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Guest Wieghortsnut
2 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

I've text my gaffer and took a couple days off. Messages a few folk I love and cherish dearly but hardly see nowadays (life) and I am going to go and meet up with them for a coffee. I am still all over the place but the feeling of getting to see someone I truly love is keeping me on an even keel.


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Guest Wieghortsnut
2 hours ago, energyzone said:







At least you guys admit that you have a problem - it's an important first step and you deserve credit for opening up about it, even if it's anonymously on this forum.

I don't know if your issues are because of the drugs or that they are just one of the symptoms. Either way, they clearly aren't helping. This thread is a safe haven - we are all supportive and some decent advice is given out on a regular basis. I don't have any personal experience with drug misuse unfortunately (or fortunately), but I've met enough addicts during the course of my career to know that there is plenty of help out there. And I don't just mean from the NHS - I mean from people who have been in your position, or are in your position who can help. Hopefully someone on here has a bit of experience with this kind of thing and can offer some words of wisdom or signpost you to somewhere helpful.

But please post if you are struggling, it helps to talk, even to strangers on the internet. I'm sorry you're going through a really hard time and I hope it gets better for you soon.






I do it out if pure boredom and to escape the other problems I have with whats going on at home, only getting to see my kids 2 days a week is killing me. My issues are my own doing tbh

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2 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

I've text my gaffer and took a couple days off. Messages a few folk I love and cherish dearly but hardly see nowadays (life) and I am going to go and meet up with them for a coffee. I am still all over the place but the feeling of getting to see someone I truly love is keeping me on an even keel.

You're a decent bloke and a good poster.  Hope you get things sorted.

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2 hours ago, Wieghortsnut said:

I do it out if pure boredom and to escape the other problems I have with whats going on at home, only getting to see my kids 2 days a week is killing me. My issues are my own doing tbh

Don't let your ex get wind of you doing lines. You could end up in a very messy custody)visitation by supervison only scenario.

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I'm not long off of a half hour "assessment appointment" call. I'm being put on some drug for my alcohol misuse and been asked to ween myself off of cocaine. "Don't try and quit from 14grams a week, come down to 7 or 10 a week, then reduce it further".

Massive waste of time. I'll beat it myself.


Edited by Mr. Alli
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I'm not long off of a half hour "assessment appointment" call. I'm being put on some drug for my alcohol misuse and been asked to ween myself off of cocaine. "Don't try and quit from 14grams a week, come down to 7 or 10 a week, then reduce it further".
Massive waste of time. I'll beat it myself.

What’s the drug for alcohol withdrawal?

Also I wouldn’t detach yourself from the process/system; give it a chance and some time, it won’t work overnight. Complete cold turkey very rarely works with a high tolerance amount and more often than not results in larger relapses. Did they give you a follow up appointment?

I know the advice of “just go down to a lower amount of this horrible drug” is on the surface quite blunt and almost unhelpful but it’s the only advice they can give over the phone without seeing you face to face. Do you know if it was a doctor/psychiatrist you spoke to?
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1 minute ago, SweeperDee said:

What’s the drug for alcohol withdraw?

Nalcrazone (?) I think that's what she said.

2 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Did they give you a follow up appointment?

I need to go to my GP and get bloods taken before being sent to Cardiology at Ninewells.

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Naltrexone, it’ll be. Blocks euphoric effects of alcohol and some drugs, mostly opiates. You won’t be on it long term as it has interactions with stimulant substances but in the short term it’s a good choice.

That’s fair; like I said they will need to see you in person and get a proper breakdown and look at your body/bloods before recommending targeted treatment for the substance use.

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Just now, SweeperDee said:

Not used as much in the U.K. because it can make users very ill if they use that and end up drinking. Good deterrent but can cause complications.

There was someone who used to post on here took antabuse, it's the only reason I've heard of it. This was around 10 years ago so, as you say, probably not prescribed much these days.

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Guest Wieghortsnut
10 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

I'm not long off of a half hour "assessment appointment" call. I'm being put on some drug for my alcohol misuse and been asked to ween myself off of cocaine. "Don't try and quit from 14grams a week, come down to 7 or 10 a week, then reduce it further".

Massive waste of time. I'll beat it myself.


Im struggling to beat it, another hq tonight out of pure boredom. Biggest problem i have is I've got the money to buy it. If I was el skinto I wouldn't get it. 

Getting to stay over with the bairns and missus tomorrow night so I havent and won't finish what I got, ive got something to actually look forward to now

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On 07/06/2022 at 22:32, Guest Wieghortsnut said:

Im struggling to beat it, another hq tonight out of pure boredom. Biggest problem i have is I've got the money to buy it. If I was el skinto I wouldn't get it. 

Getting to stay over with the bairns and missus tomorrow night so I havent and won't finish what I got, ive got something to actually look forward to now

Noticed earlier that Wieghortsnut has left out of the blue. I hope he is OK and getting the help he needs. Does anyone know him IRL?

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Hope weighorstsnut is doing ok.

Been signed off work for two weeks. Head is up my arse. Ex has decided that I can't see the kids then referred me to child maintenance for the max amount. All despite me having had the kids more than the agreed days and never missing a payment in 8 years. It's brutal.  

