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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Just now, accies1874 said:

Between being a student in 2019 and being in a pandemic in 2020, I must've watched close to a thousand across those two years (obvs not all for the first time). I kept a note of how many but I'm too scared to look.


Double b*****d!

I suppose there's always retirement, assuming I live to 80 (or whatever the age will be by then).

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No Time To Die - 4/10

All about the cinematography and locations, which were impressive. Storyline is pish. Freddy Mercury was a shit baddie too. What was the point of all the 4x4s and motorbikes and helicopters chasing them in Norway? I think I just can’t be bothered with these types of formulaic films anymore.

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7 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Think theirs is a fair review. It’s a mess of a movie especially in the action and “real” sections but the meta stuff and themes are class if very unsubtle.

Laughed like a drain at them as opposed to groaning though.

To channel my inner Zizek.

"The true Matrix Resurrections of our time is a film where Neo and Trinity are never able to leave the Matrix and become more and more dependent on it to maintain their own identities and relationship as time goes on. In 1999 Neo can fight the Matrix, in 2021 he can only ask it to be kinder to him. Hmmmph"

I'm always a bit annoyed when film makers do the "studio forced me to do this" schitck. They somehow spent $190 million making this, i'm sure they could have made a far more interesting movie much more cheaply if they really wanted to. 

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On 02/01/2022 at 23:56, deegee said:

Watching Saving Private Ryan on Channel 5. I remember watching this totally shocked at the cinema in 1998 when it was released , especially the opening 20-25 minutes on the D- Day Landings.

Absolutely tremendous opening to a film, none of this easing you into the plot or gently introducing the action, simply a big "here fucking have all this before you've finished your nachos/hotdog or whatever your eating" 

The whole film was just class, but the opening 20 odd mins was a level above that

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10 hours ago, accies1874 said:



This is what appeals to me. A lot of it just seems like Lana Wachowski was trolling which I can imagine being funny no matter if it's intentional.

Between being a student in 2019 and being in a pandemic in 2020, I must've watched close to a thousand across those two years (obvs not all for the first time). I kept a note of how many but I'm too scared to look.


Over one film a day on average is fucking nuts, but fair play as well, if its what you enjoy then f**k it lol

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On 02/01/2022 at 15:54, pozbaird said:

Just watched ‘No Time to Die’ for the first time. Never saw it in the cinema, avoided reviews. I’m a huge Bond fan too… utter pish. Shite theme tune, way, way, too long, and Blofeld’s Bionic Eye? FFS. Obviously, before watching, you park your sensible head in a car park space reserved for James Bond, but even then, there’s levels of OTT gadgetry or sheer stupidity that, in my opinion, can go a long way to me thinking if a Bond movie is a good one, or a crap one. Blofeld’s Bionic Eye, and magnets thrown down a lift shaft so you can just jump down? That crosses a line into Brosnan’s invisible car territory, IMHO. 

A shite Bond villain, a meandering tensionless plot, and those long, deliberate monologues between the main characters for no other reason than to show us ‘these guys can really act, no, really, this is serious acting shit going on here’. Malik’s mumbling, slurring, speaking oh-so-slowly character was bloody awful.

I really like Daniel Craig, and I thought ‘Spectre’ was a tremendous film, but this is tosh.

Agree entire with your view in NTTD, but not with your assessment of Spectre. A movie with the best pre-credits sequence of all the Bonds followed by an absolute by the numbers, lazy (but also trying hard to be too clever by weirdly ret-conning Silver and Le Chiffre into Blofeld's plan) and utterly boring film which wasted Blofeld, the greatest of all Bond villains.

Anyway, heids gone thread for this pish 🙃

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Radiohead's theme song works so much better with the opening credits to Spectre and tone of the film/series than the generic pish they went along with.


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6 hours ago, Soapy FFC said:

Watched the Godfather 2 yesterday. 3 hours well spent.

There's a TV edit of the first two films stitched together, including lots of extra scenes and suchlike. I wouldn't say it's better than either of them individually, and I think it's edited to remove some of the less daytime TV-friendly scenes, but it's still well worth tracking down if you're a fan. I don't know if it's ever been shown here.

Edit: turns out that it's since been upgraded to HD, and has had the edits restored! Also, there's a version that includes the third film, if you really have to.


Edited by BFTD
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55 minutes ago, BigDoddyKane said:

I just spent nearly an hour on netflix and hbo max for a movie to watch tonight, any decent looking ones ive already seen

Been there, done that. That's the reason I stopped subscribing to streaming services.

I'm sure they're great if you're into TV series, but I don't often have the time. For films, it's either DVD or BitTorrent for me.

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On 29/12/2021 at 22:52, Richey Edwards said:

The Untouchables. I had never seen it before.

Starring Sean Connery doing the same accent he does in all of his movies.

I had the game on the commodore 64. It was great. If you typed in the word "technique" on the loading page, you got infinite lives. 

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2 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I watched Ghostbusters the other day and I was surprised at how modern it looked. Even the CGI stuff didn't look old and still looked more real than the stuff you get nowadays.

There's a definite argument for well-done practical effects over CGI, at least in some cases.

See The Thing (1982) vs The Thing (2011), for example. Although apparently the latter film was filmed with excellent practical effects, only for Universal to draw over them with CG afterwards  :yucky

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