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Much as I really enjoyed last night, going to work Thanksgiving party. it just reminded me how much I miss the people I work with every day (one in particular but that's another story). Felt like shyte last night coming "home" to an empty house. Still trying to get over the come-down, bugger!

Were your colleagues well aware of your physical and mental health? What were their thoughts on your job situation? My friends seemed a bit stand-offish when I answered "ill-health" to questions on why I wasn't texting back. I hope your former colleagues are a lot more helpful (difference between adults and kids I guess).

Crisis over, I just slept my way through


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This is my first foray into this thread I think, but having read some of the pages of this long thread, I feel I can relate to so many things I have read people say on here and though I've always been kind-of aware that at times I get depressed, I have been partially in denial and try to immerse myself in something else to take my mind off things, but all I ever do is put it to the back of my mind then once I'm done whatever I've been doing as a distraction, I find myself dwelling on the same old thing that makes me depressed when I do get down and tend to be unable to lift myself out of it for a week at a time. Usually fine when with people at work or with Mrs Mile and the bairn, but I do a lot of long journeys with work and if I'm having one of my glum weeks, the depression really sets in when I am alone driving and often at night when Mrs Mile and the bairn are away to bed and I'm sat up watching TV myself.

Not really sure where I'm going with all this or what good it'll do but hey, it's all said now.

Throwing shite at people is no excuse Milesy :)

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still struggling day to day. Still off work, find myself really conflicted. The woman i was seeing is one of the big reasons i find myself in this situation and i know this all too well, but i cannot make myself give her up. I dunno if its weakness on my part but as much as i try i cannot

Is this the same lassie that cut you off after using you as a flannel for her tears?

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I usually get depressed at this time of year and end up crying over nothing because I feel sad

Because of Christmas?

Everyone's miserable at this time of year, in one way or another. Even Alloa fans. Not sure if that helps any :P

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Were your colleagues well aware of your physical and mental health? What were their thoughts on your job situation? My friends seemed a bit stand-offish when I answered "ill-health" to questions on why I wasn't texting back. I hope your former colleagues are a lot more helpful (difference between adults and kids I guess).

Since I started being open about depression and other problems, I don't have a single person left in my life who isn't family.

Amazing how many people stop calling when they find out that you can't do x, y or z for them anymore.

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Not true friends at all.

That can be a bit of a harsh judgement. If people do not understand what you are going through and you suddenly change people might just think you are being a bit of an arse and best to avoid for a bit. This may not be what is happening in this case but depression can sometimes make you behave in a way that puts people off.

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Not sure it relates to depression as much, but I do occasionally feel depressed that I don't have a big close gang of friends anymore, typically around 15-20 of us hung around/went out boozing etc when we were younger.

However the day Mrs Mile said "I'm pregnant" I said to myself that's it, time to grow up, step up, go out less, quit the party drugs, and do what needs done.

Like you said above Dave, it's amazing how quick some of your supposed "good friends" (typically the single friends) will drop you when you can't or won't do X, Y or Z anymore.

Everyone chooses different paths though Magee, since we had our wee one in June I have scarcely seen some of my older pals. I just move in different circles now and seem to have ended up palling about with guys who have kids and i can relate to more.

Without thinking, your single pals might be saying, he's got not time for me now he's got a kid and are leaving you to it.

Edited by Bobby Skidmarks
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That can be a bit of a harsh judgement. If people do not understand what you are going through and you suddenly change people might just think you are being a bit of an arse and best to avoid for a bit. This may not be what is happening in this case but depression can sometimes make you behave in a way that puts people off.

See I was meaning if they knew what you were going through.

Different if they don't know.

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I've got an appointment with a community mental health nurse in a few days, what should I expect from it?

I'm going to try and put the stuff I posted about previously behind me. I don't know how much of my behaviour was caused by any mental health problems or vice versa but I think trying to live a simpler, quieter life without nonsense and distractions can only help.

Edited by Fireplace
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I must hate Christmas or something might even hate winter as I get depressed between November to April

I am sure I am depressed because I can't sleep and I eat to much at this time because I feel sad

Sounds like you might have that Seasonal Affective Disorder. I'm sure there's a few folk on here that do.

Apparently you can get some kind of lamp to shine on yourself for half an hour a day that gives you the sunlight you're missing, and it makes a big difference. Certainly worth asking the doctor about IMO. I think the NHS can provide the equipment.

Y'know, no matter how I try, I can't make this read any less like I'm taking the piss :wacko:

I think the reasons I have got depression is

1) Stirling Albion

I'm sure there are a few folk on here who have that problem too :P

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I've got an appointment with a community mental health nurse in a few days, what should I expect from it?

Allow me to indulge my misery by saying: precious fucking little.

Let's be positive and assume your experience will be different. It's nothing to worry about, they won't give you an enema or anything; those days are long gone. At worst, a lot of talking followed by medication.

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I've got an appointment with a community mental health nurse in a few days, what should I expect from it?

Allow me to indulge my misery by saying: precious fucking little.

Let's be positive and assume your experience will be different. It's nothing to worry about, they won't give you an enema or anything; those days are long gone. At worst, a lot of talking followed by medication.

I'd disagree with Dave. It helped me to speak with someone who didn't know me, I appreciate not all people would like that. I took the approach of being entirely honest and open with them, I thought I couldn't be helped properly if I didn't explain everything about how I was feeling, even if some of it was embarrassing. I thought, if I put everything out and it doesn't help me then I know it's not for me and there was no harm done.

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I'd disagree with Dave. It helped me to speak with someone who didn't know me, I appreciate not all people would like that. I took the approach of being entirely honest and open with them, I thought I couldn't be helped properly if I didn't explain everything about how I was feeling, even if some of it was embarrassing. I thought, if I put everything out and it doesn't help me then I know it's not for me and there was no harm done.

Aye, they kept telling me that talking worked for some folk; hopefully it does for Mr Fireplace. There's no point doing it if you aren't going to be open with them. It's not like they're going to tell your mates, and you can be sure they've heard a lot worse from the DJs on their books :ph34r:

I'm thinking euthanasia is the best bet for miserable c***s like me :P

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Feeling a bit pissed off after tonight after training.

Basically i'm struggling to get a game for my first team yet i'm rated quite a lot by coaches, my teammates and opposition players. It's similar to why Griffiths isn't getting a chance at Celtic and before anyone ask i haven't got 4 bairns.

Found out some gossip tonight. Really don't know what to do now :(.

Was feeling down this evening. I have just told one of my closet friends how i really feel about everything. It took me about an hour to send her a message but i'm happy i've got everything out of my system i've always wanted to say but not had the bottle to do so.

Really not trying to be a p***k here, but are you for real with this stuff?

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If you've got Seasonal Affective Disorder or just feel much shiter in the winter with the day light being much shorter definitely invest in a light box. My girlfriend's got one and even ten minutes of it a day can really help combat that low mood that comes from missing out on any sunlight.

Reckon my trouble sleeping will be alleviated when I nail this personal statement for uni and have it completed. Feel a little more confident about getting into a postgraduate but if not I'm gonna make an effort to find work that pays fairly decent so I'm not languishing in a shit minimum wage gig.

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