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I've already asked him to do that but he insists on keeping it going. If anything it's outed him as even more of an arsehole than I previously thought, which has been useful I suppose. Sorry if its doing your head in though.

You're the one sounding like an obnoxious arsehole TBH, but then again that seems to be par for the course when you appear in any thread.

Try and find something constructive to occupy your time, it'll make you feel better about yourself without having to constantly troll threads looking for kicks by putting people down. :)

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I am being genuine. I'm back at work tommorow after a weeks holiday, and I'm already getting worked up and anxious about going back tommorow. The wife's pal and her man have came up for a bite to eat and a few drinks, but I feel like just going up to my bed and shutting the curtains, but that Would just be fucking selfish.

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Guest The Phoenix

Philpy, if you were truly depressed, you would be in bed with the curtains shut instead of posting about it on here. I'm not saying you're not being genuine with regards to feeling uptight but sharing your problems on here isn't going to sort anything.

This clearly isn't just about your job and you need to talk to a professional about how you are feeling and a good start point would be to make an appointment with your GP.

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I know where the guy is coming from here.

The frustrating thing is people see you able to walk about, go to Asda, even pop out for a pint or go to the match and think you are fine or that you are at it.

The reality is very different, after some personal health issues, a divorce, money problems and the death of my father i was at rock bottom in 2010, coming to a head when i swallowed a ton of pills.

But because i was able to walk around and look physically fit and well folk thought i was sound.

I wasnt, i was dying inside. I only got better because i spoke to people about how i felt, im better now but still have dark days, its something that will never truly 100% leave you but you CAN shut it very far away and cope with but ONLY if you open up to the right people.

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Philpy, if you were truly depressed, you would be in bed with the curtains shut instead of posting about it on here.

Not sure if serious.
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Just feel that my life is passing me by really, utterly fed up.

I felt like that for ages when I was at Sky on constant 4-11pm.

When I got the job we (Me & the wife) agreed that I'd do that until the wee felly went to school and then I'd look for something that'd afford us more time together as she works 9-5pm and we'd never see each other apart from weekends. Then my wee girl came along and I knew then that I'd be doing that shitey shift for a further two years.

I just kept on looking at the pin p***k of light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that I'd walk out into it one of those days and I'm sure you'll do the same, my man.

I lost my old man in April. Complete shock as I thought he was going in to the hospital with a slipped disc in his back only to be told that pneumonia had quickly taken hold, the pneumonia being brought on by what would have been terminal lung cancer. None of us, least of all my Dad, had a clue that things were anywhere near as bad.

So I thought that my Dad was going in to hospital with a slipped disc at 06:30 and I'd lost him less than 12 hours later at 17:30.

Hit me extremely hard as you'd expect and I felt that I kinda shut down to the state that I was almost doing things robotically. Still kinda like that, just focussing on making sure my wee Mum is alright and living the life that my auld man would want me to live.

Sorry for blabbering on but this is a good thread to get that off my chest!

All the best, everyone. Hope you all get through things one way or another.

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The only reason I'm not in bed Is because we have guests here.

Drop your keys in a bowl and see what happens, they might be the type of guests to join you.

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If you feel like youre about to slip into a shitey mood, check out Elliot Hulses youtube vid on depression.

Or watch Jeremy Kyle in the morning. If ever there was a programme to make you feel better about your life then that's the one :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not really the right thread to put this in, but creating a new one isn't necessary.

During the past year, I've found myself feeling pretty anxious about things; pretty much anything going on in my life, whether it is an important thing or a really minor one. I try not to take life too seriously in order not to get worked up about stuff, but my tendency to not care about things can also be something quite negative. Anyway, I've been feeling really stressed over the last couple of days in relation to sorting out a new flat in Dundee. Today, in particular, I've felt pretty sick and dizzy because of it. Checked my heart rate a few times today just out of interest, and it's pretty much constantly at 120bpm which is a bit worrying. Should I check this out? Maybe I have anxiety/stress problems.

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