff! I totally guessed it as well which I never do, so it’s pretty easy to guess! (Sky)

The Incredibles 2 7/10

Very funny. (cinema)

Skyscraper 6/10

Honestly it really wasn’t ‘Die Hard’ at all, there was loads different, loads different. It was exciting and fun and beautifully designed. (cinema)

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