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On 07/06/2022 at 11:54, Arch Stanton said:

There was someone who used to post on here took antabuse, it's the only reason I've heard of it. This was around 10 years ago so, as you say, probably not prescribed much these days.

It's a long time since I heard of antabuse, it was usually prescribed/administered under medical supervision while in an alcoholic unit, as mentioned it could make you very ill if you drank alcohol on top of it.

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Struggling like f**k right now & will be erratic on here so apologies for that & giving the mods extra work. Snorkmaidens mum died just before Christmad & she has not taken it well, I am trying to support her while burying my own issues as they are pathetic in comparison but the catastrophic feelings are dragging me down quicker and quicker. I hate myself for sticking two fingers up to my old career & settling for a no worries job that pays peanuts, but lets me enjoy my time here. I am still stressed 24/7 though looking at the bank balance & panicking like f**k that there will be too much month at the end of the money. I just feel like I can't win & it is dragging me back to the precipice. Sorry for ranting but I just don't know what the f**k to do.

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8 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

Struggling like f**k right now & will be erratic on here so apologies for that & giving the mods extra work. Snorkmaidens mum died just before Christmad & she has not taken it well, I am trying to support her while burying my own issues as they are pathetic in comparison but the catastrophic feelings are dragging me down quicker and quicker. I hate myself for sticking two fingers up to my old career & settling for a no worries job that pays peanuts, but lets me enjoy my time here. I am still stressed 24/7 though looking at the bank balance & panicking like f**k that there will be too much month at the end of the money. I just feel like I can't win & it is dragging me back to the precipice. Sorry for ranting but I just don't know what the f**k to do.

First thing I would say is that, hard as your partners loss is and you're 100% right in giving them all the support you can, completely burying your own issues isn't going to help as they will continue to niggle away at you. You need to allow some time to deal with your own demons, we all do. Speak to her about how you feel too, I'd wager she's completely oblivious to your own repressed problems affecting you as much as they are, and sharing them with her could make an instant improvement. 

Money worries are always towards the top of a lot folks' problems, but look at your career move more positively in the fact that having remained in your old post would, presumably, have led to you having even more stress in your life than you already do. You can't put a price on having a job that allows you some time to relax, switch off and enjoy.

If making it to the end of the month financially is a real concern, get onto Stepchange or similar who will help you come up with a plan or debt consolidation if required to reduce your outgoings as much as possible. These services really can and do help, non-judgmentally and confidentiality, so please reach out to them if you need to. A boy at work did this and swears it changed his life overnight, and you could literally see the stress lifted off him. Never be too proud to seek help, financially, mentally or otherwise if you need it. Everyone does from time to time.

It's shit when life hits you with one blow after another, but keep your chin up, have a think and try to prioritise things and work through them one by one so that you see progress being made. A clear head and a clear plan can hopefully help you chip away and climb back up.

Getting it out on here is a good start, you'll get there. Keep on keeping on, and keep on posting on here opening up to a bunch of unqualified, anonymous weirdo's on a football forum has its own strange positive and therapeutic effect. Long winded reply, but best of luck to you and fingers crossed things begin to feel better soon.

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10 minutes ago, 'WellDel said:

First thing I would say is that, hard as your partners loss is and you're 100% right in giving them all the support you can, completely burying your own issues isn't going to help as they will continue to niggle away at you. You need to allow some time to deal with your own demons, we all do. Speak to her about how you feel too, I'd wager she's completely oblivious to your own repressed problems affecting you as much as they are, and sharing them with her could make an instant improvement. 

Money worries are always towards the top of a lot folks' problems, but look at your career move more positively in the fact that having remained in your old post would, presumably, have led to you having even more stress in your life than you already do. You can't put a price on having a job that allows you some time to relax, switch off and enjoy.

If making it to the end of the month financially is a real concern, get onto Stepchange or similar who will help you come up with a plan or debt consolidation if required to reduce your outgoings as much as possible. These services really can and do help, non-judgmentally and confidentiality, so please reach out to them if you need to. A boy at work did this and swears it changed his life overnight, and you could literally see the stress lifted off him. Never be too proud to seek help, financially, mentally or otherwise if you need it. Everyone does from time to time.

It's shit when life hits you with one blow after another, but keep your chin up, have a think and try to prioritise things and work through them one by one so that you see progress being made. A clear head and a clear plan can hopefully help you chip away and climb back up.

Getting it out on here is a good start, you'll get there. Keep on keeping on, and keep on posting on here opening up to a bunch of unqualified, anonymous weirdo's on a football forum has its own strange positive and therapeutic effect. Long winded reply, but best of luck to you and fingers crossed things begin to feel better soon.

Cheers min, it does & continues to do so. I cant burden Snorkmaiden with my shite while she is struggling and I feel guilty af that my issues are that I still have a little bit of money at the end of the month rather than knowing there will always be enough there, I grew up with hee haw & it always motivates me to make sure I am ok financially, the last few years have gubbed me though & I am turning in on myself. I will get through it though, I always do & the fact that I genuinely love my job will help beyond all fiscal paucity that will occur.

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