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Breaking Bad


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My prediction is that Jesse will make some kind of phosphine gas (in the same way that Walt did in the very first episode to kill crazy 8 and his cousin) and us it to kill the neo-nazi's. I'm pretty sure walt showed him or at least told him what he had made. The main reason I think that is cause they made a point of the neo-nazi guys not wearing gas masks when in the cooking bit. Apart from Todd anyway the others weren't wearing them. Maybe the others will die and Jesse will kill Todd. that would be quite fitting seeing as he killed his bird. I would expect the risen will be fore lydia or Grechin and her husband as other have said I don't think he'll kill himself.

it's breaking bad though so you never know what will happen

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There will always be a few wtf moments in any series never seen a show that is completely infallible tho considering alot of BBs moments are needed to knock the plot forward and so few and far between I don't see the issue

Hoping for a great finish to the show it really deserves to end well tho I can't imagine a typical happy ending for any of the characters

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There will always be a few wtf moments in any series never seen a show that is completely infallible tho considering alot of BBs moments are needed to knock the plot forward and so few and far between I don't see the issue

Hoping for a great finish to the show it really deserves to end well tho I can't imagine a typical happy ending for any of the characters

It's just needless nitpicking to try and be controversial. I don't even want to comprehend how boring someone has to be to be watching these episodes and mainly taking away stupidly small potential plot errors.

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The thing you notice about watching it week to week is that a lot of the time people will bitch about an issue which is cleared up in the following episode (meaning it is essentially a non-issue). I saw this happening a fair bit with Game of Thrones as well.

Some of the examples from this run of BB which spring to mind are the complaints about the Nazis still wanting to make meth despite their massive windfall, the complaints (of which I kinda made some) about the shootout stupidly sparing Hank and Gomie despite them having no cover and I think a fair few more which I can't recall at the moment, besides these.

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Can't believe a guy with a hundred thousand dollars on him managed to get out of eyesight of a bar in rural New Hampshire by the time the Albuquerque DEA switchboard operator passed a call to an agent, who traced it and deployed police to the location.

TSAR you should be working in Hollywood, cleaning up these silly mistakes.

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How much he sold his share for is irrelevant, his hand was forced due to circumstances. They built a huge company off the back of his research. He sold as he felt he was being forced out because of what had happened with him and Elliott in regards to Gretchen. Schwarz admitted at the party they hosted in series one that Walt was the brainchild behind the entire Grey Matter and offered him a place back.

Exactly. You can clearly see in the flashback in season one with Walt and Gretchen that he is the one driving the research forward while she seems to be studying his work and learning from it. And Elliot was clearly grateful for Walt and Skyler's present as it reminded him of all the hard work they both put into the research which made Gretchen and Elliot their fortune.

Walt clearly put a lot of work into that research and got very little financial reward for it and now as a result of his criminal activities, Gretchen and Elliot are attempting to discredit him as a legitimate scientist and take away the smallest real success that Walt achieved before he became Heisenberg.

I think if Walt really is going to kill Gretchen and Elliot then he'll at least try use the ricin on them. Going round to their house and gunning them down would be a very crude and violent form of revenge that in his eyes would probably only serve to show him as less intelligent or less sophisticated than them. In Walt's mind, using the ricin on them would be more appropriate as he'd be using his scientific knowledge to destroy the people who screwed him over his research.

He's going to have tread lightly next week though. The police will likely be on the lookout in case he comes back to his home town after he phoned the DEA, especially if Flynne told anyone that Walter called him to try and give him money. Plus you'd have to imagine that the neighbour who saw him outside the abandoned White home will have called the cops to report his prescence there.

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Can't see them going for a cop out ending.

ok....how about...Walter goes mental with a machine gun and blasts everybody...but at the end we find out he was actually day dreaming the whole thing sitting in his classroom. Think of the seethe :lol:

The ultimate cop out

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ok....how about...Walter goes mental with a machine gun and blasts everybody...but at the end we find out he was actually day dreaming the whole thing sitting in his classroom. Think of the seethe :lol:

The ultimate cop out

Or just use an ending similar the thing where Jessie and Walt are sitting in a room Jessie has been shot/stabbed and Walt is coughing his lungs out and just fades out....

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Will walt really be so blunt as to kill Elliot and Gretchen with the ricin? For a guy who gets off on solving problems better than anyone else, of being the smartest man in the room, it strikes me as being a bit empty. I think he will go after gray matter, but I wonder if it won't be in an attempt to discreidt the pair, maybe try and implicate them in the distribution of the Meth, or even plant the ricin in such a way as to implicate them in the wider crimes.

it jsut seem slike he'll want to try and outsmart them, rather than just kill them.

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Despite the slower pace I really enjoyed the last episode, particularly Todd's interactions with the 3 different female characters. Firstly, the way he is infatuated with Lydia to the point he wants to keep in the meth business at almost all costs just to try and get his hole. He then lets Skylar off fairly lightly because he believes she wont say anything (and possibly because he respects Walt) and then at the end, he coldly despatches Jesse's burd telling her "it's nothing personal".

Obviously all the stuff with Walt was excellent but I just thought that side of the ep was also quite interesting and seemed to run as a main feature of the episode.

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Yeah id imagine he would probably want to outdo them, wonder how much it would cost to buy controlling shares in the company?.....

That fact that Gray Matter has always been niggling away at the back of his mind for years as well as the flashbacks early on in the show I really hope he manages to give them a proper f$ck you to them for selling him short like that

Monday is going to be an emotional day regardless, if anyone gives spoilers before I feel im well within my rights to send them to Belize

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I heard final episode is 75 mins long ,anyone else heard this

The last episode that aired was also 75 minutes long. This equates to about 55 minutes with advertisements taken out.

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Just hope there isn't too much of a wait before Call Saul starts. Saul and Mike were 2 of the best characters outiside the main cast and should really make for good watching if not alot more lighthearted than what we are used to in the BB universe

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